Mga Bagong Patakaran- mula sa Presidente ng Rehiyon ng Veneto, Italia


Ordinance nr. 43 of 27 april, from  april 27 at 6 pm hanggang a 3 ng Mayo 2020.

  1.  Shifting of individual person for physical fitness and any acivity in an open field…by means of bicycle or any means within the residence zone is consented.  Avoid forming of group or groups of individuals. Maintain  social distancing of 1 meter between persons, except for those accompanied by other individua/s or care giver/s  for reasons of physical disability/ies, and for  minor/s who need/s the assistance of their guardians/parents.

2. It is consented for regional residents, esp. those who need to reach their other properties for security, maintenance and repair activities, to move to another localities, municipalities, cities, but always within the same region.

3. The sales of takeaway food  is permitted, with the buyer required to remain in their vehicle.

4. At places of work, supermarkets, and social gatherings, one is obliged to observe the social distancing of 1 meter between persons as required by law.

5. The use of face mask, gloves and or sanitizing gel is compulsory.

Please, be advised to take always with you your certification or self-declaration document/s for verification purposes to avoid fine/penalty

For the items not cited here, please, refer to the ordinance ns. 40 and 42 of  april 2020.

Updated: April 28, 2020

by  Dr. Ortega Noël

Legal Society Associates

Via Betteloni 39b -37131 Verona,

Italy, Europe



Katuwaan lang ! ‘Wag tamad, a-ah naman! Some high-yielding things you can fancy about during lockdown

1. Explore your talent/skills
Magaling ang noypi. Talent/Skill—when I use the word, I mean it as the rate at which you get better with effort. The rate at which you get better at singing is your singing talent. The rate at which you get better at painting is your painting talent. You know, given that you are putting forth a certain amount of effort. And I absolutely believe—and not everyone does, but I think most people do—that there are differences in talent among us: that we are not all equally talented. Talent is an oft-used word, and when it’s evoked we often nod in agreement that we know what someone means. In many cases, it might be a synonym for “intelligence” or in other domains it might mean “athleticism.” You can get away without pinpointing a precise definition for talent unless you are a scientist who is trying to explain performance. Down below is how i spent my 2-month lockdown. An amateur work of art.


2. Learn a language/dialect
Tongue-twister tayo. Remember all those times you said you’d learn Italian, Spanish, German or French but just couldn’t find a spare minute? Here’s your chance. With a wide selection of YouTube videos and online tutorials at your disposal, why not use this time to learn a completely new language?

3. Re-arrange your wardrobe
Most of us have at least one dress/suit that we know we’ll never wear again or a pair of jeans that just don’t fit the way they used to. It’s time to declutter your wardrobe and get rid of those sad pieces that no longer see the light of day. Either pass them onto friends and family, donate them to charity or at the very least, find your nearest clothing bank and recycle.

4. Learn to play an instrument
‘Wag lagi karaoke. Re-tune that guitar you’ve had for god knows how long and begin to fill your days with the sound of music. With so much free time, it’s never been easier to pick up a new skill.

5. Update your CV and professional accounts
Before lockdown, the idea of updating your CV, cover letter or LinkedIn profile might not have been very high up on your priority list. Rather than putting it off any longer, why not give all of your professional documents and accounts a total makeover? Use this present period to work towards an even brighter future.

6. Write a teleserye or short story
The idea of writing a novel is one which can often seem daunting. How many of us have opened Word, stared at a blank page for a while and then admitted defeat? Enough is enough. Writing can be an incredibly therapeutic practice and one which can help to pass the time. Who knows, you might even be the next Jose Rizal or Nietzsche?

7. Start a blog/vlog
You can never go wrong with writing or creating a blog or vlog. Whether you’re using it as an online writing portfolio, a space to share your passions or as an opportunity to try something new, it’s time to get those creative ideas flowing.

8. Get fit
Some of us aremissing the gym. Working out at home can be just as beneficial for both your mind and body. ‘Wag tamad! Why not try out different types of workouts over the course of the next few weeks and find that workout that really works for you.

9. Do some gardening
Sick of spending all your time indoors? Transform your garden into a tranquil space so that you can venture outside for some much-needed R&R. In need of inspiration? Give a look at your terrace, modify it!

10. Upcycle your furniture
Can’t stop staring at that annoying chip in your side board? Desperate to give those bookshelves a new lick of paint? Why not try your hand at a spot of DIY and transform those tired piece of furniture into something your friends will be jealous of.

11. Master your mobile phone
In an increasingly digital age, the ability to code can put you at a major advantage. Ditch those technophobic tendencies and teach yourself how to master this highly sought after skill.

12. Learn Calligraphy
Bored of biro and pencil? Go one step further and transform your writing into a work of art by practicing calligraphy and lettering. With an array of tutorials and expert guides available online, you’ll learn the tricks of the trade in no time – all you’ll really need is a calligraphy set.

13. Write a journal
The great thing about journaling is that you can write whatever you want, whenever you want. Jot down your best ideas, doodle, write about your day or even create a list of goals, the choice is yours. Who knows, you might even find yourself inspiredor inspiring.

14. Clear out your kitchen cupboards
Do a DH style and organise the entire contents of your kitchen cupboards. Check the expiration dates on those canned goods at the back, clear out that junk drawer you’ve been avoiding or go the whole hog and colour coordinate your spice rack! You know what they say – tidy kitchen, tidy mind, healthy cooking, healthy living.

