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Syria feels squeeze from UN and the West

Syrian President Bashar al Assad’s international image suffered a black eye on Tuesday, as his violent crackdown against protesters brought a slap from western countries at the UN and European Union. It followed a day when Syrian tanks and troops entered several southern villages amid heavy gunfire,传奇私服 and the military sealed off areas where they…

What is a Brain Cancer ?

Brain cancer is that malignant disease of the brain where cancer cells multiply in the brain tissues. The tissues that are formed due to cancerous cell division forms a mass index of tumor inside the brain’s soft and spongy material and it interferes with the proper brain tissue functioning to control muscles of the brain;…

Fluid Retention - An underlying physiological problem

Approximately 60% of our body is made up of water. From the minute cells to the vital organs and skeletal structure, our body’s proper functioning depends on water balance. The regulatory mechanisms of our body, such as the heart and kidneys,传奇世界私服 are responsible for keeping the amount of fluid in the body at a constant…

From a Qaddafi Daughter, a Glimpse Inside the Bunker

Aisha el-Qaddafi, the daughter of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya, likes to tell her three young children bedtime stories about the afterlife. Now, she says, they are especially appropriate. “To make them ready,” she said, “because in a time of war you never know when a rocket or a bomb might hit you, and that…

Dark floating veins

Question : I HAVE floating veins that are dark in colour at the lower and upper knee. 传奇私服 传奇sf What can be done about this condition? Answer : FLOATING VEINS or varicose veins refer to abnormally dilated or swollen veins, especially in the lower part of the body, such as the legs and feet. Veins…

How effectual is Tamiflu for Bird flu?

You are a part of the flu; try Tamiflu With the last rays of the purple sun fading into the misty sea the last of the birds fly towards you with the flu. The night has lots of discomfort to offer; the best of it being the half awakened state at which you brood around…

Yoga Cure For Asthma

It is a widely prevalent disease, affecting the young, old and even the children. 传世私服 Today millions people suffer from this disease. The most disheartening aspect of asthma is that it does not get completely cured through medicines. Asthma is defined as a disease characterized by an increased responsiveness of the trachea and bronchi to…

Organic Skin Care For Men VS Chemical Skin Care For Men

When we men start buying skin care products, we don’t look too much in the components and nature of the product in front of us. We just tend glaze over the counter and read general features,魔域私服 such as “anti-agingâ€, “no more wrinklesâ€, “bye bye greasy skinâ€. However there is one of these features that we…

Keeping Dust Under Control with a Dust Spray

For those with allergies or asthma, keeping dust under control is essential to overall health. It is also a good idea for those without any health problems and a buildup of dust can cause cold-like symptoms if breathed in too much. Additionally, 传奇私服 too much dust attracts other nuisances such as dust mites, which live…

Tips to Minimize Scarring

Cuts, abrasions, surgical procedures, accidents, and acne--almost any injury to the dermal layer can result to some degree of scarring. Although scars are natural responses of the body to tissue damage, 传奇私服 many of us look at them as a nuisance. Scars end up as “flaws” in the appearance of the person. But whether we…

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