Move to UK University or Not – AHZ Associates

Students frequently struggle with the decision of whether to live at home throughout their time in college or move out. It’s important to keep in mind that higher education is about more than the finished product, even though the degree you’ll acquire when you graduate from the university may open many doors in the future. A lot of this comes with leaving your home and living away from home for the first time; you’ll meet a lot of new people, visit a lot of new places, and develop personally along the way. In this article, you’ll get to know why UK students should move out.

We’ll also look at some of the main reasons for choosing university over studying in your childhood bedroom for another three years in the sections below.

Discover Yourself

We’ve all wanted to press the reset button and begin over. Moving away from university allows you to preserve all of the qualities that make you unique, but in a new setting with new people and the option to pursue new hobbies and interests. You can consider what you truly want to do with your time away from the distractions of home and take a small step outside of your comfort zone.

Enjoy a Social Life

Even if it’s only a short train ride from home, moving to a new place means experiencing new things. Make the most of your new surroundings by exploring more than just the school and your lodgings.

You might wonder why you should go to university. Remember that many of our Student Roost locations provide fantastic social spaces, such as games rooms and gyms, where you can unwind. So, whichever pace you keep your social life at, there’s plenty for you to enjoy both inside and out.

Make New Friends

While beginning UK universities can be intimidating, you’ll have the chance to meet new people, including inspiring professors and the friendly Student Roost staff at your student accommodation if you decide to stay with us.

Remember why UK students should move out? You and your classmates are all in the same boat, so if you’re scared, others will be as well. Take the time to know your new classmates, and all your worries will be for naught.

Achieve Life Skills

Moving away from home to university is a challenging experience. However, this decision will teach students how to make a variety of meals. It will, for example, allow you to experiment with spices and flavors so you don’t have to eat the same microwave dinners every day. You could even bake something for your housemates to share, or make it more interesting by competing with them to discover who is the best cook. It’s a good way to meet new people and experience different foods while also honing your cooking skills.

Become Independent

You might not make a decision between moving to university or staying at home. Even if you were self-sufficient prior to university, moving away from home for university means you’re on your own — and not in a scary sense. It’s actually a fantastic opportunity to become organized, regain control, and prioritize your priorities. Moreover, take advantage of university life’s independence by mixing your academics with socializing, taking a part-time job to supplement your income, or doing something spontaneous like volunteering for a charity or cause that you care about. You can now start thinking about January 2023 intake at UK universities.


Location is an important factor in why UK students should move out. It’s essential to examine both the university and its location to see whether you’ll feel comfortable there because a dramatically different culture can affect whether you enjoy living somewhere. If you go to college in a place with a similar culture to your hometown, the cultural overlaps might make it easier for you to fit in and feel comfortable. Furthermore, you will already be familiar with the area if you attend a university close to where you live.

In conclusion, the decision about where you want to go to university is a huge one, and you might be wondering why UK students should move out while selecting the “perfect” choice. No one can tell you what is best for you, and there is no such thing as a perfect decision. You will develop, change, and adapt while in college, and you’ll figure out how to make it work for you. In addition, it’s never too late to change your mind if you decide against something.

How Do You Choose the Best Accountancy Course in the UK for You?

Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, summarizing, interpreting, and communicating financial data about a company, organization, or individual. Accounting is a multidisciplinary subject that focuses on an organization’s or individual’s economic operations, drawing on fields such as information technology, law, statistics, business, and economics.

A training course could be the right choice for you if you want to improve your accounting skills or perhaps change careers. If you live in London, there are likely more amazing options than anyplace else in the country, so knowing what to look for as you narrow down your possibilities will assist.

If you have a knack for numbers and want to learn how accounting and finance drive successful worldwide businesses, you’ll get the best start in your career in the UK with an accountancy course in the UK. The United Kingdom has a long history of grasping financial nuances.

Some of the industry’s brightest minds

You’ll be inspired by some of the world’s top lecturers if you study an accountancy course in the UK. The London School of Economics and Political Science (fourth), the University of Oxford (fifth), and the University of Cambridge (sixth) are three of the greatest universities in the world for accounting and finance (sixth).

However, with over 4,000 courses offered by 250 universities, you won’t have trouble finding world-class instruction based on real-world experience that you can apply to your future profession.

Students can take advantage of a wide selection of work experience opportunities because most UK colleges have a large network of business contacts. You’ll be well-prepared to hit the ground running and apply your talents to real-world difficulties, thanks to placements and internships, as well as a year in the industry.

Expectations for an accountancy course in the UK

Ø The United Kingdom is known for the quality of its teaching, and our pleasant, inspiring teachers are on hand to provide you with all of the support you need right away.

Ø Many flexible research-led programmers are also accredited by accounting organizations, and the skills you’ll learn in both undergraduate and postgraduate courses will prepare you well for a future career as a leader or manager. As a result, once you graduate, there are no restrictions on how far you can take your profession.

