7 Time Tested Exam Stress Releasing Tips and Techniques

Exams are challenging and can literally take your sleep away! But the most important thing to remember is that challenges are given to get the best out of you. Constant pressure from parents and peers can lead to unwanted consequences.

Scientists suggest that when we are pressured and tensed, our brain releases high levels of a chemical called cortisol. This could come in the way of your thinking and rationalizing process. Therefore, it is suggested to keep your cool and leave assignment writing tasks for a reliable UK writers to do my assignment with guaranteed top grades is by far the best choice. So you can put focus on exams only.

We have compiled seven tips that would assist you in increasing your productivity and making the most of the time at hand.

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  • Set Achievable Goals


First, you need to get your facts right and set realistic goals. This will help you in keeping your anxiety level in control. Decide which subjects need the most attention and how many days you need to dedicate to each subject. Keeping yourself in order with help you to easily cover everything on time.

You can even ask your parents, a teacher, or a dear friend to help you set up a track and follow it accordingly.

As you accomplish your targets make sure to strike them off from your to-do list to give you a sense of completion and achievement, thus helping you work further.


  • Make A Timetable


Becoming organized is essential in preparing for your exams. The first step in organizing yourself is to set up a timetable or make a revision schedule. If you are not good at managing your time and keeping track of it, you can try using some apps that will help you keep a track of your time and thus stay oriented.

Make sure to set aside some time for fun and relaxation so that you don’t end up getting bored or feeling irritated.


  • Eat Healthy Food


Eating healthy nutritious food is proven to be beneficial for your health and well-being. In fact, there are foods that can be taken to reduce stress and function better.

Also, eating nutritional food in the right amount will help you perform better and stay active throughout the day. Make sure to avoid any junk food and cola because they will make you feel low and lazy. Eat more greens and avoid intake of excessive sugary foods.

Not only this, you can exercise because exercise makes your blood flow faster and thus fill your brain with happy hormones. Though, easier said than done, in order to maintain your peace you can run or visit the gym for half an hour a day.


  • Say No to social media


Do you know what the biggest distraction in our lives today is? Yes, social networking sites!

Time quickly disappears and we completely lose track of time while we use these social feeds. Therefore, it is advised to cut off your ties with all these sites till the end of your exams. This means you should log out from all these applications because they act as a great hurdle in getting your tasks done right. They will make you procrastinate and you might end up lagging behind and worrying and regretting it in the end!


  • Avoid Caffeine and Coffee


According to a study, caffeinated drinks, if taken in large amounts, can make your stress levels go up. Thus, the idea of drinking coffee at every interval and studying through the night isn’t a good one.


Though, if you feel it is a big task to cut down your caffeine intake then you can easily find an alternative to it. For example, in place of a cup of tea, you can take strawberry or chocolate flavoured milk or maybe a pack of herbal tea. Both ways it’s a win-win situation as it will increase your good health as well as help you increase your productivity.


  • Do not Worry


It is proven through research and study that a relaxed mind can do better than a mind under stress. You would never want your performance to go down while you prepare for your exams therefore do not worry pull up your socks and get going. You can relax your mind by taking short breaks. During short breaks, you can read comics or solve riddles, do a crossword, or do anything that will boost your energy levels.

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  • Appear in A Mock Exam


When you are done preparing for your exams, you can ask a fellow or a family member to assist you by asking you questions from your notes. This will enable you to keep your calm and answer correctly under pressure. You will get to know your weak areas so you can work on them to improve accordingly.

Benefits of Shirodhara Therapy

What is Shirodhara?

The relaxing effects of massages on the hair create a sense of satisfaction and help you forget all your daily concerns and go to sleep quicker.

Shirodhara can be described as a relaxing and therapeutic head massage that provides a wealth of both mental and physical advantages. If you think it’s great to massage your head, Shirodhara is even better. In this case, a gentle massage is performed in the final session after pouring oil onto the forehead. Yes, it’s exactly as relaxing as it seems.

In simple words, Shirodhara therapy can be described as the process of pouring medicated oil on the forehead. 


