Royal Flush wins 2nd consecutive time at Red Rock Casino

If you ask a video poker player, they’ll say it’s very hard to hit Royal Flush. It’s harder to hit Royal Flush sequentially (or reversibly).

On Friday, Jan. 15, two guests beat them in a matter of hours at Red Rock Casino, Resort & Spa in Summerlin, taking home jackpots worth as much as $132,395 and $27,101.

The first guest, a local, recorded reversible consecutive royals to win $27,101 with a $1.25 bet at about 5:30 p.m.

Hours later, at around 9:30 p.m., another local hit back-to-back royals, winning a hefty $132,395 with a $1.25 bet.

Both guests requested anonymity.   바카라사이트

Royal Flush wins 2nd consecutive time at Red Rock Casinoultima modifica: 2024-04-17T09:28:37+02:00da outlookindia0471

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