Creato da rory_83 il 24/02/2005


...pensieri, immagini, storie, ovvero il mondo secondo me!


« Fiera dell'artigianato:...Lette a Napoli »


Post n°272 pubblicato il 11 Dicembre 2005 da rory_83
Foto di rory_83

Bellissima questa canzone...

Got no reason for coming to me and the rain running down.
There's no reason.
And the same voice coming to me like it's all slowin down.
And believe me -

I was the one who let you know
I was your sorry-ever-after. '74-'75.

It's not easy, nothing to say 'cause it's already said.
It's never easy.
When I look on in your eyes then I find that I'll do fine.
When I look on in your eyes then I'll do better.

I was the one who let you know
I was your sorry-ever-after. '74-'75.
Giving me more and I'll defy
'Cause you're really only after '74-'75.

Got no reason for coming to me and the rain running down.
There's no reason.
When I look on in your eyes then I find that I'll do fine.
When I look on in your eyes then I'll do better.

I was the one who let you know
I was your sorry-ever-after. '74-'75.
Giving me more and I'll defy
'Cause you're really only after '74-'75.

I was the one who let you know
I was your sorry-ever-after. '74-'75.
Giving me more and I'll defy
'Cause you're really only after '74-'75.




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Nickname: rory_83
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Età: 40
Prov: MI


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