How to Activate iMessage Effects with Just a Keyword

The animated message effect is amidst the most excellent iMessage features. Several users might have discovered them by mistake misfortune while trying to wish your friends congratulations or “Happy Birthday.” then you can flow confetti and balloons on their device screen.


You may know that the Apple iMessage effect first launched with iOS 10 and also work in every version. Apple has currently only mentioned some words or phrases to trigger the effect automatically. In this article, we have mentioned all the effects that we find in different languages.

Triggering the iMessage Effects

In order to use the iMessage effect, you will have to write up a text with other iPhone users. This effect will show animation at the end of the text that you have sent as green-bubbled into your Android friends; however, you are not able to view themselves. If your friends are not iPhone users, then to test this effect, then you need to try it I the messaging by yourself.

In some situations, a simple phrase and word apply on the screen’s effect automatically. Apple, however, has not included this entire official list. There is some trial, and goggling and error have confirmed four, and all have some distinctions.

Even, these trigger phrases or words work in several languages. Here we have included some variations in Arabic, English, Croatian, Chinese, French, Danish, Indonesian, German, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Thai, and Spanish. And then, there a few additional tips and notes for using trigger phrases and words in your chosen language.

Here is the list of additional tips and notes:

  • We have included phrases or words in the lowercase script for ease.
  • But we have also included several variations without and with accents.
  • We have also included the conversion for effect near every language.
  • These ought to work if you are via some or entire capital letters.
  • These ought to work if you are attaching punctuation after or before.
  • When it comes to Spanish, the user can include the phrase or word within ¡ !marks to add further emphasis.
  • Emojisused as stand-ins can’t trigger anything.
  • Phrases and words ending with ||| are not confirmed to function either.
  • English is planned first for every effect while others are planned alphabetically.
  • Try out with your favorite language to find additional alternatives.

Balloons: This balloon effect might be appearing to wish someone on their happy birthday.

Confetti: This Confetti effect popup when you congratulation someone.

Firework: It can be used to wish your friends and family a happy New Year.

Celebration: this effect is used when you wish your friends or someone happy Chinese New Year.

Manually Forwarding iMessage Effect.

If there you can’t find any effect that you are looking for, then you can easily use manually full-screen or bubble effect. When you are manually creating any effect, then your recipient can also reply to the effect, and this feature is not available when you are using a keyboard.


In the above article, we have mentioned how to activate iMessage Effects with Just a Keyword. We hope you will find the resolution of your problem, and this article will help in the favor solve your issue.

Jay Cross is a trained expert who works with the development team with feedback from customers to make it to expectations. He lives in New York and In addition to his work, he also writes for his personal blog.

Source  – How to Activate iMessage Effects with Just a Keyword

How to Tweak the iPhone’s, Multitouch Gestures, Visuals, and Sounds to Liking?

iPhone is among the most versatile iOS devices as it allows you an abundance of personalization options. If you want to try to personalize your iPhone but don’t how to adjust visual appearance, sound, and gestures, then here are some instructions to learn about these things.

Visuals Tweaks:

Decrease or Increase the Font Size

  1. Go to the Settings app on the device
  2. Then, you should choose the Accessibility option.
  3. Thereafter tap on the Display & Text Size option.
  4. You have to reach the ‘Larger Text’ option and select it.
  5. Later, move the slider to increase the text size.
  6. Now, move the toggle of “Larger Accessibility Sizes’ if you want to bigger text size.

Change Text Buttons into Real Buttons

  1. Navigate to the Settings application on the device.
  2. Thereafter, select the Accessibility option.
  3. You should pick the ‘Display and Text Size’ option.
  4. Now, move the “Button Shapes” toggle to the “On” position.

Less the White Point

  1. Invoke the Settings application on the iOS device.
  2. Thereafter choose the general button.
  3. Reach the Accessibility option and tap on it.
  4. Select the ‘Display and Text Size’ option.
  5. Finally, move the “Reduce White Point” toggle to enable it.

Disable Parallax and Application Zooms

  1. Reach the Settings app on the device.
  2. Afterward, choose the General button.
  3. Select the Accessibility option.
  4. Go to the Motion option.
  5. Now, move the ‘Reduce Motion’ toggle to enable it.

Disable Lower-Case Keyboard

  1. Invoke the Settings application on the device.
  2. Thereafter, select the Accessibility option.
  3. Afterward, pick the Keyboard option.
  4. Finally, move the “Show Lower Keys” toggle to disable it.