In this Ayurvedic treatment Sunshine Coast, one receives the remedy lying on their back. After that, the warm, medicated oil is poured onto the forehead at a certain height during the next step. The oil flows over the forehead before flowing down to the scalp. It is gently massaged on the skin by the practitioner.

While regular head massages may help induce sleep and relaxation and help strengthen hair follicles, the benefits of Shirodhara surpass all others. It’s a wonderful process that assists in exfoliating dead skin, reduces tension, boosts blood circulation, calms the doshas that are elevated, and helps transport lymphatic fluids.

When done by a knowledgeable practitioner, Shirodhara is a great way to eliminate toxins, ease mental fatigue, and boost cognitive functioning.

Based on Ayurveda, Shirodhara treatment uses medicated oils and milk-based solutions decoction of herbs, an aqueous formulation. It’s all about the benefits that you want to achieve.

How it Works

If it is the medicated oil or any other decoction made from herbs is applied to the forehead, it produces a euphoric sensation. This sensation travels to the hypothalamus through those peripheral nerves.

The hypothalamus is responsible for preventing or producing hormones in response to emotional or physical stimuli. This causes secondary hormones to get active and trigger an appropriate response.

Shirodhara helps manage these hormones and restore harmony to your body and mind. It can ease tension, promote sleep, and soothe the agitated mind. Additionally, warm medicated oils can dilate blood vessels and boost blood circulation, improving brain function and fighting mental fatigue.

Incredibly, Shirodhara can also regulate the levels of serotonin within your body. Serotonin is an excellent hormone that helps stabilize your mood and makes you feel calm. But, high levels of serotonin can cause contrary. Serotonin levels high are often characterized by excessive sweating, shivering, and the feeling of diarrhea and restlessness. Shirodhara is a powerful therapy to help you relax and manage chronic stress.

If you’re feeling drained due to the stress of your job or are struggling with personal losses, A professional Shirodhara therapy could aid you in finding calm and easing tension in your nerves.

Benefits of Shirodhara

Shirodhara is a full-on therapy that is done in a specially designed environment that uses specialized techniques and substances to increase its health advantages. Let’s take a look at the most significant benefits of Shirodhara.

Activates Intuition

Shirodhara massage practice is said to increase the “third eye,” leading to a higher level of awareness. Buddhists describe the practice as a spiritual awakening or full awareness that allows the person to see the past traumas and painful experiences from a new perspective that was difficult to access before. The ability to see from a different is a way to gain mental clarity and make progress through life.

Improves Sleep

What did you last as a baby when you slept? Can’t recall? You could blame either your bed or conditions for the inability to sleep, but generally speaking, it’s the mind’s hyperactivity or a neurological disorder. Shirodhara massage is a treatment that induces sleep. However, this doesn’t mean that it will put you to sleep instantly. It works sustainably. It calms your nerves and calms your mind, and enhances your sleep.

Reduces Stress

A head massage can reduce anxiety and clears your brain so that you can concentrate and perform better. But, Shirodhara works at a more profound level. If practiced frequently, Shirodhara therapy can help ease chronic stress and heal previous traumas. It can also alleviate the frustrations caused by a blockage in career development or family conflicts.

If things around you become chaotic, Shirodhara is a great getaway to calm down.

You can use Balaswagandhadi Thailam, a herbal formulation that is suitable for any oil therapy. Although the oil is mostly used to increase the body’s resilience after fever and infections, it also has another surprising benefit. It is a powerful oil that can also be applied to apply Shirodhara oil on the scalp to help promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.

Shirodhara Benefits for Eyes

Are your eyes hurting because of prolonged screen time? While we wouldn’t advise you to abandon your device, a brief break can help relieve the strain on your eyes during your day. Shirodhara is a great remedy for tired eyes.

Pacifies Elevated Vata Dosha

Vata dosha is characterized by ether and air. Suppose they are in excess due to a compromised Agni. In that case, Vata dosha can result in various health problems, including constipation, anxiety, cracking joints, light insomnia, and digestive issues worldwide. Shirodhara Ayurvedic therapy can calm Vata Dosha and bring you back to a state filled with happiness, inspiration, and a sense of connection.

Improves Cognitive Abilities

There are various Shirodhara benefits to the brain, which include enhanced cognitive capabilities. What exactly does this mean?

