Juventus renews contract with ‘gambling embroidery’ Paziola until 2028

Niccolo Pazioli, who was embroiled in a gambling controversy, has renewed his contract with Juventus.

Juventus officially announced on the club’s website on the 14th, “I am happy to renew the contract with Pazioli until June 30, 2028.” “Pagioli has been with Juventus since he was 14 years old. “I’ve played since I was a youth player,” he said.

Pazioli is an Italian midfielder born in 2001 who was called the future of the Azuri Corps and Juventus. He made his professional debut with Juventus as a regular youth. He has grown through the loan of Cremonesse and has gained opportunities in earnest since last season. He played 26 Italian Serie A games and scored three goals and four assists, showing competitiveness.

He was selected for the Italian national team and was selected as the Serie A best under-23 player. Pazioli, who began to fly, had high expectations this season, but he was caught up in gambling problems. The Italian soccer community was turned upside down when allegations of batting by some players, including Pazioli, were revealed. Gianluca Di Marzio, a reporter familiar with Italian soccer news, said on October 11, “Pazioli was investigated for betting on illegal online platforms. He is included in the investigation by Turin prosecutors.

The punishment has been confirmed. The Italian Football Federation (FIGC) said on October 18, “The Federal Prosecutor’s Office and Pazioli agreed to a 12-month suspension. Five months will be reduced to an alternative prescription. He must participate in treatment plans for at least six months, and participate at least 10 times at amateur sports associations, federal territorial centers and gambling addiction recovery centers,” an official announcement said. In addition, a fine of 12,500 euros (about 17.9 million won) will be imposed.  토토사이트

Euro Sports said, “Pazioli’s sentence has been reduced thanks to his admission of guilt and cooperation with the authorities in the investigation.” He explained, “At the end of May next year, he will be able to play in the last two games of the season against Bologna and Monza.”

He was disciplined, but Juventus decided to embrace Pazioli. “We will support the Pazioli treatment and training course,” said general manager Cristiano Ziuntuli. Re-signing Pazioli shows Juventus’ willingness to support him. Fazioli is a very important player for Juventus and everyone knows his technical ability and tactical intelligence. I’m sure Pazioli will come back well and I think it’s a huge asset for the team. I will trust Pazioli and wait,” he said.

Juventus renews contract with ‘gambling embroidery’ Paziola until 2028ultima modifica: 2024-05-08T14:07:47+02:00da toto3650300

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