Turn on the Character Preview

  1. Go to the Settings app and launch it.
  2. Afterward, select the General button.
  3. Then tap on the Keyboard option.
  4. Finally, move the “Character Preview” toggle to enable it.

Touch-based Tweaks:

Disable the Reachability

  1. Invoke the Settings application on the device.
  2. Then choose the Accessibility option.
  3. Go to the Touch option.
  4. Now, move the “Reachability” toggle to disable it.

Prevent Manual Trigger Apple Pay

  1. Navigate to the Settings on the iOS device.
  2. Thereafter select the Wallet & Apple Pay option.
  3. Finally, move the “Double-Click Side Button” toggle to disable it.

Turn Off the ‘Shake to Undo’

  1. Invoke the Settings application on the device.
  2. Select the Accessibility option.
  3. Then choose the Touch option
  4. Later, pick the ‘Shake to Undo’ option and move the toggle to disable it.

Disable the Split keyboard

  1. Invoke the Settings app.
  2. Select the General option.
  3. Tap on the Keyboards button.
  4. Now, switch the ‘Split Keyboard’ toggle to disable it.

Turn off the Split View & Slide Over 

  1. Select the Settings app on the device.
  2. After that, choose the ‘Home Screen and Dock’ option.
  3. Reach the Multitasking option and select it
  4. Now, move the “Allow Multiple Apps” toggle to disable it.

Stay Picture in Picture via Activating Itself

  1. Reach the Settings app on the device.
  2. Thereafter, choose the ‘Home Screen & Dock’ option.
  3. Then pick the Multitasking.
  4. Now, move the ‘Picture in Picture’ toggle to enable it.

Disable the Multitasking Gestures

  1. Launch the Settings app on the device.
  2. After that, choose the ‘Home Screen & Dock’ option.
  3. You should pick the Multitasking option.
  4. Now, move the ‘Gestures’ toggle to disable it.

Erase Control Center via Applications

  1. Open the Settings on the device.
  2. Thereafter choose the Control Center.
  3. Now, move the ‘Access Within Apps’ toggle to disable it.

Turn off Control Center 

  1. Invoke the Settings app on the device.
  2. Thereafter, choose the ‘Face ID & Passcode’ or ‘Touch ID & Passcode’ according to the method of biometric authentication of device.
  3. Insert the passcode.
  4. Finally, move the Control Panel toggle to enable it beneath the ‘Allow Access When Locked.’

Audio & Detail Tweaks:

Stop Keyboard Clicks and Lock Sounds 

  1. Invoke the Settings app on the device.
  2. Thereafter, select the ‘Sounds and Haptics’ option.
  3. Now, toggle Lock Sound and keyboard Clicks to enable or disable it.

Modify the Maps Navigation Volume

  1. Invoke the Settings application on the device.
  2. Go to the Maps.
  3. Choose the Driving and Navigation option.
  4. Finally, choose an option below the Navigation Voice Volume: Low Volume, No Voice, loud Volume, or Normal Volume.

Disable Siri

  1. Invoke the Settings app.
  2. Go to the ‘Siri and Search.’
  3. Now, move the ‘Listen for “Hey Siri” to turn it off.

Disable Siri Suggestions

  1. You should drag the right side of the screen to reach the Today View.
  2. Thereafter drag upward pick the Edit option.
  3. Choose the minus button beside the Siri App Suggestions.
  4. Tap on the Remove button.

Prevent the Calls from going towards the Bluetooth

  1. Invoke the Settings app.
  2. After that, select the Accessibility option.
  3. Tap on the Touch option.
  4. Go down and choose the Call Audio Routing option.
  5. Finally, select the Speaker or Bluetooth Headset option.
 Linnea Williams is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. She writes about the latest updates regarding office setup and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and – Enter your Office setup product key

MS Office is one of the most preferred and used applications across the globe. The official application software package, MS Office is the bundle of various software tools such as Microsoft-Access, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher, MS-Word and OneNote which facilitates the enterprises and individuals to create several documents for serving professional purposes. The documents vary from charts, reports, presentations, and calculations. The interested users can avail of all services of MS Office by visiting

How to Download Microsoft Office Setup

The interested users can follow the below-given below instructions to download Microsoft Office:-

  • In the first step, the users should head straight to the internet browser and open
  • Hereafter, the users should move to the homepage of the official site and click on the option of “Sign in”.
  • The users should proceed with further steps by entering the required information in the login option.
  • In the case of a new user, it is required to sign in by creating a new account and for this, the users have to tap on “Create a new account“.
  • In further steps, the new users should enter the required information for signing in including email address and username along with setting a strong password.
  • Next, the users are required to follow all the onscreen displayed steps to complete the steps of creating the account.
  • Now, head straight to the option “Download” and click on it.
  • The users will be provided with two different options to choose “Buy MS Office” or “Start Office Trial”.
  • The users need to choose either of the two given options and then click on “Continue” to pursue the download process.

