Come scegliere uno studio di produzione

La domanda di video promozionali sta crescendo a passi da gigante. Il mercato della produzione video è affollato da varie aziende e piccole agenzie che offrono una vasta gamma di servizi, dalla pubblicità video ai video musicali e filmati aziendali. Alcune aziende sono specializzate in animazione, altre in video dal vivo. Con una tale varietà, scegliere uno studio di produzione ed essere soddisfatti del risultato è quasi un’impresa. Ti diremo come non perderti tra centinaia di offerte e trovare esattamente ciò di cui hai bisogno.

Tutto dipende dal compito del video

Prima di prendere d’assalto la casella di ricerca di Google, chiediti quale compito dovrebbe risolvere il tuo futuro video. Le risposte possono essere diverse, ad esempio per interessare il pubblico, aumentare le vendite di un prodotto o l’immagine della tua azienda e così via.

Ora che hai un’idea chiara dell’attività, decidi quale formato ti si addice meglio. Non è difficile, basta guardare qualche video promozionale su argomenti simili e scegliere quello che ti interessa di più. A seconda del formato, la tempistica del video, il suo tipo (può essere una pubblicità, un’intervista, un documentario) e il suo aspetto (alcune clip hanno un aspetto migliore con animazioni o elementi grafici) possono cambiare.


di studi L’industria della produzione video è ricca di aziende, ma tutte si differenziano per livello di professionalità e specializzazione. Ci sono 4 tipi principali di studi di produzione


Si tratta, di norma, di piccole imprese che lavorano con progetti di piccole e medie dimensioni. Tali studi lavorano per una reputazione, quindi cercano di svolgere il proprio lavoro in modo efficiente ed economico. Il loro unico lato negativo è la loro mancanza di esperienza.

Studi di produzione

In generale, tali aziende non producono video da sole. Dopo aver discusso il budget e i desideri del cliente, il produttore seleziona il team più adatto per le riprese tra liberi professionisti o società terze. Un approccio così individuale alla creazione di video garantisce una qualità piuttosto elevata del prodotto finale, ma i servizi degli studi di produzione sono costosi.

Atelier specializzati

Questi includono agenzie strettamente focalizzate specializzate in un aspetto particolare della produzione video, come infografica o animazione 3D. Tali studi sono professionisti nella loro nicchia, ma l’elenco dei loro servizi è piccolo.

Studi a ciclo completo 

Si tratta di aziende che dispongono di tutte le attrezzature, il personale e l’esperienza necessari per creare video da zero. Si occupano di tutte le questioni organizzative. Gli studi a ciclo completo lavorano con progetti di qualsiasi scala. ORBIS Films è la migliore società di produzione video Milano

Sito web dello studio

Anche se il sito sembra pulito e professionale, non significa che il tuo video sarà lo stesso. Ma c’è qualcosa che puoi imparare. Leggi la descrizione per scoprire come si posiziona l’azienda. In cosa è diversa dagli altri? Dai un’occhiata al suo portfolio. Questo è forse il criterio di selezione più importante. Dai un’occhiata al lavoro. Sei soddisfatto della qualità del video, del suono, degli effetti speciali? 


Anche se i moderni mezzi di comunicazione ti permettono di tenerti in contatto sempre e ovunque, è meglio scegliere uno studio situato nella tua città.

Prezzo del progetto

Per quanto tu voglia risparmiare denaro, una buona produzione ha un costo. Ma ognuno ha la propria comprensione di “costoso”. Quindi scegli alcuni studi e confronta il loro lavoro. La loro qualità può essere la stessa, ma il prezzo non lo è. Inoltre, la produzione di video è un processo imprevedibile, è impossibile dire con certezza quanto costerà un progetto. Pertanto, stai lontano da proposte “complesse”, come “faremo un video di qualità per tale o tale importo”. E, naturalmente, segui il tuo intuito.


How to choose plumbing for domestic services

A plumber is one of the most sought after professionals, but not every one of them can provide their services at the right level. When you see an advertisement for the repair of plumbing equipment and respond to it, it’s not a fact that the equipment that you have broken down can be properly repaired – some provide deliberately poor-quality repairs, someone is generally unscrupulous and is going to receive money for services not rendered (that there is not to make repairs, but simply to pretend that something is changing, and at the same time, at the end of the “work”, demand an invoice). At the start, you need to check plumbers near me in the united states. This is help you faster to find a good plumber.

