Creato da bonbej il 24/01/2011

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DIPLOMACY: Diplomatic relations between Tehran and London warm

Post n°223 pubblicato il 12 Dicembre 2013 da bonbej


It is time for normalization between Britain and Iran. The new Iranian chargé d'affaires non-resident Habibollah Hassan-Zadeh, is expected Thursday, December 12 in London, announced the head of British diplomacy William Hague on his Twitter account.

This visit will take place a little less than 10 days after that of his British counterpart in Tehran on December 3, when Ajay Sharma became the first diplomat from UK to visit in Iran for two years. The latter, who has held the position of number two in the British diplomatic mission in Tehran, had then been, in his own words, "detailed discussions and with the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to advance step by step and on a reciprocal basis, bilateral relations. " The relaxation diplomatic diplomatic exchange agreement, which marks the warming of relations between the two countries had been finalized between the British Foreign Minister, William Hague, and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif in mid-October on the sidelines of the first meeting in Geneva between the major powers and Iran on the nuclear program of Téhé , ran. In September, the two men had met in the framework of a bilateral meeting in New York on the sidelines of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Many gestures made possible through diplomatic detente began between the West and the Islamic Republic since the election in June moderate Hassan Rohani as Iranian president. If the two countries were not formally severed diplomatic after the end bag in November 2011 the British representation in Iran by demonstrators protesting against the announcement of new sanctions against London Tee Heran, their relations have become abominable. The British Foreign Office had said "outraged" by the "unacceptable intrusion" of protesters in his embassy and replicated by the announcement of closures chancery in Tehran and the Iranian embassy on its territory. A tumultuous relationship since 1979 relations between Iran and Britain were regularly interspersed with crises since the 1979 Islamic revolution, but tensions worsened after the curing of the subsequent regime of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disputed 2009 re-election. Tehran has accused the British secret services to use the channel BBC Persian, widely listened to Iran to try to destabilize the regime supporting the reformist opposition. In addition, the Iranian Parliament in December 2010 threatened to cut ties with Britain after very critical statements of the previous British ambassador to Téhé ran, Simon Gass, on the situation of human rights in Iran. "Since 2009, the Embassy of Great Britain working day and night like a cabinet war" against Iran, in particular had accused an Iranian parliamentarian, Zohreh Elahian. With AFP and Reuters


SINGAPORE: Singapore, civilized, shaken by riots foreign workers

Post n°222 pubblicato il 09 Dicembre 2013 da bonbej


Multiethnic city-state had not seen it for almost 45 years. Violent riots took place between Singapore on the night of Sunday to Monday, December 9, hundreds of foreign workers to the police.

Since 1969, where 18 people were injured and police cars burned in racial violence, the city had not experienced such violence. It is the death of an Indian, crushed by a bus in the neighborhood "Little India" ("Little India"), where thousands of construction workers from the Indian subcontinent to re , together on Sunday to enjoy their day of rest, which caused clashes.

A "banal accident"

"On Sunday evening, all migrant workers, mostly Bangladeshis, gathered at Little india says Carrie Nooten, FRANCE 24 correspondent in Singapore. They wait for vehicles back to their dorms after their sites. It happened, it is a commonplace occurrence. A young 33 year old man crossed the road out nails and the bus did not see. He died almost instantly, "says Carrie Nooten.

Quickly, about 400 people are then taken to the offending bus, and police cars. Ten police officers are among the wounded, according to police.

"Thirty vehicles were damaged, burned an ambulance. Unheard of in Singapore for 45 years, adds FRANCE 24 correspondent. Twenty-seven people were arrested and others are under arrest. They may 7 to 10 years in prison and a flogging, inherited the British colonies. "

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the government would be firm with the rioters. "We will spare no effort to identify those responsible and impose the full force of law," he accused.

A strong dependence on immigrant labor

In this city-state without stories where authorities reign absolute order, this incident demonstrates the vulnerability of the Singaporean system, which has always depended on a strong hand to oelig & , WORKING-immigrant. The presence of South Asian workers is also subject to ongoing criticism from Singaporeans strain.