How to Install Microsoft Office Setup

once the users will complete the downloading process, then they will be required to install the MS Office set up. This could be done easily by following the below-mentioned steps:-

  • The users need to search the downloading directory path after navigating
  • The users have to select the option “Run “ in internet explorer or Edge, “Save File” in Firefox or Setup in Chrome depending on the browser the users have selected.
  • In further steps, the users will get the prompt saying “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?” Choose “Yes”.
  • The users have to tap on the option “Yes” to continue the further process of installation.
  • When the installation completed, the users will get the prompt “You’re all set! The office is installed now”.
  • After then, an animation displaying the location of the applications of MS Office will appear on the screen of the computer.
  • Next, the users need to make a tap on the option “Close” to complete How of installation.

How to Activate Microsoft Office Setup

If the users have completed the process of downloading and installing the applications of Microsoft, then they are required to activate the MS Office applications. The users will not be benefited from the various facilities of MS Office if they will not activate it. For activating MS Office applications, the users should have the product key which they could get on the product package if the purchase has been done by retail mode. If the users have made the purchase from the official site, they could find the product key having a 25 digit activation number on their email.

  • Now, after getting the activation key, the users can further proceed with the steps to activate it:-
  • The users are advised to navigate through the menu and tap on the option “Start”.
  • Now, the users should search for the applications of the MS Office suite along with the help of a search bar.
  • The users are required to click on any of the applications of MS Office appearing on the screen by clicking on it.
  • Next, make a tap on “Activate the link” and then tap on the option “Sign in”.
  • After then, enter your valid email id and then password and wait for few minutes for the activation.

How to Resolve the Error on Auto-Login in Windows 10

Window 10 was launched with very high expectations, and it passed the majority of them with flying colours. It keeps fixing underlying issues by updates or official blogs focused on resolving the issue. Auto-login is one of the best features that was introduced in the Windows Operating System. As a standard software over time, this feature showed some glitches that hinder user experience.

Windows 10

This issue could be a very frustrating one if you have been using this feature for a long time. This generally appears after the latest update of the Windows and is seen in both of the versions x32 and x64 of the Operating System.

There is no official release of any data to resolve this issue, but there are some tricks that will resolve the problem.

Use of Windows AutoLogOn Tool (version 3.10)

  • Download and install the tool from the Windows Store.
  • Run this application as an Administrator; then, you have to provide the information with the appropriate data.
  • After that Tap on Enable button to start this service.

Note: When the Exchange Activesync Password Restriction feature is active, Windows can not recognize the configuration in auto-login.

 Use of Editor of Registry

  • Launch Run by pressing Windows key+ R.
  • Enter regedit, and tap on enter.
  • In the window of Registry Editor Window, you have to reach out to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogon.
  • Here you will find the Winlogon Registry Key.
  • Search here for DefaultUserName and the DefaultPassword.
  • Now you have to open both strings, then provide the data regarding your User Name and Password (if you are a user of Microsoft account, then you can provide that data too to auto-login).
  • Open the AutoAdminLogon String by double-click.
  • Here, set the value to 1, and to save data press OK button.
  • Now you have to close all windows and reboot the PC.

Use of Command netplwiz

  • Enter Windows + R key to launch Run.
  • Enter the netplwiz and click on OK.
  • Tap on User Tab in the window of User Account.
  • You have to uncheck the box of Users Must Enter a User Name and Password to Use this Computer.
  • Now, enter the credential in the section of Automatically Sign In. Click on Ok.
  • Now Click on the Apply button then to save all the data tap on Ok.
  • Reboot the Windows 10 PC.


It should be mentioned that these methods are not officially supported by Microsoft (because they didn’t release the fix till now). If you are too possessive to your PC and don’t believe the online data, then you should not use these methods.

