Massage Therapy vs Chiropractic Adjustments

While massage therapy focuses more on the manipulation of soft tissues, chiropractors focus on the health of the central nervous system, specifically the spine. The main objective of chiropractic adjustments is to place the spine in proper alignment so that the body can begin to heal. Chiropractic care has many of the same benefits as massage therapy: pain reduction, increased healing, lower risk of injury, etc.

However, compared to massage therapists, chiropractors receive a much more formal training: they are doctors who need a four-year undergraduate education and also a four-year chiropractic doctorate.

A primary focus of chiropractic treatments is to help patients develop better posture. Throughout the body, nerves derived from the spine help transport information to and from important organs, as well as cells, so that abnormal mechanical compression and irritation of the spinal joints can adversely affect the overall health of the body.

A holistic chiropractic treatment approach often involves changes in diet as well as manipulations. This helps reduce joint inflammation caused by damage to the intervertebral joint, reduces inflammatory responses caused by poor diet, hydrates the body, reduces psychological stress, can improve sleep and improve digestion click here for more information  Massage school Florida 

Massage Therapy vs Chiropractic Adjustmentsultima modifica: 2019-04-08T16:01:43+02:00da elitedgl7