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LEBANON: A fifth member of Hezbollah suspect in the murder of Rafik Hariri

Post n°205 pubblicato il 10 Ottobre 2013 da bonbej


The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) confirmed Thursday, October 10 indictment against Habib Hassan Merhi in the trial against the alleged killers of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. The trial is expected to begin January 13, 2014.

"Man is, in fact, accused of being involved in the attack of 14 February 2005 in Beirut," said the STL in a statement. Created by the United Nations at the request of Lebanon, including the STL wants to judge four members of Hezbollah, a powerful Shiite party, for the attack, which killed 22 people, including Prime Minister Hariri.

Habib Hassan Merhi, a member of Hezbollah

According to Lebanese media, Hassan Merhi, whose indictment was confirmed in July as confidential part of Hezbollah.

An arrest warrant had been transmitted to the Lebanese authorities in early August, but they have not transferred the new defendant, who is "found" by the prosecutor.

At 47, he is accused of "several crimes, including conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism", according to the STL. According to the indictment, the man "coordinated the preparation of" a fake video, sent the day of the attack on the Arab television station Al- Jazeera, containing a false claim of the attack, "to subtract the conspirators to justice."

He allegedly conspired with four other defendants, who are the subject of arrest warrants, sent in June 2011 to the Lebanese authorities. Among them, Mustafa Badreddine, 52, is accused of being the "mastermind" of the attack, while Salim Ayyash, 49, allegedly coordinated the head of his team " hardware implementation. " Hussein Anaissi, 39 and Assad Sabra, 36, would, in turn, prepared the videotape.

TSL apple of discord in Lebanon, is the bane of Hezbollah, which is accused of being the result of an "Israeli-American" conspiracy to destroy and excluded the delivery of the first four suspects who should be tried in absentia, that is to say, in their absence.

Took office on March 1, 2009 in a suburb of The Hague, the STL is the first international criminal court, which allows a trial by default, in which the accused is represented , sented by a lawyer.

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