Still, these methods don’t change any other essential functions of the PC, so these are much safer methods. If these methods don’t work, you can reach out to the same windows and set every change to default settings.

Source – How to Resolve the Error on Auto-Login in Windows 10

How to Fix Google Photos is Stuck on Preparing Backup?

Everyone has experienced problems while they are about to backup pictures. Google Photos is an efficient app; however, it can get stuck while preparing backup. There is nothing to worry about as such an issue can be resolved easily. Several factors such as slow internet connection or insufficient memory can cause the issue. It is also because of various temporary bugs in the Photos app. If you wish to fix this issue, then you can try the given solutions to backup the pictures.

Reconnect to Wi-Fi

If it appears like the device is attached to the Wi-Fi, then everything is good. However, there may be few problems with the connection that averts Google Photos from trying to backup. The connection might be slow, but it can improve in a few minutes. Try to switch off the Wi-Fi and then connect again as users have reported that this allows the app to continue back up normally.

Enable the Cellular Backup

If the previous step doesn’t work, then you should switch off the WI-Fi and then turn to Cellular Backup. Several users find this useful as once turning to the Cellular backup; app instantly starts back up. If you need a huge backup amount of photos and you don’t have sufficient data, then you may switch on the Wi-Fi again after some time. Several users have reported positively that it continues the backup normally.

Switch off the Device

This seems so basic, but it helped a lot of users in solving the problem with the app. Switch off the device. And as the device is turned off, wait and relax and don’t panic. There are several processes to solve the issue, and any of them will surely work for you. After some time, switch on the device and then try to back up again. I hope it may work this time. Phones are a strange device; they actually require to switch it off for a minute to customize everything. And when you switch it on again, it will work properly again.

Charge the Device

We know that backup requires a lot of time and specifically when you have not backup recently, and the device contains a lot of pictures. Several phones do not begin the backup if the battery is low. Try to charge the phone as it will allow Google Photos to begin the backup.

Switch off the Low Power Mode

It is quite similar to the previous fix and is related to the battery issues. Even if your device has a sufficient battery, several devices do not start the backup if the device is in the low power mode. It wonders that the device does not have enough battery to complete the backup. It seems silly but is actually useful.

Remove Google Photos App Cache or Data

If you have not removed the cache or data recently, then they may cause the issue.  If you want to remove the Google Photos app cache and data, then abide by the given steps:

  1. Navigate to Google Photos.
  2. Click on Storage.
  3. Select the Remove cache and Remove data option.
  4. It will not remove the photos, but it will help the app to run smoother and faster.

Mostly users forgot to remove data continuously. However, it is necessary to do. If you remove the data more often, then you may avoid several problems with the phone.

Delete Google Photos and Install Again

If the app is freeze and nothing is working on it, then you must remove an app and download it. You don’t have to worry as the photos are not going to removed.

You May Have to Wait for Update

If nothing helps, then you may have to wait for the app update. It seems as it not at all promising, but an important object is that you can back up the pictures properly. Mostly it may not be possible to identify the issue when everything looks fine. Then the issue might be in the app, and then you cannot do much about it. Though Google is trying to upgrade the app and so the new version may help in resolving the issue.

Source – How to Fix Google Photos is Stuck on Preparing Backup

Destiny 2: Season of Worthy New Gears and Armors

Destiny 2 has released a new season recently, and it introduces is many fashionable armors. Destiny 2 Season 2 is going to start on 10 March. This season contains a lot of new objects along with the three fancy armor sets. Two of them are base, and one of them is an ornament, and every single armor will be achieved at different activities. After getting the shield of the stellar, we should assume that we are in a treat as per the design and functionality of the armor.

Destiny 2

Introduction: Seasonal Armor

This armor is primary in the Season of the Worthly. Seventh Seraph arena starts from the moderate dark, matte, and dull getup. It seems that this appears from the adjacent activity of Rasputin as it is in the Seraph Bunkers and Seraph Tower.

The other way to get the armor is by buying the season battle pass, after which you can have this full armor as a gift along with every class of objects of Seventh Seraph.

After you get the season pass, then you can unlock the ornaments of this arena, and you will get the Russian themed in the arena. It will feel like you are in the golden age of Cosmodrome. You should know that these ornaments resemble the appearance of military-grade outfits and weapons such as the helmet, Warlock collar, and Titan belt. You should be excited to know there is going to be a different shade of than usual once.

