Progetti Geologici - Natural Stone Services
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Glowing Edges Designs

Sciarpa di seta uniche per Glowing Edges Designs - 

Il Linguaggio di Pietra

GED Rock Art Fabric

Voglio trasformare immagini come questa in sciarpe di seta che renderanno le donne italiane guardano ancora meglio! Como è il posto migliore per questo, così mi hanno detto. C'è chi vorrebbe condividere il mio sogno? Guardate il mio più recente post, qui su Libero. 

Una Poesia

THE SCORPION’S TALE Life under the volcano always remains a risk when the peace and tranquillity - which has reigned for tens, hundreds or even thousands of years - can be overturned in moments, by a show of natural thunderous fireworks, which will change the landscape forever.This is not to say that the dark shadow,…

Glowing Edges Designs 2012

Not bad for my first attempt at painting a mug, which now sits on my mantlepiece, along with a piece of rock, a seed, and three brightly coloured little birds - from Paraguay - and a little bag full of black volcanic sand from Sicily

Getting Blood Out of a Stone

English Language Services - Part 2

Although I have spent hundreds of hours teaching English to students of all ages, nationalities and cultures and know that I can do this job, it has never been my ambition to be a general classroom teacher in a private English language school. After 30 years of working with land and buildings, as a geologist, stone…

English Language Services

 Over the last couple of years, I have been tentatively investigating potential opportunities as a teacher of English in or around one of Italy’s growing number of Geoparks; you can now find them in Tuscany, Campania, Trentino, Sardinia, Liguria and Sicily.  Although the spectacular natural landscapes themselves are enough to attract international tourists to these…

Un Terremoto

Here is a continuation of my last Blog: Having taught Spanish students at summer school, here in England, for the past few years, my attention has been turned to Spain and the Spanish language. With my last two short holidays being to Barcelona and Madrid, I have had a great insight into the fantastic scenery, architecture,…

Dublino e Irlanda

Back in 2004, I was fortunate to work for the Geological Survey of Ireland for 7 months, which gave me the opportunity to see some of Ireland's wonderful natural landscapes and make use of all my skills as a geologist, photographer and writer.More than anything else, it made me realise that there was much more…

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