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Aquatic product aerator describes the algae removal method of water quality treatment

Blue algae blooms. The other is It is formed by the lack of nutrients in the water body, such as oligowater, clarified water, and moss water. The rust-colored oil film in the pond is often caused by too much Euglena sanguineus, and the pink-green oil film is often caused by too much Euglena platyphylla. After they die, they produce dinoflagellate toxin, which poisons the fish to death. 2. Cyanobacteria blooms are common and difficult to improve water quality during freshwater aquaculture. It is not advisable to spray drugs to kill cyanobacteria in the whole pond to prevent hypoxia and cause poisoning of the aquatic products.

Aquatic product aerator describes the algae removal method of water quality treatment. Use copper ion-containing preparations or strong chlorine essence to spray in the leeward area to kill part of the blue algae in the water. Change about 20 cm of surface water for several days to reduce the concentration of cyanobacteria and eliminate excessive harmful substances in the water. 1. Choose to replace part of the upper water in the morning on a sunny day to promote the release of fertility in the water body and increase the fertility of the water body. The improved method is to use Baiduqing in the morning, and then use Guardian every four hours, and then increase the amount of algae probiotics, and then use potassium dihydrogen phosphate, dichaeline or nitrazine after the next day, and pay attention to adding new water to introduce good algae Kind.

This can be implemented by increasing the water exchange volume or frequency to adjust the nitrogen in the pond water: The phosphorus ratio controls the occurrence of cyanobacteria. The redness of the water caused by too much polydinium algae and Ceratodinium automatic fish feeder algae is commonly known as red water. Add new water Cryptomeria species, and pay special attention to turning on aerators and preparing aerobic powder and particles for emergency.

During the high-temperature breeding period, try to reduce the excessive organic matter in the pond. Red water caused by algae pouring. For example, when the water temperature and pH value suddenly change, a large number of them will die and make the organic matter richer, thus making the water body appear black. It is difficult to achieve results using only one method. The dominant species are Oscillatoria and Cellulosae., commonly known as lake indigo and copper rust water. cause a large number of algae deaths in the pond, commonly known as algae, which causes the pond water to become red.

This type of water quality often occurs in newly excavated ponds or ponds with insufficient fertility retention, and in static water bodies with little water exchange.. Red water formed by non-inverted algae. This type of water quality often occurs in high-humidity seasons, not only in conventional breeding ponds, but also in breeding ponds for famous species such as river crab and Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Once this type of color appears in the downwind area of the pond, it indicates that the pond is lacking in fertility, and appropriate fertilizer should be selected according to the fertilization situation of the pond. The third is the poor water quality caused by the rapid change of environmental conditions, such as algae and red water