noumeno - filosofia
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Bees in Malta

I would like to tell you something about my life with the bees ...I came in contact with the Bees some three years ago when I attended a Symposium on the Bees which was held in Malta in collaboration with many countries.. At the same time I was improving a small field and I was…

Serie di webinar

WEBINAR sull'ARTE della RETORICANoumeno Culture Club offre una serie di incontri sull'Arte della Retorica aperti a tutti.Per iscrizioni:  

Schopenhauer e i Veda

SCHOPENHAUER E I VEDAA.Schopenhauer scrisse alcune opere ispirate alla conoscenza orientale toccando alcuni temi importanti per il pensiero dell'Occidente, quali verità e illusione, l'ego e l'esistenza materiale. Influenzò altri filosofi del suo tempo a prendere consapevolezza della geografia delle origini della conoscenza e sulla scorta dei suoi contatti con l'orientalista F.Mayer, avuti nel salotto di…

Music therapy

Where words fail, music speaks. -Hans Christian AndersenMusic is a powerful form of communication. With a rich history, found in every known culture, it is thought that music predates language. Sir Charles Darwin proposed the hypothesis that the presence of a “musical protolanguage.” Perhaps it was our evolutionary ancestors that provided us with the framework…

The Hidden Economy Beneath our Feet by Melissa Stukenholtz

The forest that meets our eyes is not what it seems. Traditionally, it is thought that different types of trees are constantly fighting for sunlight--that through competition the strongest and tallest survive and thrive while the the small species of trees and shrubs get by on what they can get. Each tree being an independent…

volounteer job

P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }Work as workawayer At workaway it's not only about work but also about cultural contact and exchange. You can tell the kind of work in five grupps: •Family - wants general help in house and with child, often want to learn/practice a language, mostly English •Hostel - want help in the…

Chandra Bose and the crescograph

 Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose(1858–1937) was a Bengali polymath, physicist, biologist, botanist,archaeologist, as well as an early writer of science fiction. Hepioneered the investigation of radio and microwave optics, made verysignificant contributions to plant science, and laid the foundationsof experimental science in the Indian subcontinent.A crescograph is a devicefor measuring growth in plants and it was…

The power of Herbs

The Power Of Herbs Botanicals and herbs have been used been used by humans for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Once thought of as the oldest known herbal book, "Devine Farmer's Classic of Herbalism" compiled approximately 2,000 years ago in China, is young compared to other written records regarding medicinal plants found in Egypt…

Chess club

¿jugamos una partida? Trieste y el ajedrez El ajedrez es un deporte complejo, en el que muchas cualidades se aúnan para determinar la fuerza de cada jugador. Hoy podemos decir que un gran jugador de ajedrez debe poseer, entre otras cosas, una buena memoria, una buena dosis de creatividad, una intuición desarrollada, un elevado espíritu…

Reading circle

Cïrculo de lectura en la asociación Noumenofvg No es ningún descubrimiento afirmar que los beneficios de la lectura son innumerables. Numerosos autores a lo largo de la historia han buscado su lugar en el mundo detrás de un libro, dejando volar la imaginación y viajando a lugares que nunca visitarían con sus propios pies. Además,…

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