Dart Africa’s Solution Fosters Greater Inclusion in the Cryptocurrency Space

Greater inclusion in the cryptocurrency space refers to the efforts to make it easier and more accessible for individuals from diverse backgrounds to participate in the cryptocurrency market. This includes individuals from under-served or under-banked communities, as well as those who may not have prior experience with digital assets.

Dart Africa, a leading cryptocurrency exchange platform in Africa, has announced the launch of a new cash-out feature that will aid in the widespread adoption of cryptocurrency across the continent. The new feature will allow users to easily and securely sell their digital assets for cash, providing them with greater flexibility and control over their investments.

The cash-out feature is designed to cater to the needs of a wide range of users, from individuals looking to access their funds quickly to businesses that require fast and secure payment solutions. It allows for the selling of crypto for cash in their local currencies, making it more convenient for users to transact and pay for goods and services with their crypto holdings.

Dart Africa’s cash-out feature is a significant step towards the widespread adoption of cryptocurrency in Africa. By providing an easy and secure way for users to convert their digital assets into cash, the platform is helping to remove barriers to entry and making it more accessible for individuals and businesses to participate in the digital economy.

The goal of fostering greater inclusion is to provide more equitable access to the benefits of cryptocurrency, such as financial autonomy and the ability to participate in a decentralized financial system. This can be achieved through a variety of means, such as implementing user-friendly interfaces, offering educational resources, and providing access to alternative financial tools. By doing so, it could potentially empower people to take more control over their financial futures and promote a more inclusive and diverse digital economy.

There are many reasons why people are turning to cryptocurrency as a means of investment, payment, and store of value. One of the most significant factors is the decentralization of the technology, which allows for greater transparency and security in transactions compared to traditional financial systems.

Furthermore, the use of cryptocurrency allows for more anonymity and privacy in transactions, which can be especially appealing to individuals or businesses that value their financial privacy. With the increasing mainstream adoption and interest in cryptocurrency, many people see it as a potential high-growth investment opportunity.

Utilizzo dei dati di scambio dei derivati per il trading Bitcoin

Il mercato del trading di criptovalute ha guadagnato sempre più terreno negli ultimi anni, e lo dimostra il fatto che le entrate degli investitori associate a questo segmento sono destinate a raggiungere l’incredibile cifra di 42,69 miliardi di dollari entro il 2023. Inoltre, si prevede che questo parametro crescerà a un tasso annuo del 14,36% nei prossimi cinque anni, portando la sua valutazione cumulativa a ben 73,01 miliardi di dollari entro il 2027.

L’aumento dell’interesse per il mercato degli asset digitali ha portato con sé una grande quantità di nuove fonti dati da utilizzare per i trader. Un tipo di dati particolarmente utile diventato ampiamente disponibile negli ultimi anni è quello derivato dagli scambi dei derivati, che fornisce ai trader una serie di statistiche sfumate, consentendo loro di prendere decisioni di trading con alla base sempre più informazioni.

A questo punto, i dati di scambio dei derivati – come quelli ricavati dai futures e dalle options basati sul prezzo del bitcoin – permettono ai trader di comprendere meglio il “sentiment” del mercato e di identificare potenziali opportunità di trading. Ad esempio, i dati sull’open interest e sul volume di trading possono fornire un’idea del livello di attività del mercato e possono essere utilizzati per identificare tendenze e schemi di fondo. 

Analogamente, i dati sulla profondità dell’order book possono essere utilizzati per identificare le aree di supporto e resistenza nel mercato. Uno dei vantaggi principali dell’utilizzo di dati di scambio derivati per il trading di bitcoin è che può fornire ai trader una visione più olistica del mercato, cosa che può essere particolarmente utile per coloro che desiderano ottenere visibilità nell’ecosistema bitcoin, ma che esitano a investire direttamente nel mercato spot. 

Dati di borsa derivati da tenere in considerazione

Oltre alle informazioni presentate sopra, ci sono anche altre metriche chiave che i trader possono utilizzare a loro vantaggio. Ad esempio, possono utilizzare i tassi di finanziamento, un sottoinsieme di dati che indica il sentiment del mercato, consentendo agli utenti di identificare potenziali opportunità di trading come l’arbitraggio e le posizioni in eccesso. 