Of course, we all want to avoid such situations. And we still need a plumber from time to time – at least for such simple help as removing sewer blockages or repairing an inopportunely flowing faucet. How to choose someone who will definitely cope with their duties and do everything at the proper level?

When you need a plumber

If you have moved to an apartment in a new building, are starting to equip it and want to install plumbing, you need to call the master. You also need to call it if you notice even minor malfunctions, which can then develop into large ones – for example, a faucet has started to leak. In this case, it is not necessary to delay the repair – minor breakdowns can be aggravated and lead to serious consequences, such as flooding of neighboring apartments.

To avoid this, it is better to contact a specialist today. The Household Services Center fits perfectly here: it is a company with extensive experience in plumbing work, hiring only the same experienced employees.

Calling a plumber to your home will not cost much : prices here are affordable for any resident of the country.

The most important thing is that the company indicates the details and data of employees. If there is no such information, there is no reason to trust such a service.

On this occasion, I would like to give some simple advice, and state a couple of true statements:

A good plumber never chases after work.
A good plumber will never impose his services.
A good plumber will never say that he knows absolutely everything in his profession.
A good plumber is always in demand, and often customers stand in line for him.
A good plumber cannot have low prices.
Good plumbing, has experience in most of the modern materials.
First of all, ask for advice from acquaintances, friends of relatives …
A good plumber has all the necessary tools.
An intelligent plumber will never tell you the unambiguous cost of work over the phone, without a preview.
An intelligent plumber is always armed with advice in his profile.
A good plumber always worries about the quality of the work done more than the client himself.
A good plumber will never change communication contacts.
A good plumber can always argue his decision or advice.
A good plumber will always be happy to teach those who want to learn something in the field of plumbing.
A good plumber will never be ashamed of his profession.
A modern plumber always follows the progress and understands new plumbing technologies.
A modern plumber is now also trying to be an active user on a variety of plumbing Internet resources.
Perhaps these are the main points that you should pay attention to when looking for a plumber, or just an intelligent master. Good luck!

Aqua di rose

Nel mondo dei cocktail, l’acqua di rose è un ingrediente relativamente nuovo che sta iniziando a farsi conoscere. Ma che cos’è? Che sapore ha? 

E soprattutto, come si usa nei cocktail? In questo articolo risponderemo a tutte queste domande e ad altre ancora. Inizieremo parlando di cos’è l’acqua di rose e della sua provenienza. 

Poi parleremo del suo sapore e di come utilizzarla al meglio nei cocktail. Infine, vi daremo alcune ricette per iniziare!

Che cos’è l’acqua di rose?

L’acqua di rose è un liquido profumato ricavato dai petali delle rose. È stata utilizzata per secoli in profumi, cosmetici e come agente aromatizzante in cibi e bevande.

L’acqua di rose ha un sapore floreale molto spiccato che può essere utilizzato per esaltare il gusto di cocktail e altre bevande. Può anche essere usata come guarnizione o per preparare sciroppi alla rosa.

Esistono molte marche di acqua di rose in commercio, ma non tutte sono uguali. Quando si sceglie un acqua di rose per i cocktail, è importante selezionare un prodotto di qualità, privo di sostanze chimiche e altri additivi.

Il modo migliore per incorporare l’acqua di rose nei vostri cocktail è iniziare con una piccola quantità e poi aumentare. Potete sempre aggiungerne dell’altra se vi accorgete che il sapore è troppo debole o troppo forte.

Per cosa si usa l’acqua di rose?

L’acqua di rose ha diversi usi nei cocktail. Può essere utilizzata come agente aromatizzante, per aggiungere dolcezza o per creare uno sciroppo alla rosa.

Quando si usa l’acqua di rose come agente aromatizzante, è importante ricordare che una piccola quantità è sufficiente. Iniziate con poche gocce e aumentate la quantità fino a trovare l’equilibrio perfetto per il vostro cocktail.

L’acqua di rose può essere utilizzata anche per addolcire i cocktail. Se il vostro drink è troppo aspro o acido, qualche goccia di acqua di rose può aiutare a bilanciare i sapori.

Infine, l’acqua di rose può essere utilizzata per creare uno sciroppo infuso di rose. Questo è un ottimo modo per aggiungere un sapore unico ai vostri cocktail. Per preparare uno sciroppo alla rosa, è sufficiente unire in parti uguali acqua di rose e zucchero. Riscaldare la miscela fino a quando lo zucchero si è sciolto e lasciarla raffreddare. Conservate lo sciroppo in un contenitore di vetro in frigorifero per un massimo di due settimane.

