What is Biography


How to write a biography?

write a biography

To write a decent biography, it’s necessary to require under consideration a series of essential steps that we’ll show you below:

Step 1: Selection of the protagonist of the biography

As you recognize, biographies are authorized or unauthorized. Therefore, the primary step you want to take is to fulfill the person you chose to try and do it, explain your intentions, and enkindle their authorization.

Step 2: Gather information

Find all the helpful information to try and do it here. You’ll include letters, publications, legal documents, among others.

You can also review other biographies that are the product of the protagonist of the story, and this may serve you mainly to attain the novelty in your writing.

Step 3: Interview Guides

Prepare the interview guides for the protagonist and other close those that can give testimony of it.

Step 4: Apply the interviews.

To conduct the corresponding interviews, it’s advisable to record them with the technology you have at your disposal (tape recorder or the voice recorder of your cell phone).

Step 5: Report

Putting yourself within the shoes of the opposite person, that is, putting yourself within the place of the topic of the narrative. How? Visiting the homes and other people that are a crucial influence in your current work.

Step 6: contextualize the character.

Psychology has taught us that we cannot understand someone on the fringes of the society during which they live, that is, social, economic, and cultural conditions.

Consequently, the following step you want to take with this statement is to grasp the historical times and contexts that the protagonist has seasoned since birth.

Step 7: Timeline

Now organize all the data you collected chronologically and highlight the main relevant events, people, and places in your life and at what time they’re framed.

Step 8: Central idea of the history

Create a central idea around which all the events of the character will orbit.

Step 9: Accept constructive criticism.

Once the “first draft” is finished, show the writing to your colleagues, family, and the protagonist of the story, their criticism will facilitate your finish it successfully.

Step 10: Review

Check spelling, grammar, and sentence agreement.

Step 11: Bibliography

Cite all bibliographic sources and interview guides used.

What is the difference between a biography and an autobiography?

Look carefully at these words: BIOGRAPHY- AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Indeed you notice that in your writing, the difference is within the prefix AUTO.

The prefix –auto is of Greek origin, and when joined to verbs or nouns (as within the case of biography), it means “of or by itself, own, selfhood.”

Precisely with this analysis, perhaps without realizing it, you found the primary differences between these two terms, they are:

The biography is written by third parties, while the autobiography is written by the identical one who is that the protagonist within the narration.

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The biography is written within the person and also the autobiography within the person.

Let’s keep thinking: does one remember after reading earlier during this article about the characteristics of the biography?

One of the characteristics of the biography is that it may be authorized or unauthorized. The authorization depends on the topic on which his chronicle goes to be related.

In the case of autobiography, because the topic writes it of the story, it’s not at risk of “I don’t authorize.”

How did you feel while unraveling the stories of the lives of scientists and Steve Jobs?

If your experience was the same as ours, you already know another difference:

The autobiographies reveal the sensation of the protagonist, which level of depth makes him impact more and achieve more empathy with the topic of the narrative.

In the case of the biography, the person must limit himself to what the person biographed wants to form known.

The biography must be objective and avoid, to a greater extent, the issuance of opinions and interpretations of the topic of which it’s being written. check here some examples of how to write a biography

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Who will know more about your life than yourself? During this question lies another difference between biography and autobiography. Let’s see:

Unlike the autobiography, the biographer must spend an excellent deal of your time gathering the mandatory information from the (real) character he’s visiting speak of.

On the opposite hand, the biographies target characters who, in their historical development, have left relevant positive or negative traces on humanity, while everyone often does the autobiography.

Now let’s speak about loneliness in biographies and autobiographies.

It is understood that the biographer needs the support of dissimilar people to jot down the story of a personality; the biographer will only be alone to try to do his table work!

What about the biography written by the one who tells their own life story? It’s apparent loneliness.

It may seem selfish, but behind an excellent autobiography may be a great expert writer who corrects the wording, syntax, etc.

However, the credit for the text-only goes to the protagonist and author of the autobiography.

Read More : https://talkingspree.com/

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