Se il tasso di finanziamento è positivo, per esempio, potrebbe indicare che il mercato è rialzista e i trader potrebbero prendere in considerazione l’assunzione di posizioni lunghe. Inoltre, se il tasso di finanziamento su uno scambio è significativamente diverso dal tasso di finanziamento di un altro scambio, potrebbe indicare la presenza di un’opportunità di arbitraggio. Inoltre, queste informazioni possono essere utilizzate insieme ad altri indicatori testati nel tempo per prendere decisioni più consapevoli sul trading.

Detto questo, è importante notare che i tassi di finanziamento possono essere influenzati dalle condizioni di mercato esistenti in un dato momento, per cui durante una fase di ribasso, i long trader potrebbero dover pagare un tasso di finanziamento più alto per mantenere aperte le loro posizioni, mentre gli short trader potrebbero ricevere un tasso di finanziamento più alto.

Un altro parametro chiave che vale la pena controllare è l’open interest, che indica il numero di contratti in essere su un derivato finanziario. Se l’open interest aumenta, potrebbe significare che il mercato è rialzista e che i trader potrebbero prendere in considerazione l’assunzione di long positions (e viceversa). 

Inoltre, l’open interest può essere utilizzato anche per identificare potenziali manipolazioni del mercato o il wash trading. Ad esempio, se si verifica un’improvvisa impennata dell’open interest senza un corrispondente aumento del volume di scambi, ciò può indicare che gli operatori di mercato stanno gonfiando artificialmente i numeri dell’open interest. 

Altre metriche importanti da considerare

Indice dei premi

L’indice di premio, noto anche come volatilità implicita o skew, è una metrica che misura la differenza relativa del prezzo di un’opzione call e di un’opzione put associate a un particolare asset. Un indice di premio positivo indica che le opzioni call sono più costose delle opzioni put, il che a sua volta suggerisce che gli operatori di mercato sono rialzisti sull’asset. 

Più precisamente, confrontando l’indice dei premi tra diversi strike e date di scadenza, i trader possono identificare lo skew della volatilità nel mercato. Un’elevata oscillazione della volatilità può indicare che le opzioni a diversi strike sono prezzate in modo diverso e questo può essere utilizzato per identificare potenziali opportunità di trade sulla volatilità.

Rapporto acquisti/vendite del Taker.

Il taker buy/sell ratio è una metrica che misura il rapporto tra gli ordini taker (ordini che vengono eseguiti immediatamente e che sottraggono liquidità all’order book) e gli ordini maker (ordini che vengono inseriti nell’order book e che attendono di essere evasi) in una particolare borsa o mercato. Un rapporto elevato può indicare che il mercato è rialzista e che gli operatori stanno acquistando attivamente bitcoin. Inoltre, può essere utilizzato per identificare il livello di liquidità del mercato, vale a dire che un rapporto più alto indica un’elevata liquidità, mentre il rapporto opposto indica il contrario.


Il ricorso ai dati degli scambi di derivati per il trading di bitcoin può fornire agli investitori una grande quantità di informazioni da utilizzare per prendere decisioni più ragionate. In poche parole, questi dati possono fornire una visione del sentiment del mercato, identificare potenziali opportunità di trading e fornire ai trader un quadro più completo del mercato. Ogni trader di criptovalute dovrebbe prendere seriamente in considerazione l’utilizzo di una Cryptocurrency Trading Dashboard.

Crypto needs a well-regulated system for the market’s sustainable development

Vancouver(CoinChapter.com): The regulatory system towards cryptocurrency is constantly evolving, but at a slower pace than the crypto market itself. Institutions and the broader public feel a need for a clear and comprehensive regulation to work with cryptocurrency. The widespread scams, phishing, and hacks that the industry faces have no legal repercussions. This strengthens the audacity of the malefactors and presents the image of crypto as a shady character.

Inactive policymakers need to be awakened

The boom in the NFT market in 2021 jolted the government and international institutions. With over $9 billion in NFT sales on Ethereum, a need for a well-defined regulatory system for NFTs can be felt to sustain the market’s development in the future. The NFT market witnessed $1.5 million in illegitimate activities in the last three months of 2021 alone. Although this data is negligible if we compare it to the scale of money laundering happening elsewhere, this detrimental trend may continue in 2022.

