Portable solar panels: what is it, features, application

Portable solar panels are an independent source of energy. They are often used by tourists during their stay outside the city. This is a great solution for fueling your phone and other gadgets. Devices are charged by solar energy. Learn more about jackery alternative

Types of portable solar panels

Mobile solar panels are usually classified into two main categories, each variety has its own characteristics, pros and cons. Portable solar panels are:

  • thin-film;
  • crystalline;
  • based on silicon.

The thin membrane is a solar cell with photovoltaic material imprinted on the surface. The key advantage of this variety is flexibility. Such batteries can be placed on various materials, they are affordable.

Flexible modifications of solar panels are obtained by placing photovoltaic cells between polymer layers. Cheaper varieties use PET polymer, more expensive ones use ETFE. The second type has improved light transmission when compared to PET. It is stronger and more reliable, which is especially important when the battery is exposed to high temperatures and precipitation.

Crystal modifications are made on the basis of silicon. Manufacturers offer a variant with polycrystalline and monocrystalline elements. Silicon batteries are not as flexible, but they can be used on sloping surfaces, such as on the roofs of motorhomes. This variety is more durable than film.

Selection Guide

At the stage of choosing mobile solar panels, attention should be focused on several parameters:

  • power;
  • tension;
  • the presence of a cable in the original configuration;
  • moisture resistance.

A battery rated at 100W will not be able to deliver more than 75W. If a more powerful option is required, several panels can be combined. Combination in parallel and serial way is allowed.

Under the operating voltage is meant the limiting indicator, under the nominal one, which will be applied. This is one of the key features.

You also need to consider that a cable is required to connect the panel to the battery or the consumer. It is desirable that it be included in the package, this information is on the packaging.

A mobile solar panel must be durable, withstand wind and snow loads. Moisture resistance is equally important, especially for travelers. Most models of portable panels meet this requirement.

It is recommended to buy modifications, the equipment of which includes a charge controller, a battery and a set of wires. Tourist models are best used in combination with a battery.

Pros and cons of portable solar panels

The key advantage of portable solar panels is their versatility, they are able to power any gadgets. Such devices do not create a large burden when traveling. They are easy to install and operate, just find a well-lit place.

The disadvantages of mobile solar panels are associated with a decrease in performance in insufficiently lit weather. It is advisable for tourists to stock up on batteries that can store a charge for use on cloudy days and at night.


Portable solar panels: what is it, features, applicationultima modifica: 2022-06-16T23:04:16+02:00da alanpoe1

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