15. Wash your makeup brushes
Para sa magaganda. Been meaning to wash your makeup brushes for a while now? Besides bacteria, your favourite beauty brushes can also accumulate dead skin cells and oils over time, so it’s pretty important that you keep them fresh and clean. Fly-away bristles? Hindi problema yan! Cut them off! Avoid makeup streaks and patches by painting your face with a smoother, more streamlined brush. Perfect re-touch. Don’t always go on on-line buying at amazon. Old materials can be very fascinating.

16. Click your thoughtfulness by gifting a loved one
Staying connected with the ones you love during this tough time doesn’t have to involve social media. Tabacchi are still open. Varied cards also are available in there. Make someone’s day by sending them a heartfelt gift through the post. Bukas lahat ng Poste Italiane. Take a step outside and feel the sunlight!

Coronavirus: Immigration-prorogata la scadenza dei permessi di soggiorno e altri

Il Decreto legge 18/2020 del 17 marzo 2020…

Si stabilisce che: “Tutti i certificati, attestati, permessi, concessioni, autorizzazioni e atti abilitativi comunque denominati, in scadenza tra il 31 gennaio e il 15 aprile 2020, conservano la loro validità fino al 15 giugno 2020”.

La validità di tutti i permessi di soggiorno in scadenza in questo periodo, viene prorogata fino al 15 giugno 2020, dando la possibilità ai titolari di poter effettuare la domanda di rinnovo dopo tale data..


Dr. Ortega Noël s.

Legal Society Associates

(Immigration Consultancy)

Italy, Europe




“La progressiva riapertura di alcune attività produttive prevista dai codici Ateco si riflette anche sulla mobilità cittadina. I dati del traffico rilevati negli ultimi giorni confermano infatti una ripresa del flusso veicolare e, in parallelo, un maggior utilizzo del trasporto pubblico.

Nella giornata di ieri, i veicoli rilevati in ingresso in città dalla Centrale operativa del Traffico del Comune, che prende a campione i flussi su via Torbido, sono stati 6 mila. Un numero in aumento rispetto alla settimana scorsa, che tuttavia non è legato al mancato rispetto delle misure in vigore per l’emergenza da Coronavirus, bensì al maggior numero di persone che si spostano sul territorio veronese per esigenze lavorative. Un virtuosismo confermato dai controlli della Polizia locale, che ieri ha fermato 399 persone, sanzionandone solo 5. Bene anche gli esercizi commerciali e i negozi, su 213 controlli non è stata registrata nessuna violazione.


I cittadini stanno quindi tornando a muoversi, ma lo fanno perché hanno motivo di doversi spostare. A fronte di ciò, l’Amministrazione ha disposto di potenziare alcune linee del trasporto pubblico, per andare incontro alle esigenze dei lavoratori. Da lunedì 20 aprile saranno aumentate le corse di alcuni autobus soprattutto nelle ore di punta del mattino, per consentire a tutti gli utenti di poter usufruire del servizio in totale sicurezza, rispettando le norme previste per evitare il diffondersi del contagio.


Su ciascun autobus è infatti presente un cartello che indica quali sono le misure da adottare per salire sul mezzo, a cominciare dall’obbligo di mascherina e guanti (o gel). Se un utente si presenta senza dispositivi di sicurezza, l’autista non fa ripartire la corsa fino a quando non si risolve il problema. Inoltre, anche sui bus pubblici deve essere rispettata la distanza sociale di sicurezza. Una precauzione anche a tutela dell’autista, tanto è vero che gli accessi saranno solo dalla porta centrale e posteriore e non più da quella anteriore.


Dall’inizio dell’emergenza, tutti i mezzi del trasporto pubblico locale sono sottoposti ad un rigido protocollo a tutela di passeggeri e autisti, dalla pulizia e disinfezione giornaliera con soluzione a base di cloro a quella settimanale con ozono per una sanificazione più specifica di tutti i locali e i dispositivi usati dagli utenti.


Ci prepariamo ad affrontare la fase 2 anche dal punto di vista della mobilità – ha spiegato l’assessore alla Mobilità e Traffico Luca Zanotto -. I cittadini stanno ricominciando a muoversi, come evidenziano i dati sul flusso veicolare registrati in questi giorni. Tuttavia non si tratta di spostamenti non corretti ma di persone che si muovono per lavoro o primarie necessità, nel rispetto delle regole e delle limitazioni ancora in vigore. In vista della graduale ripartenza, vi è la necessità di rimodulare il servizio di trasporto pubblico in base alle necessità dei cittadini. Ad oggi le corse degli autobus sono ridotte al minimo per effetto delle misure restrittive ancora in vigore, ma con Atv stiamo esaminando quali linee potenziare e in quali orari, a partire dal 20 aprile. Fermo restano che resta fondamentale la questione sicurezza, a tutela degli utenti come degli autisti. Il rigido protocollo previsto da Atv per la sanificazione di tutti i mezzi resta in vigore, così come l’obbligo per i cittadini di usare i mezzi pubblici solo se provvisti dei dispositivi di protezione, indispensabili per proteggere se stessi e gli altri”.