Liverpool seeks to eventually release 145 billion failed works

British media “Team Talk” reported on the 6th (Korea Standard Time) that “Liverpool is ready to sell Darwin Nuñez (24), whose performance this season did not meet expectations, in the transfer market this summer.”

Liverpool is getting further and further away from winning the Premier League title this season. Having played 35 matches in the league, the team has won 22 matches, drawn nine matches and lost four matches, and is now lagging behind to third place with only 75 points.

Major reforms are likely to take place this summer. Liverpool, which has confirmed its farewell to coach Jurgen Klopp after this season, is stepping up preparations for a new era.

The process of appointing the next head coach was also accelerated. Multiple media outlets including the British media BBC reported last month that Liverpool agreed with Feyenoord to pay up to 9.4 million pounds (16 billion won) in compensation for the appointment of Slot as head coach.

He is also ready to give strength to Slot’s shoulder. According to the report, Liverpool plans to sell Núñez to help Slot raise funds for her to use to recruit new players.

Nuñez left Benfica to join Liverpool in 2022. Liverpool had high expectations, investing £85 million (W145 billion) to buy him.

Núñez failed to meet expectations. In all of her competitions last season, she scored only 15 goals in 42 matches. Due to minor injuries, she had difficulty maintaining her performance.

Things haven’t changed much this season, either. Throughout all tournaments, he only scored 18 goals in 52 matches. He also made an ignominious record of 26 missed big chances, the second largest number in the league.

Barcelona has offered a helping hand. “Barcelona is eyeing a surprise signing of Núñez as Robert Lewandowski’s successor,” Team Talk said.

The problem is Barcelona’s financial situation. Barcelona is struggling financially. It is highly likely that Liverpool will not be able to pay the transfer fee for Nuñez, which is demanded by Liverpool.

BY: 스포츠토토

Liverpool seeks to eventually release 145 billion failed worksultima modifica: 2024-05-07T01:45:33+02:00da sportstotohotcom01

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