Ø Studying accounting in the UK also provides you with a broad social experience. You’ll be able to join a variety of clubs and societies on campus, as well as venture out into the community. You’ll improve your language understanding and analytical skills both inside and outside the classroom, no matter where you go. As a result, you’ll graduate with the global mentality you’ll need to succeed in even the largest corporations.

Ø A UK degree will provide you with a solid understanding of accounting and financial processes, as well as a broad understanding of the subject area and technical abilities that you may apply to any business.

Ø You’ll also graduate with a diverse set of transferable abilities, including numerical analysis, oral and written communication, global business concerns, and entrepreneurship.

Types of Accountancy course-

There are many different types of accounting degrees-

Ø Bachelor of accountancy

Ø Bachelor of Arts (BA) in accounting

Ø Bachelor Science (BSc) in accounting

Ø Bachelor of Accounting Science (BAccSci)

Ø Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in accounting

Ø Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in accounting.

Entry requirements:

Applicants for accounting programs are typically required to demonstrate a good background in mathematics, with those who have studied statistics or business courses having an edge.

Following their broad introduction courses, several universities let students choose between accountancy programs after their first year, allowing them to choose a route that best matches their interests and abilities.

Accounting is generally misunderstood by those outside the business as a dull profession, but it can be one of the most rewarding, whether you work in the private or public sector.

Educate yourself and Gain Practical Experience to Better Your Life

The human species has progressed dramatically over the previous 7 million years. From cave-dwelling Neanderthals to jet-setting futurists, we’ve come a long way. As we prepare to become a planet with 9 billion people, are we better off today than we were millennia ago? Of course, obtaining the necessities of life has never been simpler. You must acquire new talents in order to succeed in your career. It increases your job opportunities and helps you gain new abilities that you’ll need to keep up with the fast-paced world.

Many people increase their personal development abilities over time in order to better themselves and achieve their goals through practice. They can do so in a variety of ways, including through education, mentoring, self-help, and other methods. There are various advantages to learning new talents, regardless of your age, job, or skill type.

1. Increase Job Opportunities: It’s difficult to find work, especially in these challenging economic times. You may have to compete with hundreds of other candidates for a vacant position. Furthermore, the lower one’s educational level, the greater the number of applicants for the same low-paying entry-level job. If you have the necessary qualifications and educational background, you will increase your chances of landing a rewarding job.

2. Increase the Number of Job Opportunities: Higher-educated individuals with a diverse range of educational experience are more likely to obtain high-paying, expert positions. You must study hard, spend your time and effort to acquire knowledge, and achieve a high level of competency if you want to live comfortably. Your credentials will encourage a potential employer to hire you over a competitor

3. Improve your problem-solving abilities: One of the benefits of education is that it teaches us how to develop critical and logical thinking skills, as well as how to make independent decisions. Children face a range of obstacles as they grow up, including repaying student loans, obtaining work, buying a car, a home, and providing for their families.

4. Boost the Economy: People with strong academic and educational credentials are more likely to obtain well-paid positions. The greater their schooling and achievements, the more job opportunities they will have. People who grew up in poverty but went to school have a good chance of transforming their lives and helping to reduce poverty rates in society. Because education is about learning knowledge and being able to use it wisely to improve our lives while also improving the lives of others, it aids economic progress.

5. Maintains your relevance: Even when new graduates join your field, professional advancement keeps you relevant. If you don’t keep up with technological advancements, your firm will fire you at the first opportunity. It’s important to remember that the labor market is constantly changing, the economy is changing, and technological advancements are sweeping the country. Getting your job goals would be challenging if you didn’t keep studying and training your professional muscles. If you don’t learn something new, you won’t be able to keep up with the competition

6. Learning to Control Your Emotions: Taking practical university courses can help you manage your emotions and help others manage theirs as well. You’ll learn how to use language in a variety of settings, from encouraging growth to de-escalating disagreements, through a combination of theory and practice. You’ll quickly figure out which words to avoid and how to handle problems in and out of the classroom.

7. Displays Areas of Interest: Students at York University benefit from community-based education because it allows them to develop meaningful connections with their peers. Undergraduate kinesiology students, for example, can lead local kids in games designed to boost physical activity and improve health. This can assist employers to get a sense of your good character and trust that you’ll contribute to a positive work environment. Many of York University’s programs include community-based education as an essential component of learning.

8. Raising Commercial Awareness: It aids in the comprehension of management methods and the workings of organizations. How are decisions made and who has power, in particular? What are the most important external elements affecting the company’s products and performance, such as clients and competitors? What is the company’s culture like, and how can you fit in? Is there anything specific about cultural differences that you should be aware of?

 In conclusion, getting hands-on experience is beneficial in terms of determining your professional path and setting yourself apart from other candidates. So, if you haven’t already found a volunteer opportunity, weekend job, or internship, now is the time to start hunting!