Release of Tears Son Jun-ho, Totally Goodbye to Chinese Football

After completing the trial, Son Joon-ho was recently released and returned home on the afternoon of the 25th. <Sports Chosun’s exclusive report on March 25> It is 3.19 million times that Son Joon-ho, who was detained under investigation by Chinese public security on May 12 last year, stepped on Korean soil. There is no major abnormality in his physical condition. Son Joon-ho, who will rest in his family’s arms for a while, is reportedly planning to return to the ground.

Amid mixed opinions about Son Jun-ho’s status, it was confirmed that his contract with Shandong Taishan, his team, was terminated from the Chinese media. In an article on the hidden story related to Son Jun-ho’s release on the 6th, the Chinese portal Sohu Dotcom said Son Jun-ho terminated his contract with Shandong during his detention. Son Jun-ho joined Shandong in January 2021 and signed a long-term extension contract until 2025 in recognition of his performance during the 2022 season.

“Sohoo Dotcom” said, “Son Joon-ho’s return to Korea also means that he is completely saying goodbye to Chinese soccer.” Son Joon-ho, who made his professional debut in Pohang in 2014 and played in Jeonbuk from 2018 to 2020, is expected to pursue his move to the K-League as an invincible player. “Considering that Son Joon-ho is 32 years old, it will be difficult to return to his previous state,” said Soohoo Dotcom, but multiple domestic soccer officials agreed that many teams would be interested as he is a top midfielder with a national team career.

“I don’t know what happened, but my teammates have prayed and supported me,” Lee Jae-sung (Mainz), the same-age national midfielder, said at a press conference against Thailand on the 25th. “I support and support you to play your favorite soccer again.”

Meanwhile, Sohu Dotcom said, “Is Son’s problem solved? Is he suspected of fixing the match, or was he arrested for the transfer fee? There is no clear answer yet,” adding that it is not currently possible to confirm whether Son is guilty or not. He added that the release of Son, who is “the first foreign player detained in Chinese soccer history,” suggests that the anti-corruption campaign of Chinese soccer from the Chinese government may end. Liu Wenqiao, a reporter for “Eastern Sports News,” said, “It may not be revealed what kind of game Son was involved in.”

BY: 토토사이트

Release of Tears Son Jun-ho, Totally Goodbye to Chinese Footballultima modifica: 2024-03-27T08:21:12+01:00da outlookindia1com

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