Where are you Animalx?!?!?I noticed you quitted our group...What happened??? pls come back, or talk to me, at least... I'd like to playwith you again... PLS!!!!!! LET ME KNOW SOMETHING!!!!


In the site you'll find a little guide...If I were a Cabby I would have this spec :at least 3 Spirit : just to have always mana...49 Matter: it will give you 2 powerful DOTs, 1 of them whit Area Of Body: for debuffs & co...I would use this spec most of all because…


Today I met again my friends, so here we are...Our guild is back... we're just 4 atm, but no worries, we're still a strong grp (:Let's have some fun guys!!! (;


So.. Aria is back... But they wiped everything...I don't really want to begin again a char in that site, expecially 'cause i don't have all that time, so probably I will stay on I50...If somebody wants 2 join me it will be a plaesure :)Anyway, I rerolled in Hib, I am a Vampiir now :)…


Hi to everybody...I don't know what happened 2 Aria, but it seems dead...Well, for d moment I'm playing on I50, Khryf is my name...PM me if u want :)BYE!!!!

The Web Site

Finally we're online...The site is still under construction but few pages are already online.I decided to have this structure:Main Page which contains all the main links;Main Links : - Project : a brief description of my Guild idea and the rules we follow; - The Code : it's just a little thing to make sound…

Last Knight - Our Guild

Here we are boys :) This should be our corner, I never did this thing before,so please be a little patient with me...I'm still working for our site, I did quite all pages, but I can't put them online...But I'll fix it :)Till that moment we can try to keep in contact here, in this…