Nail Size Chart – Different Nail Sizes and Diameters


Finding the perfect nail length can be a daunting task. Whether you’re a professional carpenter or a DIY enthusiast, it’s important to have the right nail size for the job.

That’s why Yijin Hardware has created a helpful nail length chart. This chart provides information on the different sizes and diameters of nails available so you can easily find the perfect nail length for your project. Take a look at our comprehensive nail length chart to get started!

The different lengths of nails

When it comes to the length of nails, there are a few things to consider. Nails come in different lengths that range from a few millimeters to several inches. Common nail sizes range from 4 millimeters to 6 centimeters. Depending on the project you’re working on, you may need a certain size of nail. For example, if you’re working on a doorframe, you’ll likely need longer nails than if you were making a wooden box.

The most commonly used nails are usually between 10 and 40 millimeters long. Longer nails are used for heavier duty projects or for attaching materials like hardwood, particleboard, and plywood. Nails can also be cut to a specific length depending on the job.

It’s important to note that the length of the nail will affect its holding strength. Longer nails have better holding power than shorter ones and are often used in places where more force is needed. However, when using longer nails, it’s important to remember that they may require more effort to drive them into the material. Additionally, the type of material being used can also determine which size of nail is best suited for the project.

Hardwoods such as oak and maple require larger diameter nails than softer woods such as pine and cedar. If you’re unsure which size of nail is best for your application, check out Yijin Hardware’s Nail Size Chart for detailed information about each type of nail available. This helpful chart provides all the details about the best type of nail to use for each application. It’s an invaluable resource for all of your construction needs!

The different diameters of nails

0.063 Inches – These are the smallest diameter nails and are typically used for light duty tasks such as hanging artwork or securing drywall. They are also suitable for very thin materials, such as particle board.


0.094 Inches – This size nail is commonly used for softwood molding, light-duty carpentry tasks, and interior trim. It is also used to secure furniture and cabinets.

0.125 Inches – This size is suitable for most carpentry projects, including installing kitchen cabinets and building furniture. It is also appropriate for heavier trim work and baseboard installation.


0.157 Inches – This is a commonly used size of nail, suitable for larger carpentry jobs such as deck building and construction.

0.187 Inches – This is a good size for heavier framing jobs and outdoor construction.


0.25 Inches – The largest diameter nails are typically used for structural applications such as roofing and heavy timber framing.


At Yijin Hardware, we specialize in providing precision machined parts that meet the highest quality standards for our customers’ needs. We offer a wide range of different sized nails to meet any project requirements, from 0.063 inches up to 0.25 inches. Our experienced team can provide expert advice and support on choosing the right nail size for any job, ensuring the highest level of quality and performance.


Contact us today to find out more about our range of nails and how we can help you with your project. All our products come with a warranty, meaning you have complete peace of mind when ordering from us. We use state-of-the-art machinery combined with high-end software technologies to produce precise results every time.


Our commitment to superior customer service means we go above and beyond when it comes to meeting all your expectations. With over 20 years’ experience in precision machining, Yijin Hardware is well placed to supply top quality products and services at competitive prices. We always strive to exceed our customers’ expectations and provide outstanding customer service. With an impressive portfolio of satisfied clients around the world, you can be sure of an exceptional experience when working with Yijin Hardware.


How to find the perfect nail length for you

Finding the perfect length of a nail is essential when using them for projects. The right size will depend on the type of material you are using and the project you are completing.

When measuring the length, start by taking into account the thickness of the material being used. You’ll also want to factor in the type of head on the nail – whether it’s a finish or common nail. To measure accurately, place a ruler at the top of the material and measure from there to the point where the nail will go.

Once you have determined the length of the nail needed, it’s important to choose the correct diameter. A too-small nail won’t be able to bear the weight of the material, while a too-large one could split the wood. The correct diameter for your project will be based on the type of material being used and how much weight it will need to bear.

Finally, consider the application when determining your nail length. If you’re driving them into hardwood, a longer nail is typically best. In contrast, if you’re fastening softwood, a shorter nail should do the job just fine.

Using a Nail Size Chart is a great way to help determine the size of nail needed for your project. With this chart, you can easily find the right size and length for your particular project needs. It’s also helpful to double-check measurements to ensure accuracy.

By taking into account all these factors, you should be able to easily find the perfect size and length of nails for any job. With proper selection and installation, you can complete your project with confidence knowing that you have chosen the right size for the job.

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Nail Size Chart – Different Nail Sizes and Diametersultima modifica: 2022-12-26T09:12:20+01:00da henryjackson1

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