Buy some stylish Customized Notebooks online


It is true that digital screens will never be able to replace paper and pen completely. The satisfaction of writing on a piece of paper with a pen, pencil or crayon cannot be found in digital mediums. You can use pressure on a sheet of paper and not worry about malfunctioning it, unlike digital screens. We are able to use paper from our notebooks not just for writing but also for other fun activities like making paper planes, paper balls and making different shaped things by folding a sheet of paper. Previously, writing letters to distant people used to be the only medium of communication. In present times, it is considered an intimate mode of connection. There are very few people left who still write letters to their loved ones. Besides, students are the largest consumers of paper. They can be seen purchasing customized notebooks these days. 

My mother is fond of writing. I remember how she used to write lots of letters to her distant relatives, family members and college friends. This is one thing that I clearly remember about her. Besides sending love filled letters, she had a habit of filling up pages of a notebook she used to keep inside her kitchen cabinet. She still does it but it has become less frequent over the years. Recently, I surprised her with a personalized notebook specially designed for her. It had her name printed on the cover. It also has a picture of her ancestral home to remind her of her nostalgic memories. Needless to say, she absolutely loved it. She even got emotional upon receiving it. I also ordered another set of printed notebooks for her. She uses them for the following purposes:

Expense Tracking 

Sometimes it can be difficult to keep track of our money. If we don’t pay attention, then it can get hard to tell where all our money went. We are aware of the fact that everything is governed by money, if we are not careful enough then our finances can spiral out of control. Writing our expenditures and savings can help us in the long run. 


Just like any other person from the older generations, my mother is also fond of art and literature. She is also an avid book reader and thoroughly enjoys reading and writing poetry. She has a personal notebook dedicated for collecting and penning down her own poems.

Recipe Book 

Some mothers love to cook. By cooking some delicious dishes, they are not just feeding food but also feeding love too to their children. My mother is also fond of cooking and trying various recipes off the internet. I suggested her to write those recipes in a notebook for using them whenever she feels like. 

Note Taking

While talking on the phone, if she wishes to note down a message for someone then she can use her notebook.

These notebooks are enough to keep my mother occupied throughout the day. She is still in the process of discovering new uses of her notebooks. You can also surprise someone with printed notebooks and make their day.

Buy some stylish Customized Notebooks onlineultima modifica: 2022-06-18T08:33:51+02:00da manish08

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