Osiris Armor of Trials

This armor will release on 13 March under the name of Trial of Osiris and will be available every weekend to give the chance to win. It is the Egyptian-themed armor, like in the original game, with some minor changes. When we consider the looks and the uniqueness of this armor, then it tops the charts from the Titan Ra-Helm to hunter scrab. The turquoise and gold paint you can have the not that much of impact. This armor allows you to add more designs and patterns and object to make improvements in the armor in the appearance and functions both to make the armor flawless. This armor and ornament are not as more substantial as the other armors such as Leviathan armor, but it works just fine.

Guardian Games

As mentioned on the calendar of the game, the release of the arena Guardian Games will take place on 21 April, and it will go on the run by 11 May. Between this period, players will get to know about the new and awesome weapons along with one legendary armor available in this arena and had the opportunity to earn this legendary armor.

There are no announcements regarding this armor from the Bungie. There are chances that there are much more than just armor, then you have to wait until Bungie releases anything about this armor and other aspects of this chest (which contains the armor) and this arena of Season 2.

Jay Cross is a trained expert who works with the development team with feedback from customers to make it to expectations. He lives in New York and In addition to his work, he also writes for his personal blog.

Source – Destiny 2: Season of Worthy New Gears and Armors


Windows is an efficient OS, but there are numerous BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) error codes that can ruin your experience. One such error is the WHEA_INTERNAL_ERROR. If the user is encountering it as well, then the blog will be useful to them. Here are the steps to fix this error.


Turn off the Automatic Restarting of Windows

In case the user wishes to turn off the automatic restarting of Windows, then they can pursue the mentioned instructions.

  • Hold the Win + D keys altogether on your keyboard.
  • Then right-click on the This PC option.
  • You should click on the Properties option if the choices are upfront.
  • Once launch a fresh System screen and select the Advanced system settings situated in the left-hand side panel.
  • Instantly System Properties wizard will be applied to the screen.
  • Switch to the end in the recent button and select the Settings situated in the Startup and Recovery area.
  • Now, a fresh wizard will launch once more and require come down to the System failure area in it.
  • Later, uncheck the tickmark from a box.
  • Finally, choose the OK tab at the bottom to store these changes.

Dismiss All the Malware in Windows Security

In case the user wants to dismiss all the malware in Windows security, then abide by the provided steps.

  • Launch the Windows Search by holding the Win + S keys together on your keyboard.
  • Then input ‘Security’ into it and choose the Windows Security from the results.
  • If the application area is shown on the screen, select the ‘Virus and threat protection.’
  • You should click on the Scan options link.
  • If the process is applicable, choose the radio tab before ‘Full scan.’
  • Click on the Scan now tab and allow the procedure to start.
  • You will be disliked with the outcomes after completing the identification.
  • Click on the Clean threats in case any virus traces out.
  • Choose the Remove initially and begin actions from there applicable choices.
  • After ending the process, there should not be any malware show in the PC that would possibly solve this error.

Upgrade the BIOS of the PC

In case the user wishes to upgrade the BIOS of the PC, then they can pursue the mentioned instructions.

  • Press the Win + R keys altogether to launch the Run dialogue box.
  • Enter ‘msinfo32’ into it then hit the Enter key.
  • You will see the System Information screen.
  • Enter the ‘BIOS version’ into the given box.
  • Press the Enter button, and the system will give you detail that allows you to tick the BIOS version.
  • Open the browser and go to the BIOS manufacturer’s site.
  • You should download the newest version.
  • After the downloading finishes, reach the downloaded file and twice click on it then install it.
  • Now, after completing the process effectively, restart the device.

Attempt Running Safe Mode to Windows and Load only Essential Procedure

In case the user wants to attempt running safe mode to Windows and load only essential procedure, then abide by the provided steps.

  • Go to the Cortana search section.
  • Then enter ‘msconfig’ into it then choose the ‘System Configuration’ if it appears.
  • Move to the Boot button if the application hits on screen.
  • Move down and select the bottom half of this screen to have Boot Options.
  • Tick the box of Safe Boot.
  • After that, click on the Minimal option.
  • Click on the Apply tab and then OK to store the changes.
  • Leave this screen and run a restart in the common way.
  • When the device will boot at the startup next, keep holding the F8 button frequently.
  • Now, reach the Advanced boot section, select the Safe boot option.

