Is 7K Metals Company good for precious metals like Gold and Silver Delivery?


7K Metals is a company that deals with the delivery of precious metals such as gold and silver. The company claims to offer high-quality metals at competitive prices, which has attracted many investors and customers. However, it is important to assess whether 7K Metals is indeed a good option for precious metal delivery, and whether the claims made by the company are trustworthy.

They are very trustworthy

It is essential to note that 7K Metals operates as a multi-level marketing (MLM) company. In this business model, members earn commissions not only for the products they sell but also for the sales made by the people they recruit into the company. While MLM companies can be successful for some individuals, they also raise some concerns about the quality of the products and services being offered.

One of the biggest concerns with MLM companies is that the primary focus is on recruitment rather than product quality. Members are incentivized to bring in new members, which means that they may not be as concerned with the actual quality of the products they are selling. This can lead to products that are overpriced, low quality, or simply not worth the investment. When it comes to precious metals, the quality of the metal is of utmost importance. The value of gold and silver is determined by their weight, purity, and market price. It is crucial that the metals delivered by 7K Metals are of high quality, otherwise, they will not hold their value over time.

They provide unique quality services

Alternative issue with MLM companies is that they can be difficult to navigate, especially for first-time investors. The sales pitch from members can be misleading, and the products can be overpriced compared to those offered by other companies. It is important for potential customers to do their research and understand exactly what they are buying before making a purchase.

In terms of the quality of the precious metals offered by 7K Metals, it is difficult to determine without more information. The company does not provide detailed information about the quality of their metals, which raises concerns about their transparency. Without knowing the weight, purity, and market price of the metals, it is difficult to assess the value of the investment. A different factor to consider when evaluating 7K Metals is the delivery process. The company claims to offer fast and secure delivery, but it is important to verify this with other customers who have used their services. Any delay in delivery or damage to the metals during transport can greatly impact the value of the investment.

They are not a pyramidal scam

It is significant to be aware of the risks associated with investing in precious metals. The market for gold and silver can be volatile, and the value of the metals can fluctuate rapidly. It is essential to understand the risks involved and to only invest what you can afford to lose. In order to make an informed decision about 7K Metals, it is recommended to read customer reviews, speak with current members, and compare the products and prices offered by other companies in the market. By doing your due diligence, you can make an informed decision about whether 7K Metals is a good option for precious metal delivery.


7K Metals may be a good option for precious metal delivery for some individuals, but it is important to do thorough research and understand the potential risks involved. The company operates as a MLM, which raises concerns about the quality of the products and services being offered. It is crucial to know the weight, purity, and market price of the metals, as well as the delivery process, before making a purchase. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with investing in precious metals and to only invest what you can afford to lose.

Is 7K Metals Company good for precious metals like Gold and Silver Delivery?ultima modifica: 2023-02-09T21:17:09+01:00da shahina09

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