New Features in Java 12 that Developers Must Know

Java developers for hire

Some of the great benefits you will get from the new Java 12 features are as follows:

  • Java 12 will make the coding process easier by extending the switch statement and enabling you to use it as a statement/ expression.
  • It will boost the JDK build process by creating a class data-sharing archive through a default class list on the 64-bit platform.
  • It will reduce the garbage collection pause times by processing evacuation work while running the Java threads. It implies that pause times are consistent regardless of the heap size.
  • It will add a suite of micro-benchmarks into the JDK build source code, streamlining the running of existing benchmarks and the creation of new ones.
  • It will do away with any duplicate work necessary with maintaining two ports.
  • It will make aborting the garbage collection process much more efficient for you by dividing the mixed collection group into mandatory and optional parts.
  • It will facilitate the upgradation of the G1 garbage collector to instantly return unused Java heap memory to the operating system when idle.

Even with the prevalence of other programming languages, Java has sustained its widespread popularity since its release 23 years ago. One of the most compelling reasons that makes Java so accessible is its platform-independent nature. A Java program can work on any operating system or computer.

Many of the most significant web development applications and systems around the globe are developed in Java. Amazon, Google, Android, Experian, Atlassian, Twitter, eBay, and Netflix are just a few examples from the long list of famous companies that use Java. With the six-month release schedule for Java, the development community can expect new and better features for web developers at an accelerated rate.

The latest version of Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE) is JDK 12, as described by JSR 386 (Java Specification Request) in the Java Community Process. Currently, JDK 12 is in the Release-Candidate Phase stage. It consists of eight features, with a few enhancements and additions introduced since Phase One. The comprehensive feature set is frozen. However, the stabilization repository, JDK/jdk12, is transparent for P1-P2 bug fixes. With approval, the late enhancement requests stated in the JDK Release Process.

Java 12 features you are surely going to get are as follows:

  1. Switch expressions (JEP, 325).
  2. Default CDS archives.
  3. Shenandoah.
  4. Microbenchmark suite.
  5. JVM constants API.
  6. One AArch64 port, not 2.
  7. Abortable mixed collections for G1.
  8. Promptly return unused committed memory from G1.

Switch expressions (JEP 325)-

With Java 12, the beta switch expressions will improve coding by extending the switch statement, enabling developers to use it as either a statement or an interpretation. It will allow both the forms to use either the traditional or simplified scoping and control flow behaviour. It will simplify the code and make way for the use of pattern matching in a switch. Java developers for hire are enhancing the Java programming language to use pattern matching to resolve several issues with the current switch statement. The enhancements include default control flow behaviour of switch blocks, default scoping switch block, and switch working only as a statement. In Java 11, the switch statement tracks C and C++ programming languages. It uses the fall-through semantics by default. The traditional control flow is beneficial when writing low-level codes. The error-prone nature will soon outweigh its flexibility as the switch is in higher-level contexts.

Default CDS archives (JEP 341)-

The ultimate goal is to improve the JDK build process by creating a class data-sharing archive via the default class list on the 64-bit platform, effectively removing the need to run <code> Java -Xshare: dump</code>. The goals for this feature is to Improve the out-of-the-box startup time, and to get rid of the need to run -Xshare: dump to benefit from the CDS.

Shenandoah: A low-pause-time garbage collector (JEP 189):

Shenandoah is a garbage collection (GC) algorithm that guarantees low response times. It reduces the GC pause times by doing evacuation work along with the running Java threads. With Shenandoah, pause times do not depend on the size of the heap. Pause times will be consistent, no matter the size of your collection. A 10 MB or 10 GB heap should have the same pause time. It is an experimental feature and is not a part in the default OpenJDK build.

Microbenchmark suite (JEP 230):

This feature adds a suite of microbenchmarks to the JDK source code and simplifies both the running of existing microbenchmarks and the creation of new ones. It has the foundation in the Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH) and supports JMH updates. It makes it simple for developers to run current microbenchmarks and add new ones to the JDK source code. It quickly tests the JDK performance based on the Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH). It will support JMH updates and consist of an initial set of approximately 100 benchmarks in the suite.

JVM constants API (JEP 334):

JEP 334 introduces an API modelling the key class-file and run-time artefacts. The API will include classes like ClassDesc, MethodTypeDesc, MethodHandleDesc, and DynamicConstantDesc. This API helps tools that manipulate classes and methods.

One AArch64 port, not two (JEP 340):

Java 12 will only have one port for the ARM 64-bit processors. The purpose is to delete all arm64 all sources related to the port while maintaining the 32-bit ARM port and 64-bit aarch64 port.

It will shift the focus to a single 64-bit ARM implementation and eliminate duplicate work that is essential to maintain two ports. There are two 64-bit ARM ports in the current JDK 11 implementation.

Abortable Mixed Collections for G1:

This specific feature makes the G1 garbage collector abort the garbage collection process more efficiently by splitting the mixed collection set into mandatory and optional parts. By allowing the garbage collection process to prioritize the obligatory set, G1 can meet the pause time goal more often. G1 is for multi-processor machines with large volumes of memory. Due to its increased performance efficiency, the G1 garbage collector will replace the CMS garbage collector. One of the main goals of G1 Garbage Collector is to meet a user-supplied pause time target for the collection pauses. The G1 opts for an analysis engine that selects the amount of workload to process during a collection. The produced result is a set of regions known as collection set. As soon as the collection set is established and the group has started, then G1 will collect all live objects in collection set’s regions without a halt. If G1 finds out that the collection set selection selects the wrong number of areas repeatedly, it will transform into an incremental way of processing mixed collections set by splitting the group of to-be garbage collected regions into two parts – mandatory and optional parts. 

Promptly return unused committed memory from G1 (JEP 346):

The primary purpose of this feature is to improve the G1 garbage collector to immediately return Java heap memory to the operating system when inactive. To achieve this goal, during low application activity, G1 will periodically create or continue a concurrent cycle to check the complete Java heap usage. It will make it return unused Java heap parts to the operating system immediately. When under user control, there will be an option to perform a full GC to increase the volume of memory returned.

Raw string literals (JEP 326) removed from JDK 12:

Raw string literals were proposed as a preview feature of Java 12 but were later dropped. Its future release is currently postponed and is being revised. 

This was all about the new features in Java 12. Hope you find this article informative. Also Read about, what is the future of web development in the artificial intelligence era?