Lo scopo originario dell’acqua di rose

Lo scopo originario dell’acqua di rose era quello di mascherare il sapore sgradevole dell’alcol. Infatti, i primi cocktail erano preparati con liquori grezzi, spesso aspri e sgradevoli.

L’acqua di rose veniva aggiunta a queste bevande per coprire i sapori sgradevoli e renderle più piacevoli da bere. Con il tempo, i barman iniziarono a sperimentare diversi modi di utilizzare l’acqua di rose nei loro cocktail e alla fine divenne un ingrediente base di molte ricette classiche.

Oggi l’acqua di rose è ancora utilizzata per la sua capacità di esaltare il sapore dei cocktail. Può essere utilizzata in un’ampia varietà di bevande, dai Martini ai Mojito, daiquiri ai Margarita. L’acqua di rose è anche una scelta popolare per la preparazione di sciroppi e liquori a base di fiori.

Acqua di rose vs sciroppo di rose

L’acqua di rose e lo sciroppo di rose vengono spesso confusi perché sono entrambi prodotti con le rose. Tuttavia, c’è una grande differenza tra i due.

L’acqua di rose si ottiene mettendo in infusione i petali di rosa in acqua per estrarne l’aroma. Lo sciroppo di rose, invece, si ottiene facendo bollire i petali di rosa in acqua zuccherata. In questo modo si ottiene uno sciroppo più denso e concentrato, dal sapore floreale più intenso.

Lo sciroppo di rose viene spesso utilizzato in pasticceria e nei dessert per il suo sapore intenso. Può anche essere aggiunto ai cocktail per un tocco unico.

L’acqua di rose nei cocktail

L’acqua di rose può essere utilizzata in un’ampia varietà di cocktail. Si abbina bene sia al gin che alla vodka e può essere utilizzata per creare bevande estive rinfrescanti o cocktail invernali caldi e accoglienti.

Ecco alcune ricette per iniziare:

  • Rose Gin Fizz: Unite gin, succo di limone, acqua di rose e soda in uno shaker per cocktail. Agitare bene e filtrare in un bicchiere freddo.
  • Cocktail di gin al rosmarino: Unire gin, sciroppo semplice al rosmarino, succo di limone e acqua di rose in uno shaker per cocktail. Agitare bene e filtrare in un bicchiere freddo.
  • Vodka Rose Martini: in uno shaker per cocktail, unire vodka, vermouth secco, acqua di rose e succo di limone. Agitare bene e filtrare in un bicchiere freddo.
  • Daiquiri all’acqua di rose: Unire rum, succo di lime, zucchero e acqua di rose in un frullatore. Frullare fino a ottenere un composto omogeneo e versare in un bicchiere ghiacciato.

Come potete vedere, ci sono molti modi diversi per usare l’acqua di rose nei vostri cocktail. Sperimentate diverse ricette per trovare il drink perfetto per voi. Salute!

Benefici dell’acqua di rose

L’acqua di rose non solo aggiunge un sapore unico ai cocktail, ma ha anche molti benefici.

L’acqua di rose è ricca di antiossidanti e può aiutare a proteggere la pelle dai danni. È anche antinfiammatoria e può aiutare a lenire la pelle irritata. Se utilizzata nei prodotti per capelli, l’acqua di rose può contribuire ad aggiungere lucentezza e idratazione.

Oltre ai suoi benefici per la bellezza, si dice che l’acqua di rose abbia anche alcuni benefici per la salute. È stato dimostrato che l’acqua di rose migliora la digestione e riduce l’ansia. Può anche essere usata come rimedio naturale per il mal di testa e la nausea.

Se siete alla ricerca di un ingrediente unico per un cocktail o di un modo per potenziare la vostra routine di bellezza, vale la pena provare l’acqua di rose. Assicuratevi di acquistare acqua di rose pura al 100% per ottenere il massimo dei benefici.


L’acqua di rose è un ingrediente versatile che può essere utilizzato in molti modi. Dai cocktail alla cura della pelle, vale la pena provare l’acqua di rose.

Spero che questo articolo sull’uso dell’acqua di rose nei cocktail vi sia piaciuto. Se avete domande o commenti, non esitate a contattarmi. Mi piacerebbe sentirvi! Salute!


Come scegliere un casinò online

Il numero di giocatori d’azzardo è in costante aumento. Le persone vogliono non solo trascorrere il loro tempo libero con piacere, ma anche avere l’opportunità di godere di una degna vittoria. Tuttavia, per questo, è importante scegliere il casinò online giusto. Il fatto è che ogni giorno ci sono sempre più stabilimenti di gioco, ma non tutti garantiscono un gioco leale con possibilità di vincita.  Inoltre, devi conoscere i parametri di base in base ai quali puoi scegliere un buon casinò.