The United States and the United Kingdom failed to come up with a clear guideline on NFTs, as there is still some uncertainty on how to classify the asset class. NFT issuers and marketplaces may be required to act in accordance with Anti-Money Laundering and Know Your Customer practices. The long-awaited report of the Fed released in January explored the cost and benefit of a government-regulated cryptocurrency. The report ultimately postponed the final decision on whether to move forward and gave the public and other stakeholders time to share their input before May 20, so that it can take further action.

Similarly, Stablecoins also caught policymakers sleeping. Stablecoins sales also increased five times and accounted for $164 billion at the end of 2021, which was $26 billion at the start of 2021. It continued to grow in 2022 and expanded by 6.8% in the first six weeks of the year. The Financial Stability Board, an international body that monitors and coordinates financial regulators globally, presented its report in 2020 and 2021, where it called for action on Stablecoin. The board has set a preliminary deadline of July 2022 for the establishment of regulatory frameworks in national jurisdictions. The emergence of decentralized U.S. dollar-pegged stablecoins further complicated the regulation of Stablecoin. However, experts anticipate that Stablecoin will be the first cryptocurrency to be regulated.

Why does crypto need regulation?

More regulation of cryptocurrencies means more stability in this volatile market. Still, many cryptocurrency enthusiasts strongly oppose regulations in the crypto market. They believe that it would hinder innovation and go against the spirit of the cryptocurrency, which has the feature of decentralization at its core. Investors and stakeholders have different opinions. Let’s see the views of experts on the crypto regulatory landscape and why they consider it to be good for investors.

  • More stability in the market – A regulatory framework will bring stability to the market and will create a healthy environment in the industry for the investors who are concerned about every day’s market fluctuation. If the government comes up with a great regulatory system, it might help reduce speculation among crypto assets. Less speculation will raise more confidence among investors, which may result in attracting more long-term investors who have so far said ‘No Thanks’ to a highly speculative, volatile crypto market. Even if it does not draw in more people, it may at least change people’s current behavior toward cryptocurrency. If we clearly say, regulation of the crypto market may slow the role of those trying to get rich quickly by speculating on the value of the next coin.
  • Investor protection and raising their confidence – Crypto investors currently have no protection in terms of their investment as it doesn’t work under a regulatory system that can ensure the protection of assets. Some exchanges work in accordance with emerging federal and state regulators in the United States, including the leading exchanges such as Coinbase and Gemini. However, their regulation is not similar to the stock market and other trading systems. Investors’ protection in the crypto market is weaker as they are not regulated by any federal authority. Regulation is needed to make the crypto market safer for investors. A safer market would further increase confidence among investors, causing the crypto market to grow.
  • Safer Crypto Ecosystem – The lack of laws and regulations bolsters the audacity of wrongdoers, and the whole industry suffers from widespread fraud, scams, rug pulls, and market manipulation. Crypto crime has grown significantly in the past 2 years. According to a report by blockchain data firm Chainalysis, scammers took $14 billion worth of crypto last year, which was down from $7.8 billion at the beginning of 2020.

While a regulatory framework has the potential to stabilize the crypto market, it’s still a highly volatile and speculative investment.

The government’s effort to design a regulatory framework 

The report of the Financial Stability Board also analyses the developments that will take place throughout the year 2022. The report also shed light on the progress of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in more than 91 countries across the globe. This shows that the government is recognizing the potential of digital currencies. The government continues to put effort further and policymakers need to do significant work to design a comprehensive regulatory system that can foster innovations and allow the broader public to adopt digital assets. CBDCs could enhance tax compliance and track financial transactions in a better way. But on the contrary, it can become a severe hindrance in the way of cryptocurrency adoption. This could even replace some decentralized digital currencies as CBDCs profit from stability, and it believes that government institutions inspire many consumers.

Crypto needs a well-regulated system that can make sure to foster innovations, and progress should not be hindered. Cryptocurrency has the potential to become a more equitable future and can renew the financial system.
“This story has been published by CoinChapter.com and the information contained in this article is for only informational purposes. It does not present any investment advice nor does it serve as a substitute for individual investment.”

Technology Behind Crypto Trading

Ever since the creation of Bitcoin in 2009, the world has witnessed a massive boom in cryptocurrencies and their trading. Every day new currencies are being developed and posted on various crypto trading platforms. More than 2,000 currencies are in circulation, with a total market capitalization of more than $ 700 billion.

All of this happens on a cryptocurrency exchange. It is simply an online platform where you can purchase, hold, or exchange cryptocurrencies for another digital currency or fiat money (USD, EUR, etc.). Exchanges that facilitate the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies are the most popular way to trade because they provide retail and institutional traders with liquidity.

