The Dos and Don’ts of Shipping a Car to or from New York


Shipping a car isn’t necessarily the easiest thing to do, but it isn’t difficult either. Once you know what to do and what not to do, it becomes easy as pie. Here are the Dos and Don’ts of shipping a car to or from New York City.


Do your research on shipping prices

In order to avoid getting overcharged for shipping, you’ll need to take some time up front and research different companies who ship cars. This will give you an idea of what’s out there so that you can make an informed decision on which company you choose. You can also use sites like Craigslist or eBay Auto Transport Reviews to see if any others have had positive experiences with car shipping companies before.


Know what you are shipping

Before you ship your car, make sure that you have all of your paperwork in order. You’ll need: insurance information, title information, and proof that you own both your vehicle and its contents. It’s also important to make sure that you can store any items that may be on board—if you need somewhere safe to keep them while they are on their way, look into self-storage facilities in your area.


Select a good shipper

When shipping a car it’s important to have someone you can trust. With so many companies out there, it’s difficult to find that trustworthy shipper from one state to another. There are ways of finding out how good they are, though, such as reading reviews on websites like Yelp.


Pack your vehicle properly

Before your vehicle is loaded onto its transport, it needs to be as ready as possible for its journey. That means making sure that all items are removed and secured in boxes, so they don’t fall off along the way. Double-check that there are no loose items on top of your vehicle; after all, wind gusts can make driving difficult.

Get your vehicle ready for transport

Cleaning your car can be one of the easiest ways to prep it for shipping. When you clean your vehicle, you remove dirt, grime, insects, food and other unwanted material. If your car has been in storage for a long time, you might need more than just a vacuum—you might even need professional cleaning services. Regardless, cleaning your vehicle before transport can save you from costly damage.


Keep an eye on the time frame

As tempting as it is to drive your car onto the boat, don’t do it. This can result in damage that may not be covered by insurance, resulting in you having to foot an even larger bill than you would have if you’d left your car behind. It can also result in headaches for future buyers who won’t appreciate having to deal with possible mechanical issues on a used vehicle purchased from overseas.

Sign all required paperwork

You’ll need proof that you’re authorized to have your car shipped. Get all necessary signatures—including those of any friends or family members who will be storing your vehicle. It’s best not to share an address with anyone, so that you don’t end up getting two cars in one place by mistake!


Drive safely!

When shipping a car, safety is paramount. The drive may be long, which means your vehicle could be unattended for hours at a time. So it’s important to make sure you know exactly how much gas you have in your tank before leaving on your trip as well as checking that all lights work properly and you have plenty of water on hand (both for yourself, any passengers, and for your vehicle). Also, remember to keep all personal items out of sight (including laptops) during transit.

The Dos and Don’ts of Shipping a Car to or from New Yorkultima modifica: 2022-05-26T15:15:14+02:00da henryjackson1

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