Paradise Corp Jan casino sales down 36 pct-om-m

South Korea’s Paradise Inc., which operates foreign-only casinos, said in a Wednesday filing that its January sales fell 36.2% month-on-month. On a year-on-year basis, sales fell 61.8%.

The group’s casino revenue in January was 27.28 billion won ($2.45 million), down from 42.77 billion won it achieved in December, and down even more compared to 71.4 billion won it achieved in January 2020. The performance for the period reflected market conditions before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the South Korean tourism and casino markets.

Table game sales were 25.48 billion won in January, down 38.4 percent sequentially from 41.37 billion won produced in December, and down 62.2 percent from the tally of 67.49 billion won achieved in January last year.

Machine game sales in January this year were nearly 1.8 billion won, up 28.7 percent from nearly 1.4 billion won in December, but down 54.0 percent from 3.91 billion won a year earlier.

Paradise Co.’s gaming operations are Walkerhill (pictured) in Seoul, Jeju Grand in Jeju Island, Busan Casino in the southern port city of Busan, and Paradise City in Incheon, near the main international airport serving the Korean capital of Seoul.

Paradise Casino Walkerhill reopened on Jan. 4 after being closed from Dec. 15 due to COVID-19 measures.

BY: 바카라사이트

Paradise Corp Jan casino sales down 36 pct-om-multima modifica: 2024-05-03T04:53:41+02:00da wooricasinotop01

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