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Workers across Europe mounted coordinated protests on Wednesday against government austerity policies in The Breadth Of The DemonstrationsA TIME OF ECOMIC MALAISEWhich affected scores of cities, reflected widespread unhappiness with high unemployment, slowing growth and worsening economic prospects in Europe, Tra coloro che sono scesi in piazza in massa in cortei di proteste stati i…


Central and eastern Europe mostly fell deeper into recession in the Q3 third quarterIT'S PRETTY GRIM Hit by slowing demand for its exports and austerity programmes at home with a broad economic upturn still a distant prospectE Una lettura 'piuttosto triste davvero ... Il vento contrario principali problemi della zona euro, che hanno pesato sul…


Mr. Petraeus took his own advice on Friday and resigned as director of the Central Intelligence Agency after admitting to an extramarital affairON MENTORING RELATIONSHIPTHE DECISION TO STEP DOWN The full back story is not yet clear, though his affair came to light after F.B.I. agents conducting a criminal investigation into possible security breaches examined his…


After weeks of turmoil over the BBC's pedophile scandal, the broadcaster’s director general, George Entwistle, resigned on Saturday nightTHE HONORABLE THING TO DO UNACCEPTABLE JOURNALISTIC STANDARDSMr. Entwistle’s sudden departure as the BBC’s chief executive was prompted by outrage over a report last week on “Newsnight,” that wrongly implicated a former Conservative Party politician in a…


Barack Hussein Obama as a divided nation voted to give him more time Obama’s Re-Election Extended His Place In HistoryFOR RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT A CHEER OF JUBILATION Mr. Obama, 51, faces governing in a deeply divided country and a partisan-rich capital, His re-election offers him a second chance that will quickly be tested, Gli americani hanno…


While he was speaking of America, he could have been talking about himself when he told the audience: “We have picked ourselves up We have fought our way back” For President ObamaNOW COMES A SECOND CHANCE An electorate that considers the country to be on the wrong track nonetheless agreed to renew his contract in…


The American people on Tuesday more or less ratified the status quo that existed at the start of the day They Returned President Obama To The White House WHEN ALL WAS DONEOne day after a bruising, mixed-verdict election, President Barack Obama and Republican House Speaker John Boehner both pledged To seek a compromise to avert…


The science of climate attribution but Did climate change cause Sandy?THAT'S DOUBTFUL"Nowadays, there's always an element of both." It has already provided us with first steps towards more precision in understanding how climate change is changing climate nowMa c'era un aspetto insolito di Sandy che ha turbato dal punto di vista del cambiamento climatico, come…


Meeting a day before the U.S. presidential election, which is being disputed largely on tax and spending issues in Mexico City THE G20 BASEL III & DEBT TARGETS CREDIBLE & AMBITIOUS The Group of 20 countries worried that previous commitments to cut in half the budget shortfalls of advanced economies by the end of next…


One of the first items in the fascinating exhibition “Russians and Germans: 1,000 Years of Art, History and Culture” is a woodcut UNDER PUTIN TWO BERLIN'S RUSSIA SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP  The Russians then approach the German traders. The traders stand, arms folded, waiting to bargain. The woodcut captures the old trading ties between Russians and Germans…

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