Feedback da giocatori reali

Il criterio principale per un buon casinò è il feedback positivo di coloro che ci giocano. È meglio scegliere un’istituzione che abbia le valutazioni più alte tra i giocatori d’azzardo. Tuttavia, non dovresti fare affidamento solo sulle recensioni. Il fatto è che spesso vengono semplicemente acquistati. Pertanto, vale la pena studiare le recensioni sullo stesso casinò su diverse risorse. Tieni presente che winspark login è ora disponibile, dove puoi accedere o registrarti e iniziare a giocare al tuo casinò o slot preferito.

Quantità e qualità dell’intrattenimento

Anche la gamma di giochi è un criterio importante. I casinò con un’ottima reputazione offrono ai visitatori solo le migliori slot dei principali produttori di software per il gioco d’azzardo. Se il club ha solo poche dozzine di dispositivi sconosciuti, è meglio astenersi dal visitarlo. Inoltre, dovresti prestare attenzione ai fornitori di slot. Devono essere ben noti, come Microgaming, NetEnt, Play’n Go e altri.

Inoltre, il casinò non dovrebbe avere solo slot. I club di qualità offrono il seguente intrattenimento:

  1. Macchinette da gioco.
  2. Giochi di carte.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Scommesse sportive.
  5. Tavoli con croupier dal vivo.

Tutto l’intrattenimento deve essere disponibile in modalità demo e per giocare con soldi veri.

App e versione mobile disponibili

Ora molti giocatori preferiscono giocare dai loro smartphone. Pertanto, vale la pena prestare attenzione alla presenza di una versione mobile e di un’applicazione nel casinò. Ciò ti consente di giocare alle slot in qualsiasi momento libero. Allo stesso tempo, è auspicabile che l’applicazione sia disponibile per il download nei negozi PlayMarket, App Store.

Supporto tecnico del casinò

Qualsiasi giocatore a un certo punto avrà bisogno dell’aiuto di specialisti del supporto. Ed è molto importante che i gestori siano adeguati, competenti e disponibili in ogni momento. Un buon argomento a favore della scelta di un casinò è la presenza di una live chat sul sito ufficiale. Ciò ti consentirà di inviare immediatamente una richiesta agli specialisti del supporto.

Termini del programma bonus

Un indicatore molto importante sono le condizioni del programma bonus e del programma fedeltà. Qualsiasi casinò con una reputazione positiva dovrebbe offrire ai visitatori quanto segue:

  1. Bonus di benvenuto per la registrazione.
  2. Bonus per attività e rifornimento del conto personale.
  3. Vantaggi per i membri del programma fedeltà di alto livello.

Metodi per prelevare fondi e reintegrare un conto personale

Per comprendere tutti i vantaggi del prelievo di fondi e del reintegro di un deposito, è necessario prestare attenzione alle informazioni di base:

  1. L’importo minimo e massimo di deposito-prelievo di fondi.
  2. Il tempo massimo di elaborazione delle domande.
  3. Opzioni per depositare e prelevare fondi. I buoni casinò dovrebbero funzionare con i popolari portafogli elettronici VISA, carte bancarie MasterCard.
  4. Opzioni per valute in cui vengono effettuate transazioni finanziarie.

Inoltre, un fattore importante è l’assenza di una commissione per il prelievo di fondi.

Disponibilità di una licenza di casinò online

Ogni istituto di gioco legale deve avere una licenza per svolgere le proprie attività. La sua presenza indica la qualità e l’affidabilità del casinò. Avere una licenza garantisce ai giocatori che possono davvero ottenere una vittoria. Tutte le informazioni sulla licenza devono essere presenti nella pagina principale del sito ufficiale del casinò.

How to choose the right online casino

It has long been decided to ban casinos on the territory of the Russian Federation. This happened for many reasons. But according to experts, the main one was tax evasion, as well as a fairly frequent deception of their players. This casino has been replaced by a new, much more advanced, practical and convenient online casino. The topic will come up about the advantages of an online casino, but you need to know how to choose it. A good option would be the site of Glory Casino . On it you will find a pleasant, but at the same time simple design, working technical support, stable payouts.

How to choose an online casino?

It should suit your tastes. If it seems to you that the design of the site is too busy, or for any other reason, keep looking. After all, you are spending your precious time here, and, for example, no one likes pop-up ads, and there are a lot of them on some sites.