The oils used in Shirodhara treatments are rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and neuroprotective components that improve the brain’s functioning. It is believed that the treatment will increase alertness, memory, and ability to concentrate. It’s a fantastic oil treatment for seniors at a higher risk of losing memory.

Get Back Those Lost Z’s and Sleep Like a Baby With Yoga

You eat well and exercise daily but miss out on the seven hours of sleep. This is not a good thing. The very lack of sleep undermines everything you are doing in daytime. One thing you should always remember is – Sleep is crucial for your health and well-being.

8 to 9 hours of sleep is what can help you stay in perfect mental and physical health. But, how much sleep do you actually need? Yoga experts have come up with the answer.

How Much Sleep is Enough?

One statement is true – Everyone feels a little better after a good and deep sleep. You should complete the said hours of sleep according to your age.

Many studies have come up with the different age groups and how much sleep one needs.

  • Adults (65+ years) – 7 to 8 hours

  • Adults (26 to 64 years) – 7 to 9 hours

  • Young Adults (18 to 25 years) – 7 to 9 hours

  • Teenagers (14 to 17 years) – 8 to 10 hours

  • School children (6 to 13 years) – 9 to 11 hours

  • Preschool children (3 to 5 years) – 10 to 13 hours

  • Toddlers (1 to 2 years) – 11 to 14 hours

  • Infants (4 to 11 months) – 12 to 15 hours

  • Newborns (0 to 3 months) – 14 to 17 hours

Genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors impact your sleep. But, 7 hours of sleep is what you should aim to get every night. Yoga techniques like Guided Sleep Meditation for Insomniab can also help you keep sleeplessness away.

Do you know what a lack of sleep does to your body and mind? The information below has the answer.

What Happens If I Don’t Sleep Enough?

A lack of sleep has long-term impact on your mental and physical health. These include short-term and long-term effects.

Short-Term Effect of Lack of Sleep

  • Poor concentration levels

  • Daytime sleepiness

  • Poor memory

  • Relationship stress

  • Poor quality of life

  • Increased risk of car accidents

If you continue to ignore sleep even after this, there are severe long-term effects.

Long-Term Impact of Loss of Sleep

  • Chronic sleep deprivation

  • High blood pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Heart attack

  • Heart failure

  • Stroke

Health issues like obesity also impact your sleep quality. That is not all! Chronic sleep deprivation affects your appearance. It causes premature wrinkling and dark circles to appear over your eyes.

Lack of sleep also causes a spike in the amount of Cortisol (Stress Hormone) in your body. You can enroll in yoga nidra training in Rishikesh to learn the best techniques for deep sleep.

How Can I Practice Yoga to Sleep?

The ancient art of yoga has many techniques and methods to help you sleep like a baby. But you have to know the right method to reap its benefits.

1. Choose the Right Yoga Style

Yoga has evolved into many styles. There is Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Kundalini, and Yin yoga among other yoga styles. Some yoga styles help you develop muscular strength while others help you relax. Join a certified yoga school to learn the yoga style that helps you sleep at night.

2. Set the Scene

In how much time you fall asleep depends on the surroundings. This means you have to have the best settings to fall asleep at night. It means no smartphones or any other digital devices in the vicinity of your bed. Sign up for the yoga nidra training in Rishikesh to unlock the secrets to deep and quality sleep.

3. Focus on Breathing

Breathing is an important component of yoga. Your main goal during every yoga session should be to focus on breathing. Allow your thoughts to come and go without reacting to them. An experienced yoga teacher helps you learn the right yogic breathing technique.

Besides this you should also know the yoga asanas that can help you sleep at night.

Best Yoga Asanas for Deep Sleep

  • Lizard pose

  • Hero pose

  • Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend pose

  • Child’s Pose

  • Legs-Up-The-Wall pose

  • Seated Forward Bend pose

  • Reclining Bound Angle pose

  • Side Seated Wide Angle pose

Enroll in a Yoga Alliance certified yoga school to learn all these yoga asanas from experienced yoga teachers. They will provide you complete support to learn and practice these asanas with ease.


