Widespread Subletting trend can result in Legal action

After the great recession, the conditions of the worldwide countries changed. In Dubai, this change has come in the form of high inflation rate and high unemployment level. To make ends meet, the tenants have started subletting their rented apartments and villas. In subletting actually, the tenant sublet a room or two to someone else without the consent of the owner. According to Dubai law, the tenant who has sublet the Dubai property without the consent of the landlord will have to face legal eviction. According to senior lawyers, if convicts fail to provide the letter of consent from the owner, they will face legal action that sometimes even leads to serious consequences.

As explained earlier, due to economic downturn and recession, the trend of subletting apartments in Dubai is increased in Dubai at a great extent. This trend is especially prevalent among expats working in Dubai. Law and property experts warn every resident of Dubai that if they are paying their rent to their housemates, they might be unknowingly subletting which is direct breach of Dubai laws.

A real estate expert says

According to a Dubai real estate expert, most of the leases entirely prohibit subleasing or state that subleasing will be only legal if they have legal written consent of owner. The expert also stated that most of the individuals are unaware of the fact that subleasing is illegal and if in any case they are taking a sublease then they should stop it immediately as the ignorance of law is no excuse. They should better check the head lease and should confirm that whether the original tenant have the right to sublease or not.

The reason of the widespread popularity of sublease is due to its flexible renting option in Dubai. It divides the burden of utility bills among the residents. The sublease tenant also has no need to sign the contract, which bounds him for 12 months. This ultimately allows the tenants to roam freely in Emirates for jobs without any restriction of living in one place.

Things can get worse

Things can get worse for tenants who are unaware of this law. They have no protection and the tenants can be evicted in matter of days. According to one of the expats, he has been living in an apartment and did not know the fact that the actual owner has no idea that they are living on subleasing. On a surprise visit of the owner, the whole matter was disclosed and the owner immediately took the decision that they would have to leave within one month because he (owner) has no idea that the apartment was being sublet. The expat also added that he had no knowledge of the letter of consent for the sublease of apartments in Dubai.

The lawyers have showed worry for ignorant tenants and are of the view that there can be further complications and problems if the original tenant and the sublease tenants are living in a same apartment or villa. If the original tenant leaves the city then the sublease tenants will have no right to live in the house as they are not the legal tenants. This matter becomes more serious when original tenant flees away and sublease tenants are held responsible for payments and everything.

How to buy luxury villas in Dubai?

Buying property in international destination like Dubai is not a new trend. It has become fad to invest for long term over there. Dubai is synonymous with magnificent projects, high rise towers, worth seeing shopping malls and mega developments that have gained international fame due to its unique architectural features. Even though nowadays Dubai real estate is not having the same charm but still expatriates, foreigners and inhabitants want to capture the status of owning the property in Dubai. They all have hopes that it will regain its regime once again.

One of the very popular property segment in which many real estate brokers get inselling of luxury villas in Dubaiselling of luxury villas in Dubaivolve to make handsome commission is the selling of luxury villas in Dubai. It is a lucrative option to buy ready to move in luxury villas in an ideal environment with millions invested.

There are numerous options available in this type of property and a variety of architectural feats such as city luxury villas to beach front villas and luxury villas in different communities. Buying property in Dubai is not restricted to a particular social class or any specific genre but this property type becomes a little bit unaffordable for average income people. Many people have shown their interest and due to variety and availability of these villas many celebrities from different fields have already occupied places in different locations of Dubai.

Villas in Dubai

Villas in Dubai

Different kinds of villas in Dubai

There are different kinds of villas available in Dubai with multitudes of facilities like swimming pools, Jacuzzis, lawns, gardens and driveways. In recent times, the construction pattern is little bit changed and private pools are replaced by community swimming pools and podiums. Luxury villas that are fully furnished are in more demand as compared to unfurnished ones. The only problem is that most of the times furnished villas are only available for rent in Dubai and not for selling purpose. You can also go for the gated community option that offers different facilities along with good security.

Developers understand the growing demand of people in Dubai residential areas therefore they are trying hard to meet their needs. Whether you are looking to buy a luxury villa or get one on rent, you have numerous options out of which you can choose and contact the real estate agent to make deal on your behalf.