There must be a guarantee of fair play. Licensed slot machines, as well as the absence of third parties, can already be considered for this guarantee. After all, when no one can decide the outcome of the session, it becomes much more honest and fair in relation to everyone. There is only you and a machine that gives out random combinations. Thus, in case of wins or losses, you can always be sure that only your luck was involved here, and nothing more.

Availability of bonuses. The more online casinos give you their bonuses, the better. After all, you can spend the same amount, but at the same time play more times. And the more times you play, the better, because you increase your chance of winning. This is a very important advantage that a casino should have. Bonuses are different, both deposit (such bonuses operate from the amount replenished on the deposit) and reload (such bonuses seem to be “recharged”). In the long run, you will see a strong bonus from bonuses, which will be very surprising.

There must be many different slot machines. It is clear that there will be popular slot machines, but there must be a choice among them. The more slot machines an online casino has, the better. After all, then, the player can try everyone, and perhaps find for himself what he was looking for for so long.

Under all these criteria, and even more, the site indicated above fits. So in order not to waste your time, you can just play on it. Good luck with your victories and have a great time!


Choosing an orthopedic mattress is quite a serious matter. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need not only to take into account your preferences, but also your lifestyle, height, weight, the presence of problems with the spine and other parameters. After all, such a thing is not bought for one year, but it is not cheap. To make it easier for you to choose orthopedic mattresses, we have compiled recommendations from the best orthopedists to help you understand what an orthopedic mattress is.

What is the difference between an orthopedic mattress and a regular one?

To begin with, it should be noted that the very designation “orthopedic” means that this product is intended to solve orthopedic problems or a compensatory effect. The mattress itself, of course, will not be able to cure you, but the right model:

  • relieves pain in the spine,

  • help you sleep well, and not look for a comfortable sleeping position all night,

  • will allow the spine to be all the time in that anatomical position, which is considered natural for it.

Up to 90% of people tend to experience some type of sleep problem. Most of these troubles can be eliminated by an orthopedic mattress.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress?

There are mattresses with and without memory effect. If you do not often change the position of the body at night, then this design will suit you. If you are used to “spinning” during a night’s sleep, then it is better to refuse such a model.

As a rule, in order to choose which mattress is best for your back, you need to consider the following criteria:

  1. The presence of a spring block,

  2. Mattress firmness,

  3. Seasonality.

Which mattress is better to choose with springs or without?

Different types of orthopedic mattresses may or may not have a spring block in their structure. The best manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses advise:

  • choose with a spring block if you take an orthopedic mattress for a couple, i.e. double,

  • choose without a spring block if it is to be used individually.

Which mattress is better hard or soft?

The main principle in choosing an orthopedic mattress is its rigidity, which depends on the fillers of the orthopedic mattress. In order not to get lost in the variety of types and models of this product, orthopedists recommend choosing:

  • hard, if you have problems with the spine, you often have severe pain or there are vertebral hernias. It also relieves pain if you have stage 3-4 scoliosis,

  • semi-rigid, suitable for almost everyone. The main selection criterion is your personal convenience,

  • soft, designed for people whose body weight is not very large. It can also be beneficial for the elderly as it provides very comfortable support for their fragile bones.

With regard to weight, semi-rigid mattresses are recommended for people weighing up to 60 kg. With a weight of 60 to 90 kg, any model will be acceptable. However, if your weight is more than 90 kg, then it is better to stay on a hard mattress.

“Seasonal sides” of an orthopedic mattress

In addition, there are “summer” and “winter” sides in the orthopedic mattress, i.e. each side is designed for a specific season – warm or cold. By themselves, the fillers of orthopedic mattresses, as you understand, do not change, but the part that is closer to the person has a different content:

  • winter side. Part of the cover on this side is composed of sheep’s wool. This material is hygroscopic and highly hygienic. Naturally retains more heat.

  • summer side. This side is most often covered with natural cotton or jacquard, which perfectly absorb moisture.

If you have made a choice in favor of such a mattress, do not forget to turn it over when the seasons change.

Whichever mattress you choose, the main thing is the quality of the product, and you can find it at among the line of orthopedic mattresses.

How to care for an orthopedic mattress?

Most often, the care of an orthopedic mattress is carried out with the help of a vacuum cleaner. Dry cleaning is also applicable in the presence of stains, or you can refresh it yourself by applying a soapy solution.

In addition, be sure to use removable covers that will provide your mattress with additional hygiene.