Do you find it hard to sleep after a tiring day at work? Join a certified yoga school to learn and practice these yoga asanas and get back those lost Zs. You can also sign up for yoga nidra training in Rishikesh to learn this powerful technique for deep sleep.

Get Back That Lost Zeal for Life With These Yoga Poses


Everyone feels a little down and out sometimes in their life. We all have our ups and downs. Be it in our personal relationships or at workplace, everyone feels sad sometimes. But it becomes a problem when being sad becomes your daily life. The American Psychiatric Association has a word for it – Depression.

Unfortunately, sadness is not the only thing that depression comes with. There are many factors at play here. How! Let us find out what this does to your health and well-being.

What is Depression?

Depression is a serious mental health issue. It impacts the way you feel, think, and act in everyday life. Feeling worthless and loss of interest in activities you enjoy are its two of the many symptoms. Without proper treatment, depression can lead to many emotional and physical health issues.

Let us take a look at the emotional symptoms of this mental health issue.

Emotional Symptoms of Depression

  • Feelings of sadness, emptiness, and hopelessness

  • Bad temper, irritability, negativity, and aggression

  • Avoidance of social activities with others

  • Loss of interest in sex

  • Numb or absent emotions

  • Persistent thoughts of suicide and death

  • Guilts for things out of control

  • Concern with failure

That is not all. There are some serious behavioral symptoms of depression.

Behavioral Symptoms of Depression

  • Indecision and self-doubt

  • Trouble in processing and remembering information

  • Trouble with concentrating on the task at hand

  • Inability to fulfill professional responsibilities

  • Decreased interest in personal appearance and health

  • Avoidance of social activities with friends and family

Fortunately, there is yoga for depression to help you get out of this problem.

But, Depression does not occur all of a sudden. There are some factors responsible for this health issue.

Factors Responsible for Depression

Given below are the major culprits behind the onset of depression.

  • Genetics

  • Brain Structure

  • Neurotransmitters

  • Physiological Predisposition

  • Psychological Factors

  • Environmental Factors

The ancient art of yoga can help you get back that lost zeal for life.

How Can Yoga Help Me With Depression?

Yoga is not a 20 th century fitness trend. It is an ancient art the origins of which go back more than 5000 years. Yoga has in-depth knowledge about the functioning of human body and mind.

That said, many studies point out towards certain benefits of yoga. These include:

  • Minimal impact of stress

  • Helps with anxiety and depression

  • Improves mental and physical energy levels

Daily practice of yoga for depression reduces suicidal thoughts in those with depression.

That said, it is time we take a look at the best yoga asanas to treat depression.

Yoga Poses to Beat Depression

Depression robs you of the zeal and love for life. It makes it difficult to even find the energy to get off the bed in morning.

Needless to say, the ancient art of yoga has a few techniques to help you get back that lost enthusiasm for life.

1. Extended Triangle Pose

Yoga experts recommend the Extended Triangle Pose for those with depression. This alleviates depression symptoms. In the long run this yoga exercise helps you cope better in life.

2. Butterfly Pose

Are you looking for a simple yoga for depression pose? The Butterfly pose helps you remain in the moment. This yoga asana focuses on internal breathing to help with internal reflection. Butterfly pose also offers the powers of meditation as this is a meditative pose.

3. Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose is a powerful yoga inversion that helps open your heart. This yoga asana provides you more space to think and focus on what is important. Join a certified yoga school to learn this yoga pose from experienced yoga teachers.

4. Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose

The Legs-Up-The-Wall is a powerful yoga for depression asana that calms your mind. It is the best yoga exercise for complete body relaxation. It also relaxes your lower back.

5. Child’s Pose

The Child’s pose offers your body and mind with a sense of calm and stability. This is a calming yoga pose.

Depression is a medical condition that requries immediate attention. But, if you want to cure it using a natural and holistic method then do these yoga asanas. Enroll in a certified yoga school to learn how yoga can help you keep depression away for good.


Depression is a serious mental health concern. Feeling sad now and then is normal. But if it has become an everyday affair for you, it is time to give yoga a try. Join the Yoga Alliance certification to learn yoga asanas and get back that lost zeal for life.