Similar to volleyball, fistball is a return game in which two teams compete against one another on two half-fields. Both a center line and a ribbon that resembles a net that is stretched between two posts separate them. Although the sport has been practiced for a very long time, it is unclear where it first began. Fistball is still played today by both men and women and was formally standardized in the late 1960s.

Each team consists of five players. The goal of the game is to place the ball in the opposing team’s half of the field in such a way that it cannot be recovered, similar to volleyball. The key distinctions between fistball and volleyball are that in fistball, the ball can only ever be struck with closed fists or closed arms; also, it is permitted to bounce once after each contact. If the opposition is unable to return the ball inbounds within three legitimate touches, a team receives points. A side that concedes the point serves next after the opening serve.

A team wins the match if they win three of the five sets in a best-of-five format match. Each set is worth 11 points, and the victor should hold at least a 2-point advantage. Otherwise, the game goes until one team has a 2-point advantage or reaches 15 points, whichever happens first.

Most often played in Europe and South America, but also infrequently in North America, Africa, and Asia, fistball is still popular today. It is most common in nations where a substantial percentage of emigrants speak German. More countries have 토토 been won for fistball in recent years thanks to the International Fistball Association’s (IFA) efforts. Despite not being an Olympic sport, fistball has long had a presence at the World Games. Fistball is a fringe sport when compared to more well-known sports like Soccer, Tennis, or Athletics.

FISTBALL SIMILARITIES IN VOLLEYBALLultima modifica: 2022-07-18T06:03:27+02:00da totopickpro

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