The party has got an opportunity

The selection process must be transparent and take away the charge of the Congress being a dynastic party run on undemocratic lines. In coming weeks, expect more leaders with little commitment, save to themselves, crossing over to the BJP. Without doubt, Rahul chose the first option in the hope that uncertainty for the moment, even lasting several months, will be beneficial in the long run. Antony and comprising loyalists to review the partys loss.This provides the Congress with the opportunity to separate the position of the party president from its legislative head. Secondly, and this stems from the first point, use of a tactic to get some of these party veterans to step down is proof that despite having been Congress president since December 2017, Rahul Gandhis writ did not run in the party as forcefully as his mother’s did when she was party chief. He must ensure that the new chief has complete independence and authority while adhering to democratic principles of functioning.

However, it made no reference to the leadership’s inability or failure to target these shortcomings. None of them — Sonia, Rahul or Priyanka Gandhi Vadra — can be seen as the first among equals. In contrast, Rahul Gandhi has acted bravely and as per the democratic tradition of the leader taking the blame for failure, quit as party president.In almost another 10 days it will be two months since Rahul Gandhi resigned as party president and unless his colleagues get together to evolve a different arrangement, it will soon be 20 months and there may be little left for the party to consolidate.Sonia Gandhi, back then, did not accept responsibility for the defeat despite the universal law of accountability beginning at the top. Despite opposition from sections of old-timers, the process for electing a new president must be set in motion.Having said that his decision to resign was democratic, it also reveals two other sets of reality. First, Rahul Gandhi’s was essentially a ploy to force other leaders, especially some of the veterans —two of them, Kamal Nath and Ashok Gehlot, were reportedly mentioned by him at a party meeting — to also accept their share of responsibility and step down from their offices.The 2019 Lok Sabha election is not the first instance of the Congress Party being pushed into a crisis. The report was finalised in a few months and targeted everything from infighting, demoralisation of workers, lack of effective pre-poll alliances, corruption and communal polarisation. Of varying severities, the party was previously confronted with post-poll challenges, unprecedented on each occasion, in 1967, 1977, 1989, 1996, 1999 and 2014. It would defeat the entire purpose of Rahul Gandhi’s effort if just an interim arrangement is made by appointing a loyal veteran as party president and then the arrangement is allowed to continue indefinitely. Not just the Gandhis and the Congress party, but even the country requires a “new look”  in the organisation which can no longer bask in the glory of its past.

Already, the malady of greed for power is propelling desertions from the party in Karnataka and Goa.K. In fact, the Congress has a great opportunity to display inner-party democracy at a time when its primary rival, the BJP, has increasingly become a collective of a few. Despite this, Rahul Gandhi was not exactly a pushover as an Opposition leader and Mr Modi’s exertions against the Congress president was testimony to this till the post-Pulwama/Balakot events altered the poll narrative. It must be kept in mind that Rahul Gandhi faced a bigger challenge than his mother because Prime Minister Narendra Modi contested the election with the advantage of the entire state machinery backing every action of his, sometimes in a grossly unfair manner. Crucial to this would be the position of the “three Gandhis” under the new chief. Instead, the president formed a four-member committee headed by A. Neither did the Congress president, Sonia Gandhi take its blame, nor did Manmohan Singh, who was Prime Minister. The process for creating a new structure in the Congress must begin post-haste and new leaders must move into leadership positions. The two of them were jointly responsible for frittering away the gains of 2009 when the Congress became the first party since 1991 to win more than 200 seats in Lok Sabha. While crises in previous years can be left for later evaluation, the tight spot the party found itself after the 2014 polls and developments within the party after that defeat must be recalled amid abundance of opinion that the Congress is heading for a meltdown.

The party has got an opportunity to achieve what was originally intended: that the party president should not be the Prime Minister when the party is in power and must not be the leader of the party’s legislature party when in opposition. On the face of this, this may be a difficult task given the fact that Rahul Gandhi or the others in the family still have comparatively greater popularity among people than other leaders.. Till a new leader emerges on the horizon, Rahul Gandhi remains the primary vote catcher of the party and he must be utilised to lead the Opposition in Parliament and the campaign among people.To get a perspective on the Congress leaderships response then and now, it is important to recall events after the 2014 debacle. Given this backdrop, he had little option but to either trigger an upheaval within the party or allow matters to be brushed beneath the carpet again. After all, if there is no Opposition, India will stop being a democracy.Rahul Gandhi has to ensure that the new leader of the party is never seen as a modern day “Bharat” who is keeping the seat warm for the portable canopy tent factory eventual return of “Ram”.

The inauguration of the new settlement

Golan Heights: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday inaugurated a new settlement in the Golan Heights, named after the country’s “great friend” US President Donald Trump..The naming “is an extraordinary gesture”, Friedman said.Construction of the settlement is planned in an area currently occupied by four settler families.Trump’s embassy decision broke with decades of international consensus not to recognise the city as the capital of Israel, which took over mainly Palestinian east Jerusalem in the Six-Day War and later annexed it.Israel annexed the area in a move never recognised by the international community.”Thank you PM @netanyahu and the State of Israel for this great honor!”

Trump tweeted.Outside the tent, a sign bearing the name of the settlement was unveiled shortly after an announcement to local officials.Some 23,000 Druze — an Arab Muslim minority also present in Syria and Lebanon — live in the occupied and annexed portion of the Golan, while 25,000 Israeli settlers have arrived there since 1967.The ceremony comes after the US president in late March recognised Israeli sovereignty over the part of the strategic plateau it seized from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War.But “I am not convinced that these promises will bring true change”, the 75-year-old told AFP.Trump is “a very great friend of Israel who has taken a decision that has never before been taken”, he added.Netanyahu also said Trump had proven “once again his commitment to the security and the future of Israel”, recalling that the US president transferred the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in May 2018.”

The Golan is Israeli and will remain so always”, Netanyahu declared.Netanyahu unveiled a “Trump Heights” sign, featuring an Israeli and a US flag, to mark the site of the new settlement.- ‘Commitment’ to Israel -It is to be built on the site of a former kibbutz, first established in 1984.Surrounding a large table, Israel’s cabinet met under a tent in the north of the Golan to name the planned settlement, in the presence of US ambassador to Israel David Friedman.Vladimir Pelopzerkovski, a resident of one of the mobile homes, said he spoke to the Israeli premier and told him he hoped such promises would be kept.The inauguration of the new settlement will “drive development of the Golan Heights”, Netanyahu added, promising the government would invest in building homes and roads, as well as education and tourism facilities.Israel considers the entire city its capital, but the Palestinians see east Jerusalem as the capital of wholesale umbrella suppliers their future state.