Health Risks Associated with Flood and Water Damage

Has a flood recently caused water damage to your house? Have you been facing allergies and infections because of flood water? Well, it is common for filthy water to cause health problems. That’s why it is important to hire flood restoration Canberra experts within 48 hours of the incident. Failing to do so could invite several health hazards for humans and household pets.

Effects of flood water on health:


Mould, a fungus that often flourishes in moisture spreads infections in the skin and respiratory tract. Apart from mould and mildew, the viruses and bacteria present in the contaminated water could prove to be dangerous for humans.

If you have cuts on the skin, then you should stay away from dirty water. This water can increase your health problems. Whenever water flooding takes place, immediately book the water damage restoration services. Professionals would use water pumps to extract the water and use chemicals to clean the water as soon as possible.

Risk of Electric Shock

The risk of getting an electronic shock is high in water clogged areas until you disconnect the power. It is possible for a person to become a victim of electric current if he or she does not wear proper protective clothing. Because of electric shock, a person may also suffer from cardiac arrest.

The damage to electrical wires can impact the gas pipelines too. The condition could become worse. It is always necessary to wait for specialists. They have proper outfits and safety gear. They know the right techniques and would disconnect the power with ease. They will also unplug the appliances.

Side Effects of Poisonous Water

Water damage is not just related to property but your well-being as well. The toxins, gasses, and chemicals in sewage water, flood water and grey water could cause chemical poisoning. The effects of dirty water can remain in the body for many days. A person who accidentally consumes or comes in contact with contaminated water can experience symptoms such as diarrhoea, difficult breathing, skin redness, skin itching, and headaches.

Mild to Severe Injuries

The damage done by water could vary from mild to severe. Sometimes, the sewage pipes burst with full force and ruin almost everything present in the room. Heavy furniture could flow in the water. Walls, windows and doors can also collapse because of water. There are chances of getting injured because of this chaos. To prevent unwanted accidents, simply step out of your home or office and book water damage restoration services.

Diseases Transmitted by Pests

The invasion of pests on the property is a part of water damage. You would notice a sudden increase in the number of rodents, cockroaches, mosquitoes, crickets and fire ants after a storm or flood. These tiny pests have a major impact on human health. Various diseases such as Leptospirosis, Dengue and Malaria are spread by these creatures.

Impact on Mental Health

It is disheartening to see your costly upholstered objects and property structure getting damaged because of water. Many people can’t overcome the trauma even after many months. They do experience symptoms like insomnia, depression, anxiety and pain because of the damage done by water.

Poor Air Quality

High indoor humidity leads to the growth of mould, viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. The air quality of a flooded room is not suitable for humans. Kids and people suffering from asthma should not stay longer in a contaminated environment. It is necessary to remove the dirty water and sanitise the place as quickly as possible to ensure improvement in air quality.


Health is affected by contaminated flood water in many ways. The list given above includes some major health risks that are associated with flood damage. If you want to stay healthy and prevent health issues, then you can seek help from Water Extraction Canberra professionals in a timely manner.

Health Risks Associated with Flood and Water Damageultima modifica: 2023-01-19T11:23:42+01:00da oliviaanderson

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