When to visit a sexologist

Visiting a sexology specialist is the most recommended when you encounter situations related to sexual health—the WHO defines this concept as a state of physical, mental and social well-being about sexuality. Sexologist in vijayanagar requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences free from all coercion, discrimination and violence.

Thus, these situations do not have to be dysfunctional, such as premature ejaculation or pain during penetration. Instead, they may have to do with insecurity, seeking growth in sexual education, discrimination and even relationship problems, such as communication.

Going to Sexologist in bangalore does not have to be for suffering from any problem, although it could also be the case. On the contrary, it can benefit you in the first person and your relationship

Benefits of going to the sexologist

The first benefit of going to this professional is that they will give you information that you do not have. Even if you have an active and experienced sexual life, you may not know many interesting things that a sex professional can guide you on.

In addition, you will be able to have a more open mind and launch yourself to try new things with your partner. If you have fallen into monotony or if your sexual appetite has diminished and you don’t know why a sexologist can help you identify both sexual and partner problems

On the other hand, you will get to understand yourself better. That is, you will be able to get to know yourself better and know what you like and want. Something that will allow you to express it better to your partner. In the same way, your partner will also begin to look at himself and get to know himself even better. For more consultations, you can contact Sexologist near me in bangalore.

In short, you will be able to have a much fuller and more satisfactory sexual life since any taboo or rejection that stops you from experimenting can be dismantled. Not to mention that talking to a professional will be much more productive than talking to an acquaintance or friend who, in many cases, has less idea than you.

Four advantages of visiting the sexologist

Sexuality is a very large and essential dimension of the human being, which is why many professionals have dedicated themselves to studying and teaching about it. Sexology is a master’s degree that doctors can do, psychologists, nurses, social workers or educators who study the sexuality of the human being.

Depending on the original training of the sexologist, they may have different areas of action. Sexologists in vijaynagar can take care of the health problems in their patients’ bodies. At the same time, a psychologist can help with therapy to talk about the things happening around sex, or a social worker can make scientific dissemination in communities that need to learn about the subject.

Benefits of visiting a sexologist

People who visit a sexologist may not have physical difficulty with sexual intercourse. 

  • Take care of physical difficulties: if you have physical problems that hinder sexual relations, a sexologist can help improve or solve them. For example, within this category, there is erectile dysfunction, the inability to reach orgasm, pain during sexual intercourse, or lack of libido.
  • Promote sexual and reproductive rights: A single conversation with a sexologist can help you understand things you didn’t know before about the rights that exist related to sexuality. You can learn a lot and become an advocate and communicator of these learnings in your closest circle.
  • Facilitates the process of self-discovery: sexologists will help you talk more openly about your body, your desires and your needs, allowing you to explore this whole field of your life more calmly. These professionals are experts in demystifying sexuality.
  •  It brings couples closer: when two people go to a sexology consultation together, they can talk very calmly about what they feel during sexual intercourse, creating a very special bond. Usually, couples who attend an appointment with a sexologist have more satisfying sexual relationships.