With AFP


ECONOMY: A French world champion economic forecasts

Post n°221 pubblicato il 05 Dicembre 2013 da bonbej


He never set foot on the land of Uncle Sam, and yet it predicts the future of the U.S. economy better than anyone. At only 27 years, Christophe Barraud just been crowned best forecaster of the first world power by the magazine "Bloomberg Markets". Growth rates, GDP, unemployment, exports, real estate market ... estimates that young French economist were a tiny accuracy over the last 15 months, so that & rsquo , he beats a hundred other economists.

"I'm very happy. Not only is this good for the company that employs me [Securities Market, ed], but in addition, it is a real personal satisfaction, a recognition of the work, "he explains , FRANCE 24 on cheerfully. His coronation should not, however, revolutionize its daily even if "request will be easier increase," he jokes.

Between optimism and pessimism, the difficulty of being neutral

To aim just as Christophe Barraud compelled stiff objectivity, avoiding on the one hand to succumb to the surrounding gloom, and secondly to ignore the current situation. "I try to talk to all the people around me to reach a neutral view. The economist the entrepreneur, through the neighborhood grocer ... All have a perception of the economy of their own, "he explains.

For the rest, "there is no magic or special secret. I work seven days a week, "says Christophe Barraud. Its methodology is based on daily monitoring and much rigor: "I want to date with specialized information son and I follow the news closely, as a single strike can quickly impact the labor market, the launch of a new iPhone will shake digit retail, and a hurricane may disrupt the budget and the economy & rsquo and a country at any time, "he cites as an example.

His reflexes, Christophe Barraud has naturally acquired during his studies. "I was lucky enough to come right in the crisis subprime ', a textbook example that led me to specialize in the area United States" , he remembers. But probably his greatest strength remains his passion for art, a passion that dates back to his childhood alongside a father keen sports paris ...

3% increase in the United States, France 0.8% by

2014, Christophe Barraud provides an American 3% growth against 1.7 this year, thanks "to lower unemployment, withdrawal of public deficit and easing the tax burden, "he says. In France, one can expect 0.8% growth "through our range by the aerospace sector and domestic consumption that goes well, unlike economy that above that it provides for the euro area can be imagined. "A forecast slightly (0.7%), particularly difficult to guess, as the young French "Many factors come into play for the euro area monetary policy of the Central Bank, the risk of crisis of confidence in countries like France or Italy and European elections in the spring next. "

As expected personal, Christophe Barraud wants to expand its scope and could see himself soon steal the spotlight at Columbia of JPMorgan, voted best forecaster of the euro area. In the meantime, he plans, "why not" to write a book on France with the aim of "making a difference".


EVENTS: Thailand: New clashes in Bangkok, negotiations stalled

Post n°220 pubblicato il 02 Dicembre 2013 da bonbej


Mobilization in Thailand continues. New clashes took place Monday, Dec. 2 in the morning in Thailand between police and thousands of opposition seeking to topple the government demonstrators. The clashes occurred after a meeting between the leader of the movement and challenged Yingluck Shinawatra Prime Minister.

"Yingluck has responded to anything (...) We maintain our plans. This will be done in two days, "and reported at the end of the meeting Suthep Thaugsuban, the leader of the protest still at large despite an arrest warrant for the occupation of the Department of Finance.

On Monday, the police again resorted to firing tear gas to defend

the seat of government under high protection, surrounded by concrete blocks and rolls of barbed wire, according to AFP reporters on the spot. Protesters threw for their projectiles at police, including bars.

Clashes also took place outside the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police, where many tear gas were fired, according to AFP reporters on site . On Monday, most universities in Bangkok were closed for security reasons. Fear of a return of Thaksin

At the heart of the anger of the protesters, motley alliance of conservative bourgeois family of the Democratic Party, the main opposition party, and ultra-royalist factions: a deep hatred of brother Yingluck Shinawatra First Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra. They accuse the billionaire thrown from his prime minister by a coup in 2006, to be always the real decision-making of government policy since his exile in Dubai.

