Christmas 2020 Regulations-Italia by DPCM

The DPCM 03.12.2020 is in force from 04.12.2020 and until 15 January 2021. From 21 December to 6 January, no travel throughout Italy; on 25th, 26th December and 1st January, no movement between municipalities. In any case, it is possible to return to one's residence, domicile or home, with the exception of travel to second homes. The curfew lasts from 10.00 pm to 5.00 am the following day and from December 31st to January 1st from 10.00 pm to 7.00 am For Christmas and New Year the recommendation is not to organize dinners with non-cohabiting people. The restaurants will be open for lunch at Christmas, New Year's Eve and Epiphany; the closing limit remains at 18.00 with the possibility of takeaway until 22.00.



“Possono presentare domanda tutti i residenti nel Comune di Verona che, nel periodo 2018-2019 avevano un regolare contratto di affitto per l’abitazione principale. Isee e ammontare dell’affitto determineranno il calcolo del contributo. Sono esclusi dal fondo coloro che hanno immobili di proprietà con valore superiore ai 26 mila euro, chi ha riportato condanne, chi aveva un contratto di locazione stipulato con familiari, ma anche assegnatari di alloggi di edilizia residenziale pubblica a canone agevolato”. Apply to any CAF in your nearest area. For details visit the site: “Comune di Verona”

Deadline: 11 novembre 2020

You may send your applications to:

“Direzione Servizi sociali, vicolo San Domenico 13/b, 37122 Verona”

Or if you prefer PEC mail: