Organic Triphala Powder

It is the oldest and most prestigious homegrown recipe from Ayurveda. Triphala powder consists of three different organic products that gently help the whole gastrointestinal plot and stomach system. Featuring Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki are blended in this tri-herbal powder. It helps to support healthy emulation with fundamental supplements. The Triphala powder readily dissolves in hot tea as well as cold water.

Triphala powder originated in India and was used as an herbal medician while back 3000 years ago. It has many health benefits, which is why it has become popular worldwide. It consists of various medicinal herbs, which is called polyherbal medication. 

Benefits of Amla

Amla plays a significant role in Ayurvedic medicine. In India, amla is used for the treatment of constipation and cancer disease as an Ayurvedic medication. Amal contains many nutritious minerals and is rich in vitamin c. Amal is known as glossaries in India, and these gooseberries are growing all over India. The taste of these barriers is sharp and sour.

That’s why these gooseberries are used in pickles, cooked in dishes, and in sugar syrup    

Several search studies recommended Amal has potent anti-cancer properties. It helps to reduce the growth of ovarian and cervical cancer cells. Although, there is no proof it prevents cancer in humans. 

Benefits of Bibhitaki

In Southeast Asia, Terminalia bellirica is included in the list of the commonly grown tree. In ayurvedic medicine, it is called Bibhitaki. It is consist of gallic acid, flavones, and lignans. It also contains many other potent plant compounds famous for their medical qualities. 

This herbal remedy is used for treatment purposes for a wide array of medical problems. This plant’s chemical is used to increase the production of insulin. It also helps in maintaining blood sugar and better insulin resistance.  

In Ayurvedic, Bibhitaki is also used for the treatment of blood sugar and diabetes. It is also beneficial for reducing weight.

Benefits of haritaki

Terminalia chebula tree is found in China, the Middle East, Thailand, and India. In Ayurvedic, this tree is called Haritaki. Terminalia chebula tree has small green fruit, which is the main component of the Triphala powder. Heritage is also called the king of medicines. It held high esteem in Ayurveda. It is used to cure heart disease, stomach problems, and asthma.

Haritaki contains polyphenols, flavonoids, and terpenes, which all have powerful benefits. It is highly used for the treatment of digestive diseases like constipation.

Benefits of Triphala 

There are possible benefits of Triphala are given below:

Antioxidant Properties

Triphala contains a lot of antioxidant properties, which help to protect the body from many diseases. The antioxidant also helps reduce heart diseases, diabetes, and specific cancers. Triphala contains vitamin c, tannins, and other powerful plant elements. 

Triphala protects certain cancers.

Several test tubes and animal studies recommended that it helps to protect against certain cancers. Triphala contains powerful antioxidants, including polyphenols and gallic acid. It has the potential to fight against cancer. 

The use of this herbal remedy proves prostate and colon cancer cell death.

Protect from Cavities and Dental Disease

Plaque formation is the leading cause of cavities, and anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties are present in the Triphala, which helps to reduce plaque formation. 

According to research, in which mouthwash Triphala is present significantly helps to reduce gum inflammation. 

One hundred forty-three children use Triphala mouthwash to overcome the gums inflammation and bacterial formation in the mouth.  

Help in Reducing weight

Some researches show that Triphala powder reduces weight, especially in the belly area. 

According to one research, Triphala added in the feed of rats has significantly shown weight loss compared to the mice without Triphala.

In another study, 62 adults taking 10 gm Triphala have reduced their weight, hip circumference, and waist circumference compared to others.

Used as a natural Laxative

Triphala has been used since antiquated times to cure digestive system problems. It improves the constipation symptoms and also decreases straining. 

For patients suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, it helps to overcome abdominal pain and constipation. It also helps in improving the consistency and frequency of bowel movements. 

According to studies, it improves intestinal damage and intestinal inflammation in animals.

Some drawbacks of Triphala

Generally, Triphala considers safe, but some side effects are also observed in some people.

Such as due to natural laxative effects, it may cause diarrhea, especially in high quantities. Triphala is not suggested for pregnant women and is not allowed for children. It may be affected by particular meditation, including blood thinner.

It may increase the risk of bleeding in specific people and is not used by those with bleeding disorders.

Before adding Triphala to your diet plan, firstly, concern your doctor.

Use of Triphala

You can find this powder from any medical store and online. It is available in various forms like capsule, liquid, or powder. It is recommended to take in an empty stomach for more observation. Usually, it is suggested to take 500 mg to 1 gm. A higher dose is used for the treatment of constipation. If you want to take it in powder form, mix it up with honey and warm water. 

Large doses are taken by people who are suffering from digestive problems. So, initially, take a small amount and gradually increase high doses.

Most people have faced no problem using Triphala, but some face some issues, so first discuss with your doctor and then take it.

Final words

Triphala is an ayurvedic medication that is getting popular as an herbal remedy. Some researches show it protects you from certain cancers. It also helps treat constipation and cavity problems like gum inflammation. It also helps in reducing weight. 

With so many health benefits, you can include them in your diet plan after consulting with your doctor because some people have faced some health issues while using Triphala.