The protest movement was caused by a draft amnesty law tailored according to the opposition, to allow the return of Thaksin, in exile to escape a prison sentence for embezzlement. Despite the rejection of the text by the Senate, the protesters were not disarmed. Sunday, there were about 70,000 demonstrators across Bangkok against nearly 180,000 there one week.

The escalation of tension for a month, which has turned a corner this weekend, extremely worried in a prompt countries to ignite. Several major shopping centers, one of which was burned during the 2010 crisis, were closed.

The last public appearance of the Prime Minister back to Saturday.

With news (AFP)


ENERGY: "Defending shale gas is an outdated position"

Post n°219 pubblicato il 28 Novembre 2013 da bonbej


Which foot is currently dancing France on the issue of shale gas? On the one hand, two parliamentarians, the Socialist deputy Christian Bataille and Senator UMP Jean-Claude Lenoir, made public Wednesday, November 27, a report calling for "de-demonize the dice , bat "on the issue and advocating experiments on the French territory of fragmentation techniques hydraulic" improved. "

On the other hand, the Minister of Ecology Philippe Martin announced in an interview with "Parisian" published Thursday, November 28, it does not give the U.S. group Hess Oil the right procedure , der to oil drilling in the Paris basin. Reason for the refusal? "Could I validate these mutations permit, while the initial goal was only to explore shale gas [...], this implies necessarily to use hydraulic fracturing is a method banned in France, "said the minister.

Despite the ban on hydraulic fracturing in the law of 2011, the debate, therefore, is far from over in France. The gap seems even widen between those who, like the rapporteurs believe that the economic benefit from the exploitation of shale gas is too important to be set aside and those who do not want to hear about it for ecological reasons. Blame the new extraction techniques - currently still in the laboratory study - expected to be more eco-compatible. The use of electric arc thermal fracturing or stimulation by propane are all new arrows arc followers of the exploitation of shale gas.

On the other hand, critics of the use of this unconventional resource does not even want to be dragged on the ground multiple fracturing techniques. In this camp, the member Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) François-Michel Lambert is a hardliner who believes that the whole debate around shale gas is "passé" . He is also the author of a bill, waiting for a year to ban once and for all the exploitation of shale gas on French soil.

FRANCE 24: What do you think of the parliamentary report calling for "de-demonize" the debate on shale gas?

François-Michel Lambert: I want to ignore. For me, the authors of the report are "climate skeptics" debate on energy policy. Every time we give them a voice, they say the same thing, and try to paint green poor technique for the environment.

Those who drafted this report does not serve the public interest, but the companies that are very interested in what you make holes in France - shale gas or not - in order to sell their mining equipment.

F24: However, the report acknowledges the "environmental" limitations of current techniques and evoke a hydraulic fracturing "improved", it could not reconcile it all?

F.-M. L. : This is not a matter of technology. It is a question of which way you want to go for our energy policy. When I meet industrial gas sector as GDF or GRTgaz, they tell me that their strong ambition is biogas. That is modernity. Defend shale gas is a backward-looking position.

While we are still talking about shale gas, the Germans will open in the coming months a biogas station [dioxin transform carbon into methane, Ed]! So when they tell me that you dig, I say yes, but not in our basements, rather brains to move forward on renewable energy issues.

F24: Have you been surprised by the decision of Philippe Martin not to grant the permit oil drilling in the U.S. Oil Hess?

F.-M. L. : Knowing Philippe Martin, I was not surprised. I was particularly pleased that he managed to obtain the support of the government, rather chilly on these issues so far. So yes, I'm pretty happy courage found by the executive on this issue.

F24: But between the parliamentary report and the decision of the Minister of Ecology, it's hard to know where the country is on the issue of shale gas


F.-ML: On this issue as on others found the "hollandiste" line is to succeed to please everyone in the same sentence. I think the government has a special geopolitical game. They can hardly push Algeria to accept research on techniques for extracting shale gas, and at the same time say, loudly, that hydraulic fracturing is bad. But it does not stop, I think, the government further research on renewable energies.

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