Update Outdated Drivers via Device Manager

In case the user wishes to update outdated drivers via device manager, then they can pursue the mentioned instructions.

  • Hold the Win + R keys together on the keyboard to launch the Run dialogue box.
  • After that, enter ‘devmgmt’ into it.
  • Then press the Ok tab situated under the box.
  • After appearing, the Device Manager has an exit look in the console.
  • Open the device having a tick of exclamation.
  • Then go to the drivers individually and right-click on it. If a menu brings up, choose the Update driver option and allow the procedure to start.

Launch Windows Blue Screen Troubleshooter to Fix this Error

In case the user wants to launch Windows blue screen troubleshooter to fix this error, then abide by the provided steps.

  • Press the Win + I keys together on the keyboard to launch the Windows Settings application.
  • Then select the Update and Security option.
  • Once you see the succeeding screen, choose the Troubleshoot lying in the left-hand side panel then switch to the parallel right-hand side.
  • You should right-click on the Blue Screen.
  • Now, press the Run the Troubleshooter tab.

Delete the Equivalent Programs Colliding with one Another

In case the user wishes to delete the equivalent programs colliding with one another, then they can pursue the mentioned instructions.

  • Hold the Win key and launch the Start menu.
  • Reach the Gear button and open the Settings application.
  • From the coming screen, click on the Apps tile.
  • Go to the subsequent right-hand side of the consequent screen then locate out applications colliding in the programs list.
  • Click on the Uninstall tab.
  • In case UAC asks for authorization, choose the Yes tab to continue.
  • Pursue the steps applicable on-screen near to delete the tools correctly.
  • After finishing the task, reboot the device through the common procedure.
  • When going back to the desktop, in case you view the WHEA_INTERNAL_ERROR has solved already, you can try reinstalling these programs.

Jay Cross is a trained expert who works with the development team with feedback from customers to make it to expectations. He lives in New York and In addition to his work, he also writes for his personal blog.

Source – Fix WHEA_INTERNAL_ERROR BSOD on Windows

The Witcher Season 2: Every New Character Confirmed

The Witcher Season 1 was a massive hit and now for The Witcher Season 2, there are several new characters that are confirmed. Making of The Witcher Season 2 just began in the UK, and just like the success of The Witcher Season 1 now directors and producers are working on making The Witcher Season a masterpiece as well. The Witcher Season 1 enhanced the hype of game as well even though before series, there is the game too with great graphics and storyline. Now fans and gamers are excessively excited for the show alongside its further storyline.

The Witcher Season 2

The series is based on the book series and The Witcher Season 1 story was based on the trio of main characters, as in the end, they all are connected to each other. The next thing that needs to happen in the series is to add new characters in the series, and here are the new characters that are confirmed to play a role within The latest Witcher Season.

Confirmed Characters of The Witcher Season 2

Kristofer Hivju will be Nivellen

Nivellen is a cursed character whose role will be played by Kristofer Hivju. Nivellen is a leader of cutthroats and highwaymen gang which was inherited to him after his father died. Once upon a time Nivellen and his gang went to a robbery where he exploited young priestess and cursed him. The cursed was that he will be a monster with the skin of a monster. Then his skin starts to change and looks more similar to a giant bear. There is a cure for it, but Nivellen doesn’t know much about it. Kristofer Hivju was also in Game of Thrones, and he was well known for Tormund Giantsbane.

Paul Bullion will be Lambert

If you think that Geralt will be the only Witcher in the series, then you are wrong because there is Lambert, who will be another Witcher in the series. In The Witcher Season 2, there will be three Witchers, and it will be very interesting to watch Paul Bullion as Lambert. The Witcher character Lambert is well known for his rude and ill-mannered, but he is the one that trains Ciri from the art of combat. He plays a major part in the life of Ciri. Lambert is a younger Witcher that trained in the Kaer Morhen, and he also appeared in the book “Blood of Elves” and game too.  Paul Bullion is popular due to his role in the hit show Peaky Blinders in the form of “Billy Kitchen.”

Thue Ersted Rasmussen will be Eskel

He is an old acquaintance of Geralt and also a Witcher. The nature of Eskel is quite humble and calm; apart from this, he was in several books. One great thing is that he has a great connection with Geralt and they understand each other. His role within The latest Witcher Season is quite important, and it’s sure that fans will finally be able to someone as a friend of Geralt after a long time. In training Ciri, Eskel plays a crucial role in The Season 2 of Witcher. Thue Ersted Rasmussen also appears in the upcoming movie F9.

