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« Siamo tutti artisti,in fondo..La notte è fatta per dor... »

E' diventata una moda,ormai:nudi per protesta!

Post n°3297 pubblicato il 21 Luglio 2012 da ferrarioretta


Nudi alla meta!

Ultimamente si leggono e, vedono...

sempre più persona che ,per protestare,si spogliano..

Lo hanno fatto uomini,nella fattispecie,

 i pompieri di Mieres,in Spagna....





Vestiti,si fa per dire,solo dei caschi,hanno voluto dimostrare ..così,

il loro dissenso contro i tagli decisi dal governo spagnolo,

in questo periodo di crisi.


Per quello che riguarda le donne,l'ultima entrée

è Vanessa de Oliveira ,una modella e scrittrice peruviana,

che ha deciso di manifestare così...


 contro la pirateria editoriale.

 La bella Vanessa si è tolta il soprabito, restando solo in perizoma

e mostrando sulla pancia e sulla schiena la scritta

 ” No alla pirateria”.

 In Perù il fenomeno di libri fotocopiati è molto diffuso.... 



 Una bella moda vero?

La classe non è acqua indubbiamente,

ma visto che è questo che il mondo del web,guarda...

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Utente non iscritto alla Community di Libero
jilanzhi il 17/01/13 alle 16:32 via WEB
There are a lot of big time reasons why companies that try to do both Fake Chanel Handbags invariably end up failing. It is one of those truisms, like “I before E, except after C” but I’m still waiting to find the exceptions like “neighbor” and “weigh” to this one. The other evening, we decided to ‘splurge’ and eat out at a family joint around the corner. You know the kind of place, good but not great food, nice people and leftovers for lunch. We were seated across the aisle from a table with three Chanel Wristlets women of ‘a certain age.’ When I glanced over, I noticed that they all had their heads down, wrinkled brows and were staring at their handheld devices.“Oh,” I thought, “another situation where the diners were using technology to avoid each other.” We’ve all seen these, right? Two diners having a night out where one can’t put down the cell phone and prefers to text or make calls while their companion sits there. Gosh was I wrong! Turns out that in the next few seconds the ladies were passing around their devices to each other. Clearly I had caught them at just that second when they were searching for that perfect picture Luxury Chanel Watches to share with each other. The picture passing-around-and-sharing continued for a while, then one of the grandma’s pulled out her MP3 player and began to show her companions snippets of a video. Probably she had one like my nephew who plays in a band, I thought.
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