How to open an LLC with a foreign founder in 2022

The founders of an LLC in the Russian Federation can be both Russian and foreign citizens and organizations. But for non-residents of Russia there are restrictions on the types of activities, and the package of registration documents is larger. The amount of the state duty, the registration period and the procedure for submitting documents are the same.

Foreign citizens and organizations can be founders of a Russian LLC. However, there are a number of restrictions for companies with foreign capital. This applies, for example, to the types of activities and the application of the simplified tax system.

There are also some features when hiring a citizen of a foreign state as a head. Such a manager must have a work permit in the Russian Federation and legal registration.

Otherwise, the process of registering an LLC with foreign investments is no different: the state duty is 4,000 rubles, the registration period is 3 days. Only a foreign founder will need a little more documents , for example, a notarized translation of a passport.

1. Requirements and restrictions for foreign founders of an LLC

There are a number of requirements and restrictions for foreigners wishing to become founders of a Russian LLC. Our company also offer financial due diligence m&a for any type of business. For more info, you can visit our website.

Special requirements for founders

  • A foreign citizen can open an LLC alone, but a foreign company with one member cannot be the founder of a company in Russia.
  • When establishing an insurance company, the share of foreign investments should not exceed 50%.
  • If the share of a foreign organization in the authorized capital of an LLC is more than 49%, small business benefits do not apply.
  • Founders-non-residents of the Russian Federation must have two accounts in the bank: currency and ruble, to which convertible transfers, for example, dividends, will be transferred.
  • The authorized capital of an LLC with foreign investments must be measured in rubles.

Activity restrictions

Companies with foreign participation cannot engage in major publishing and telecommunications activities, work in the field of defense, as well as the study and extraction of natural resources. There are restrictions on activities with radioactive waste and some lines of insurance.

LLCs with foreign founders are prohibited from buying or renting port, border lands and agricultural lands. Only the lease of agricultural land is allowed, but on the condition that foreign investments make up the majority of the statutory contribution.

Tax Features

If the share of the foreign founding organization in the authorized capital of the Russian company is more than 25%, the LLC does not have the right to apply the simplified tax system. At the same time, the size of the share of foreign founders of individuals. persons does not affect the application of the simplified tax system.

In addition, the tax code provides for an increased tax rate on income from dividends paid to foreign founders – 15%, while for Russians it is 13%.

2. Documents for registering an LLC with a foreign founder

All registration documents are filled in Russian and on the basis of notarized translations, and not on the basis of original foreign documents.

General list of documents:

  • Application for registration of an LLC in the form P11001 ,
  • Decision of the sole founder or minutes of the general meeting of participants.
  • Articles of association of a limited liability company
  • LLC establishment agreement, if two or more founders,
  • Copies of the founders’ passports (-la),
  • A receipt for payment of the state duty of 4,000 rubles is needed if you submit documents immediately to the tax office, send them by mail or courier (the latter option is available in Moscow),
  • Documents for the legal address: a letter of guarantee or the consent of the owners of the residential premises to provide a legal address with a copy of the title document attached. These documents are not included in the basic package, but are almost always requested by the inspectorate.

When creating an LLC with the participation of foreign capital, additional documents are required. All documents of foreign founders must be provided in originals and notarized copies. For citizens and organizations of foreign states that have signed the Hague Convention of 1961, legalization of documents is also required, i.e. affixing an apostille.

For residents and organizations of states that have signed an agreement with Russia on the mutual recognition of official documents, only a notarized translation is sufficient. This applies to most countries of the former CIS, as well as Latvia, Lithuania, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, etc., more than 25 states in total.

Additional documents for foreign founders:

  • Identity card in the country of citizenship,
  • Birth certificate, if the identity card does not contain information about the place and date of birth,
  • A document confirming permanent residence outside Russia.

Additional documents for foreign organizations acting as founders:

  • Extract from the trade register or register of legal entities in the country of registration of the organization,
  • Certificate of registration of the legal entity acting as the founder,
  • Document on the assignment of TIN and KPP,
  • founding documents,
  • Bank statement on the existence of an account,
  • A power of attorney, if the registration in the territory of the Russian Federation is not handled by the head of the company.

Sometimes the names of the documents that are needed in the Russian tax office do not match those that a foreign company has. Then you need to apply analogues or similar in content.

