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Historic handshake between Barack Obama and Raul Castro

  The image could almost steal the show from Nelson Mandela. Tuesday, December 10th, a day of tributes dedicated to the heroes of the anti-apartheid struggle who died Dec. 5, U.S. President Barack Obama tightened , the hand of his Cuban counterpart Raul Castro before going on stage at the FNB Stadium in Soweto to…

TRADE: In Bali, the WTO sealed an historic agreement on world trade

  The World Trade Organization (WTO) sealed, Saturday, December 7, a qualified historic agreement on world trade, the first since its inception there almost 19 years. Réunissur the Indonesian island of Bali since Tuesday, the ministers of the 159 member states of the organization have unanimously adopted a series of reforms. Package as a minimum, the…

Etching at the Bolshoi: The three suspects convicted

  Russian dancer Pavel Dmitritchenko was convicted Tuesday, December 3, an acid attack that was almost blinded the artistic director of the Bolshoi, Sergei Filine. While the sentence must be imposed in the day, the prosecution requested a prison sentence of nine years against the dancer, who is 29 years old. At the end of…

FRANCE: March against racism: "We must show that France is not like that"

  "My race is human", "We're all Taubira", "What color is your heart?". In the ranks of the march in Paris, Saturday, Nov. 30, from the Place de la République, the signs held by the protesters expressed their indignation at racism. Few weeks after the insults hurled against the Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira comparing…

FOOTBALL: Champions League: Arsenal corrects OM, Chelsea in the knockout

  Group F: Arsenal, Dortmund and Naples still racing Arsenal, Premier League leader, has consistently beat OM (2-0), already eliminated from the competition. However, Londoners are still not guaranteed to be qualified for the knockout. Borussia Dortmund, finalist in the last edition, beat Naples (3-1) and keep as their opponents a good chance to qualify.…

The climate negotiations in Warsaw skate

  While the official closing date of the Warsaw summit on climate expired Friday, discussions continue Saturday, November 23, although negotiators from 195 countries have spent a sleepless night to snatch a compromise posing basis of the agreement of 2015. latter must be negotiated in Paris with entry into force in 2020, but for the…

Egypt: Violent clashes between pro-and anti-army in Cairo

  New clashes in Egypt. At least one person died and 16 others were injured on Tuesday evening November 19, in clashes between pro and anti-military protesters in Cairo.   A thousand Egyptians gathered in Tahrir Square to commemorate November 19, 2011, the first day of a bloody week in which about forty protesters were killed…

RUGBY: The XV of France in search of certainties against Tonga

  A week after an encouraging defeat to New Zealand (26-19), the Blues rechaussent spikes Saturday, November 16 to face Tonga, second appointment this tour of fall. The XV of France, which has a catastrophic 2013 (a win and a draw in seven losses since January), has not won since March 16 and a short…

ART MARKET: A triptych by Francis Bacon sold for $ 42.4 million 1

  "Three Studies of Lucian Freud" is now the most expensive in the world work. The triptych by Francis Bacon, made in 1969, was awarded Tuesday to a record $ 142.4 million (€ 105.9 million) at Christie's in New York. The painting was "awarded after six minutes of intense bidding in the room and on…

MALI: Clash between the Malian army and the MNLA in the Gao region

  Peace is fragile in northern Mali. Friday, November 8, a confrontation broke out between Tuareg rebel fighters of the National Liberation Movement of Azawad (MNLA) to soldiers of the Malian army and the Niger Minusma, the strength of UN Mali. The exchange of fire took place on the site of the weekly fair Egazargane…

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