Yasen Atour will be Coën

Coën will be the third Witcher in season 2 that fans will get to see. He was also at the Kaer Morhen in the winter season while Ciri was learning sword combats. Unlike any other, Coën is affected by some kind of disease that he has from childhood. He also has scars of his illness, and that is why you might see him doing less fighting with monsters, but he does his training as usual.

Mecia Simson will be Francesca

Francesca Findabair is said to be that she is one of the most beautiful women in the world in the Witcher series. Francesca Findabair is also known for Enid an Gleanna that is a member within the hidden organization of female mages (Lodge of Sorceresses). British model Mecia Simson will be playing the role of Francesca Findabair within The Witcher Season 2. Among any role that she has done, Francesca Findabair will be the most significant role for her.

Carmel Laniado will be Violet

By guessing the characters that will come to the new season, it will be going to be interesting, and they are taking many new characters to the series that are only available in the books. In the new season of The Witcher, Carmel Laniado will play as Violet, which is a young girl character with sad vibes. She will play Violet’s role for at least three episodes. Carmel Laniado appeared with Robert Downey Jr. in the movie Dolittle where she was a Lady Rose.

Agnes Bjorn will be Vereena

Vereena is a type of young vampire character with dark hair. She is powerful, and her natural form is a black bat with claws and sharp fangs. She speaks her own language in the series, but she does not prefer to talk that much. Now in the series, it will be great to know about this unique and short term character in The Witcher Season 2. Vereena is played by Agnes Bjorn, and it’s her first role.

Jay Cross is a trained expert who works with the development team with feedback from customers to make it to expectations. He lives in New York and In addition to his work, he also writes for his personal blog.

Source – The Witcher Season 2

How to Download Instagram Videos

Instagram has inserted all kinds of compatibility on the platform in current years. From short content to stories to latest Instagram TV choice for watching best creators, it has everything. It will make Instagram not only the station to check photos but also the videos and all kinds of content. Instagram and Facebook have made it difficult to ignore its website. The feeds of Instagram contains thousands of contents from all around the world, including diverse subjects.


As you cross over business advertising and purposeless promotion, there are is an abundance of creativity available. Though you can search for interesting contents, if you want to download Instagram videos, then it might pose some issues. Read through the blog to follow the instructions.

Download Instagram Videos via Apps

InstaSave Android app is a helpful app that enables to download whichever Instagram videos you like to download. If you want to download Instagram videos via apps, then you can follow the provided steps:

  1. Download the app.
  2. Launch it and then paste the content URL in-app at the ‘paste your link here’ bar.
  3. Tap on Save Video option, and then the app will finish up the work.
  4. The app also enables to download any type of hashtags or the text available with the video.

It provides the exact same quick and straight forward downloading of the content available on social site.

Download Instagram Videos on PC Browser or Mac

Several sites let you download the Instagram contents fast through the browser. First one is the W3Toys, and the other one is SaveDeo. Mostly everyone prefers W3Toys however, it is quite busy that becomes busy several times that’s why you can opt other sites that are much more available. The other one SaveDeo so it has the propensity to list famous videos downloads and most of them are not safe for the work.

If you want to download Instagram videos on a PC browser or Mac, then abide by the given steps:

  1. Copy URL of a content that you need to download as to make it work.
  2. Go to the W3Toys site.
  3. Paste the URL in the bar.
  4. Tap on Go, and then the website will start downloading videos on the device to get started.

Download the Instagram Contents Manually

It has no particular tool to install contents because they desire to remain on a website as long as probable, and it is the privacy concern for them. Still, you may modify all that with the simple tweak. If you don’t like downloader sites or apps, then you may try this.

If you wish to download the Instagram contents manually, then pursue the given instructions:

  1. Launch video via a browser.
  2. Right-click on a page and then choose the view page or words option.
  3. Click on Ctrl + F on the PC to search and insert mp4. The result will display the URL.
  4. Copy the URL in a fresh browser and then play the video.
  5. Tap on Ctrl + S to store it to the PC.

As the manual process requires few secs longer, it does not depend on anything like any browser or an app or anything else. If you do not trust the downloader sites or try to maintain apps to the least, then this is the right process to download the Instagram contents.