Technology Behind Crypto Trading

The era of technology introduces the unique concept of digital coins. Digital currencies exist only in electric form, as the name suggests. They require platforms rather than intermediaries to trade.

Cryptocurrency exchanges such as OKX have become very popular with investors because they allow people to trade 24/7 from anywhere globally without any limit on the amount brought or sold.

However, crypto exchanges come later into the picture. First comes crypto mining and other associated technologies. Let’s go over these technologies in more depth.


A distributed ledger system is what blockchain is. It is made up of blocks that include timestamped sets of fresh transactions. Each block carries the preceding block’s hash in the blockchain, connecting the two. The linked blocks create a chain, with each subsequent block strengthening those before it.

Blockchain technology has several benefits: decentralized , immutable, transparent, secure, and fast. Decentralization means that no single entity controls the data or network; instead, it’s maintained by its users collectively.

Immutability refers to how easy it is to change data once recorded on the blockchain; because data can only be added to the end of a chain as miners create new blocks (see below), changing any historical record would require altering all subsequent blocks.

Transparency means that anyone can view transaction records. Although we’ll see below how this doesn’t compromise security, there is no intermediary when sending or receiving cryptocurrency through blockchain networks like Ethereum or Bitcoin.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are an exciting aspect of the blockchain because they’re a way to accomplish things without an intermediary, whether a lawyer when you want to sign an agreement or a financial institution like your bank or PayPal.

With smart contracts, everyone involved can watch everything happening in real-time on the blockchain. And since it’s open-source and auditable, no one is trying to make changes behind anyone else’s back sneakily. (That would be hard anyway with immutable ledgers.)

In addition to cutting out go-betweens and adding transparency, smart contracts make things more convenient by automating execution.

Order Book

The order book is a list of buy and sell orders for a specific asset that shows the number of orders at different price levels. The order book provides an overview of market sentiment and liquidity and can be used to make informed trading decisions.

There are two main parts to the order book: the bid (or buy) side, which lists all pending buy orders, and the ask (or sell) side, which lists all pending sell orders. The bid side for BTC / USD looks like this:

Decentralized Exchanges

Decentralized exchanges are still relatively new in the cryptocurrency world. The first few decades of the 20th century used to be dubbed “the age of electricity,” meaning that a broad swath of society could access the benefits and efficiencies brought on by technology. This time around, we’ve got blockchain technologies powering everything from financial transactions to internet voting — and they’re not slowing down just because hardline cryptocurrency enthusiasts are still debating how decentralized they can get.

What exactly is a decentralized exchange? As you might have guessed, it’s an exchange where no one party has control over your assets or personal information. Instead, you engage with them directly through your Bitcoin address and private keys — no broker needed.

You can think of them as a more secure alternative to the big exchanges, which operate like traditional stock brokerages. Their servers hold records about who owns what and make trades behind closed doors on behalf of their users. To keep track of their users’ assets, they have centralized databases full of data that a hacker could potentially use against you if they got into those computers and stole user information.

If an exchange is so centralized, it’s not even required by regulators or banks to be fully open-source and transparent about its inner workings (like its trading software). It’s just not technically decentralized yet — for now, at least.

The other advantage decentralized exchanges offer immediately is faster trade execution times than most traditional exchanges. With all this being said: Decentralized exchanges are still a pretty new technology with some growing pains ahead before they become widely adopted by traders everywhere — and that makes sense since these things have been around less than five years now!

However, once they’re ready for prime-time status among crypto investors ( 2015 saw the emergence of Litecoin and Ethereum ), we expect decentralized exchanges will continue to gain ground as a convenient alternative for traders looking for privacy or efficiency in their marketplace trading experience (if there’s anything better).

Centralized Exchanges

A straightforward definition would be a platform where the user can trade one asset for another asset. The whole system works under one central database or server, operated by one organization or individual entity which keeps track of all trades on its platform. All trades are being processed through this central entity, and you need to trust them for your funds’ security; otherwise, your funds could be stolen at any moment as there is no decentralized way of handling things.


Now that you know the technology behind cryptocurrency and blockchain, think about how you can use it in your business. Many companies have already taken advantage of this technology. It’s time you start investing in technology. If you are an individual looking to strengthen your personal finance game, crypto is the way.