Beating the Burnout; Tips to Prioritize Yourself over Work


Burnout is on the rise. 

A recent report by Indeed shows that employee burnout is alarming. Over 52 percent of all workers have reported burnout, and the cases are only rising since the COVID-19 pandemic. You are likely suffering from the same issues as your loved ones. 

The first thing you need to know about burnout is not to make it set in. You must be feeling emotionally exhausted and at the end of a dark tunnel. However, trust us, you might feel hopeless now, but you will feel motivated and energetic by the end of this article. 

People will suggest several things that can help you recover from burnout. However, you have to remember that everyone’s burnout is different, and solutions apply depending on the suffering. If you face burnout due to your career, which the majority face these days, then we have just the right tips to feel passionate about your job. 


Dealing with burnout requires proper diagnosis. You have to understand whether you are going through burnout or something else. The common symptoms of burnout are feeling hopeless, detachment from your job, losing motivation, and having a negative outlook.

If you have been nodding until now, reading about the symptoms, you are experiencing burnout. It is time to work on ways how you can cure burnout.

Reframe Mindset

One of the most significant factors that increase employee burnout is the pessimistic outlook toward their role/career. At this point, you likely feel demotivated with your job and might consider quitting it. Well, you are not alone. The Great Resignation speaks volumes about employees’ burnout and their reactions to massive resignations pouring it.

 Before you decide to quit, we suggest you remind yourself why you started the job in the first place. This self-realization will help you view your situation in a more positive light. Burnout will force you to become hyper-focused on all the negative aspects of your work life; you have to remind yourself why you took on these responsibilities.

Make Time for Self-Care

One of the biggest contributors to burnout is the lack of self-awareness. We have been at this point ourselves when making time for ourselves was least on the list of priorities. If this sounds like you, then it is time to make an effort for yourself.

Most of the employees working from home are victims of burnout. It is mainly because remote workers are subjected to ridiculously long work hours, isolation, and personal and work-life struggles. If it is a similar case for you, you first need to ensure the right self-care tools at home. This includes a separate space where you can enjoy watching your favorite TV shows on a reliable cable TV service, especially with Dish TV channel guide.

If you are confused about which cable TV service to try, then here is one suggestion. Cox Contour TV is one of the most reliable names in the Cable service industry. Cox Contour TV comes with a Cox Contour TV App that lets you enjoy your favorite TV shows even outside your house.

You do not have to take an hour of your day for yourself. Instead, some good 10 minutes dedicated gratitude practice or simple meditation is enough to treat yourself well.

Bottom Line

The bottom line is to put yourself at the top of your priority list. When you start making time for yourself, you will reshape your mindset and have a different and more positive outlook toward life and work.

Beating the Burnout; Tips to Prioritize Yourself over Workultima modifica: 2022-06-09T09:17:29+02:00da ellysa23

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