Use IFTTT to Download Instagram Contents

The last method to download the videos is a better way for it. It utilizes the IFTTT process to download contents automatically that you want on the cloud storage. It is the best option if you are trying to collect content series or else need to save contents for further use. You will require an IFTTT account, Dropbox account and also the Instagram account to perform.

Follow the provided instructions in order to Use IFTTT to download Instagram contents:

  1. Sign in to IFTTT and then use the recipe or you create your own.
  2. Trigger the Instagram and the dropbox channel and then utilize the recipe.
  3. Set Instagram as a trigger and then choose the option.
  4. You will get the options list in which you have to choose the last option; You like the video.
  5. Tap on the link to set the
  6. Click on Upload file from URL option.
  7. Choose the Dropbox account as the location and then make a recipe.
  8. Now switch it on.
  9. Then if you like any video on Instagram, then IFTTT will download it on Dropbox automatically for you to access it.

Jay Cross is a trained expert who works with the development team with feedback from customers to make it to expectations. He lives in New York and In addition to his work, he also writes for his personal blog.

Source –   Download Instagram Videos

Fix: “Microsoft Store” Error Code “0x80246013” on Windows 10

Microsoft is one of the most popular tech giants across the globe that provides various software and program to make our digital life smoother. Sometimes, some harmful bugs and viruses create hindrances in our tasks. The error code “0x80246013” is the result of these bugs and corrupted system program.

Microsoft Error

This error arises when we try to download an application from “MS Store”, and there are various causes of arising this error issue. One of the relevant cause is attacking the firewall set up on “Windows Defender.” Using various outdated and infected system files and hardware drivers are some of the most identified causes of this error issue.

Here is how to troubleshoot this error issue that shows on our display while installing or updating an application.

Using “Microsoft Store” Troubleshooting Program

There is a built-in troubleshooting program that detects the issues on your device and helps to fix them. Here are the steps on how to use this tool and to fix the issue:

  1. First of all, right-click the “Start” button.
  2. Now, navigate to “Settings” located inside the expanded menu.
  3. After that, tap on “Security and Update” option thereafter expanding “Settings.”
  4. Now, go to the next page and then hit the option “Troubleshoot” located at the left-hand side section and then navigate to your right side section.
  5. Next, look for the option “Windows Store Applications” from the displayed listing and after that, perform a right-click on it.
  6. Then, hit the option “Run the Troubleshooter” after expanding of the page.
  7. Now, wait for a little for the troubleshooter to identify the right cause and fix them.

Resetting “Microsoft Store”

  1. First of all, hit the “Search bar.” Then enter the following command in the space provided:
  2. “cmd.exe.”
  3. Now, tap the “Command Prompt” from the resulting options.
  4. Then, tap the option “Run as Administrator.”
  5. Once the “UAC” expands up, hit the “Yes” tab to provide your consent.
  6. Now, type “WSReset.exe” into the command prompt window followed by the Enter key.
  7. After that, Make sure that no issue is arising on display.

Disabling “Defender Firewall” on Windows 10

  1. Firstly, hit “Window + R” keys simultaneously to launch the “Run” dialogue box.
  2. Now, enter “control panel” into the provided space and then tap “Enter.”
  3. After some time, you will see the listings of items related to the control panel. Now, set the “View by” option to “Small icons.”
  4. Then, hit the option “Windows Defender Firewall.”
  5. Navigate to the left-hand side section and on the following page switch the firewall option to “Off” for deactivating its features.
  6. After that, hit the “OK” tab to proceed.

Note: Re-activate the feature after getting it installed on your system.

Deactivating Third-party Antivirus Software

  1. Go to the “Taskbar” and hit the arrow symbol located inside the notification section to expand the concealed items.
  2. Now, right-click your antivirus app symbol and choose any of the provided options: Shut Down, Disable, and Stop.

Installing Windows Update

  1. Firstly, tap “Windows and I” keys altogether to expand “Settings.”
  2. After that, tap the “Security and Update” option there.
  3. Now, hit the “Windows Update” option from the upcoming page.
  4. Then, navigate towards the right-hand side section and then tap the “Check for Updates” option.
  5. If any update is found, then install it on your device.

Jay Cross is a trained expert who works with the development team with feedback from customers to make it to expectations. He lives in New York and In addition to his work, he also writes for his personal blog.

Source –  Fix: “Microsoft Store” Error Code “0x80246013” on Windows 10