Nel mare del Sudafrica per un incontro ravvicinato del terzo tipo con lo splendido squalo bianco

Una gabbia nelle acque del mare di Gansbaii, Sud Africa, per potersi immergere e guardare faccia a faccia il più grande predatore dei mari, lo squalo bianco. Il braccio di mare dove è stata sistemata la struttura che consente la straordinaria esperienza è uno dei più infestati dagli splendidi animali.

Annabel Fenwick Elliott, 29, cage dived in South Africa's Gansbaai, the most shark-infested waters in the world. Roped to the side of a boat, the cage contraption enables divers to get within an inch of wild great white sharks. An enticing mix of fish oils is released into the water to attract the sharks, but they are never fed with real food. Annabel Fenwick Elliott went with a company called Marine Dynamics, which charges 1750 Rand (£92) for the dive, based on their award-winning track record with conservation. In addition to its cage diving and whale watching tours, the operation runs a penguin sanctuary, and studies the sharks to help protect them. Their vessel is the SlashFin, carrying 30 passengers, and it takes about 20 minutes to get out to the shark's domain - the same time it took for me to contort myself into a full-body wetsuit, flopping around the deck like a convulsing caterpillar. PHOTOGRAPH PROVIDED BY IBERPRESS +39-3428017058

E l’idea della gabbia tra le acque, legata a un’imbarcazione, è venuta ad Annabel Fenwick Elliott, 29 anni, che ha realizzato il progetto con la società Marine Dynamics, che le ha fornito tutto il materiale necessario. Per 92 dollari si può vivere il brivido di avere lo squalo bianco a pochi millimetri di distanza senza correre nessun pericolo. Gli animali vengono attirati con alcune esche e l’esperienza dell’incontro ravvicinato del terzo tipo con lo squalo bianco è garantita. Basta fare un salto dall’altra parte dell’emisfero.

Annabel Fenwick Elliott, 29, cage dived in South Africa's Gansbaai, the most shark-infested waters in the world. Roped to the side of a boat, the cage contraption enables divers to get within an inch of wild great white sharks. An enticing mix of fish oils is released into the water to attract the sharks, but they are never fed with real food. Annabel Fenwick Elliott went with a company called Marine Dynamics, which charges 1750 Rand (£92) for the dive, based on their award-winning track record with conservation. In addition to its cage diving and whale watching tours, the operation runs a penguin sanctuary, and studies the sharks to help protect them. Their vessel is the SlashFin, carrying 30 passengers, and it takes about 20 minutes to get out to the shark's domain - the same time it took for me to contort myself into a full-body wetsuit, flopping around the deck like a convulsing caterpillar. PHOTOGRAPH PROVIDED BY IBERPRESS +39-3428017058






Nel mare del Sudafrica per un incontro ravvicinato del terzo tipo con lo splendido squalo biancoultima modifica: 2016-08-10T14:43:52+02:00da ellenaellena73
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