Criteria for choosing the best bookmaker

The pleasure of betting largely depends on a good bookmaker. It is not always clear to beginners in betting how to choose a reliable office. Consider what factors are important to consider


The most important indicator of a good betting company is the legitimacy of its activities. In the online betting market, there are licensed companies and international offices that have not received permits in the country. Offers from offshore bookmakers are more profitable, and bonuses are more generous. But it is necessary to give preference to a legal company, when interacting with them, the interests of customers are protected by law. By betting at an international club that does not have a local license, the bettor risks losing all his money. In such companies, unreasonable blocking of a client’s deposit or account often occurs. Refunds are not possible in this situation. It is better to contact trusted bookmakers . This will keep you from losing your money. Learn more about كازينو بيتكوين.

Other signs of a good BC

There are several other qualities that distinguish an honest and profitable office for the client. Different bettors may have different requirements for a bookmaker. For example, for some players, a large selection of sports is important, while others always bet only on football. Choosing an office should be guided by your preferences. Find out more about Betfinal.

Factors to consider when choosing:

  1. Reputation. It is better to focus on a company that has been operating for more than a year and there are more positive reviews about its activities than negative ones.
  2. Choice of sports and betting options.
  3. Many options for depositing and withdrawing funds.
  4. The work of the support service, the speed of response and resolution of emerging problems.

How to compare bookmakers

You can independently explore the sites of playgrounds. And you can find out all the information on specialized resources dedicated to betting. These sites publish independent reviews of offices, ratings, customer reviews.


How Managed Databases Help Your Business

Let’s tell you what a management database is, why they are good and who can come in handy.

Free up resources

Managed Databases (MD, managed databases) is a service for setting up and administering databases, sites, programs and applications. At the same time, the capabilities of cloud computing services are used , which take on the tasks of setting up and managing client data.

The company pays money and saves itself from the routine associated with maintaining databases. The capital is converted into free man-hours that can be spent on developing your own projects.

Instead of manually installing, configuring and administering databases through the terminal, a developer can connect a ready-made collection of materials with a few clicks in a browser Updating, migration, backup, monitoring, profiling and load parallelization – when working with MD, these operations are performed automatically or on demand. This streamlines the workflow and reduces the chance of human error.

Depending on the service provider, developers will still need a certain level of experience with databases. However, the requirements for working with Managed Databases will in any case be less than with self-management.

Speed up startup

With local management, a developer needs to buy or rent a server, configure and secure it, install the necessary software, and after that collect, store and process data.

MD-services allow you to get started in a few minutes. Literally. You need to decide on the size of the capacities and adjust several parameters. The managed database is then ready to be integrated with the application or site.

Make it easy to scale

When a company maintains its own infrastructure and decides to expand, it faces a time-consuming task. Regardless of the approach to scaling, there are risks of data loss and outages in the end system.

In a managed database, you can expand clusters on demand. All the necessary resources are available in a couple of clicks. Scaling takes place on the fly.

Ensure high availability and quality of service

Key  elements of a Service Level Agreement  (SLA).

A cloud server is  considered highly available if it works without interruption for a long time. Relevant providers enter into an SLA with customers, which establishes a guarantee of the availability and reliability of services, and also establishes the amount of compensation for cases when the supplier does not fulfill promises. The client company will calmly go about its business, and if something happens through the fault of the provider, it can count on compensation.

Suitable for most scenarios

Like any product, managed databases are designed to meet the needs of the majority within a market segment. Therefore, providers offer customers solutions that are suitable for the most common tasks and close the main use cases.

Our clients are most often:

  1. Sites and services that operate on the territory of the Russian Federation and store data of Russian users here. International companies do not need to relocate or build new infrastructure. They host one database with us and use MD to connect it to the main site.
  2. Services that use one large distributed database for work are recruitment agencies, real estate agencies and other cadastral registers.

Note that managed databases will not have the full range of options and capabilities that are available in specialized programs for local management. Therefore, the developer will be limited to the set of features that a particular service provider will offer. Therefore, if the project requires specific solutions, local management may be the best choice.

Compensate for their shortcomings

Any database is subject to security threats. Intelligent MD-services pay attention to this issue. Service providers must provide a TIER3 level of data protection, and providers must have certificates for the right to process personal information and the right to work with credit card data according to the  PC I DSS standard . It often happens that the default level of protection for managed databases is higher than the requirements that customers place on them.

The main consumers of managed databases are businesses of different levels and directions. And while corporations are doing well, small and independent developers still face challenges when the amount of cloud infrastructure rented  is larger  than necessary. This is due to the fact that the amount of capacity must be specified before the database is filled with data. Overpaying for an empty seat with a limited budget is such an option, but a lot depends on the specific service.

To compensate for the shortcomings, companies are trying to create suitable conditions with the help of marketing and economic tools. Service rates are usually built around how much space and RAM the database takes up, how many reads are processed in the cloud, and how many backups the user creates. If a company works with large volumes of information and has the right specialists, you need to think carefully. The self-managed database option is likely to be more cost effective.

Round-the-clock support, full-fledged security departments, subscription system, various tariffs, categories and terms of use. When working with managed databases, developers can choose the way they work best. In addition, abandoning the service and trying a different model is easier and faster than setting up, expanding or curtailing your own capacities.

Develop the market

The ability to not just outsource database management, but turn it into a service for businesses is the result of a long-term trend towards simplifying and automating database administration tasks.

The main players in the IT market made the right decision by betting on the development of cloud technologies and providing database management services to their clients. Microsoft’s quarterly revenue from Azure services  grew 73  % year-over-year. And Amazon Web Services ‘ operating income  jumped  158% over the past year.

As a result, a win-win situation is developing in the digital market. Cloud services make profits and advance technology, customers save time and optimize business processes, and users enjoy new features, services and their diversity.


  • Managed databases are great because:
  • They take over part of the routine and allow them to focus on work
  • Help you get up and running quickly and scale easily
  • Suitable for most tasks and offer flexible use cases
  • Stimulate the market and expand its opportunities


Installing / removing programs for MacOS is fundamentally different from the usual procedures for many in Windows. The main difference is that in this operating system it is much faster, more convenient, easier to perform actions. Any beginner can easily cope. After reviewing the information, you will be able to uninstall or install the program from MacOS yourself.

The instruction is useful for beginners in working with a PC, for users who previously worked only with Windows.

In Windows, applications are installed through a special file with a specific extension, after activation of which the installation s and then it is written to the hard disk. This process sometimes takes a lot of time, does not always work correctly.

The user needs to specify the installation location, make a choice of parameters, simultaneously install or refuse to add related products offered together with the one being installed. On a MacBook, just move the program to the desired folder.

Also read more:і-tekstovі-redaktori-dlya-macos/

.DMG extension

Mac OS programs look like .dmg files. The abbreviation DMG stands for “disk image” (DiskImage). This is a format created for distributing software between Apple devices. It is similar to a CD, flash drive, external hard drive, being their virtual counterpart. It has the property to contain applications, games, documents, photos and more. In fact, it is a container for transportation, a folder.

How installation works on MacOS

The algorithm is very simple. If you want to do everything manually, follow the steps below.

  • Download the application (we recommend using official portals) or take it ready on a medium (flash drive, HDD or other).
  • The .dmg file needs to be “mounted” by double-clicking on its name. The operating system will load the image on this command, create a new virtual disk without user intervention, put an icon in the Finder section.

Please note that you should not run the application from a virtual disk. This image is a shipping container. It remains to copy the application to the hard drive by copying it to the “Programs” folder. This is the installation process.

  • Once the copy is complete, delete the virtual image. To do this, click on the triangle opposite the disc name.
  • Delete the .dmg file if desired.

Don’t transfer programs for Mac OS directly to the Dock. If you do this, a shortcut will be created, and the program itself will not move, it will remain where it was. The subsequent access to .dmg will mount a disk image that operates in read mode, without saving internal information.

Read more:іv-pdf-dlya-mac-ta-ios/

Let’s take the Mozilla Firefox browser as an example.

  • Download the game or app. Go to the official website, find the .dmg extension there.
  • Double click on it to mount the disk image. In the window that opens after the installation process is completed, a window will appear where the application with the .app extension will be placed, next to it there will be a shortcut to the “Programs” folder.
  • Creating a Disk Image on a Mac

    Create a disk image

    • Drag the application to this folder.
    • After copying, unmount the image.
    • Delete the .dmg file.

    Here are the easy steps to get started on Mac OS . Any user, even superficially familiar with computer software, can execute them. It will not be difficult for a beginner to do everything correctly, quite quickly, with little or no personal participation in the process itself.


    Windows installers copy files without a certain systematicity. Because of this, hard drives are often filled with extra “husks”. Installing software on a Mac does not have these drawbacks: the software components are stored in the .app package. Everything is stored in a single place, neatly organized, it is easy to find the right document. By removing something from the package, you immediately get rid of all unnecessary components.

    An .app package looks like a regular file, but works like a folder. To get, for example, a game, right-click on its name with the .app extension, click on “Show Content” in the menu.

