Fixing Brother Printer Offline Issue on Windows 10

Experiencing your Brother printer showing as offline on Windows 10 can disrupt your printing tasks. Here’s a comprehensive guide to troubleshoot and Brother printer offline fix windows 10 issue effectively.

Step 1: Check Printer Connection

  1. Physical Connection: Ensure the USB or network cables connecting your printer to the computer are securely plugged in.
  2. Restart Devices: Power off your printer and computer, then restart them after a minute to re-establish connections.

Step 2: Set Printer as Default

  1. Access Printer Settings: Open “Settings” on your Windows 10 PC.
  2. Devices: Go to “Devices,” then select “Printers & scanners.”
  3. Set as Default: Right-click on your Brother printer and choose “Set as default printer.”

Step 3: Restart Print Spooler Service

  1. Open Services: Type “services.msc” in the Windows search bar and press “Enter.”
  2. Locate Print Spooler: In the Services window, find “Print Spooler” from the list.
  3. Restart Service: Right-click on “Print Spooler” and select “Restart.”

Step 4: Update Printer Driver

  1. Device Manager: Right-click the Start button and select “Device Manager.”
  2. Printers Category: Expand the “Print queues” category.
  3. Update Driver: Right-click on your Brother printer and choose “Update driver.”

Step 5: Clear Print Queue

  1. Access Print Queue: Open “Control Panel” and go to “Devices and Printers.”
  2. Open Printer: Right-click on your Brother printer and select “See what’s printing.”
  3. Cancel Print Jobs: Click “Printer” from the menu bar and choose “Cancel All Documents.”

Step 6: Reinstall Printer Software

  1. Remove Printer: Go to “Devices and Printers,” right-click your Brother printer, and select “Remove device.”
  2. Reinstall Software: Visit the Brother website, download the latest printer driver/software, and reinstall it.

Step 7: Restart Print Spooler (again)

  1. Repeat Step 3: Once more, restart the “Print Spooler” service using the Services

Step 8: Test Printing

  1. Print Test Page: Send a print job to your Brother printer to verify if it’s back online.
  2. Check Connectivity: Ensure the printer responds and prints without displaying an offline status.

Troubleshooting Tips (if needed):

  • Ensure the printer is powered on and not displaying any error messages.
  • Use Brother’s official website for downloading the correct and updated printer drivers.

By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and resolve the Brother printer offline issue on Windows 10, restoring seamless printing functionality to your Brother printer

Simple Guide: Resetting Your Brother Printer to Factory Settings

Resetting your Brother printer to factory settings can resolve various issues or prepare it for a fresh start. Follow these steps to perform a factory reset on your Brother printer.

Step 1: Prepare for Reset

  1. Turn Off Printer: Power off your Brother printer and ensure it’s disconnected from any power source.
  2. Review Manual: Refer to your printer’s manual or visit the Brother support website for model-specific reset instructions.

Step 2: Access Maintenance Mode

  1. Press Key Sequence: Turn on the printer while holding down specific keys as advised by the printer’s manual.
  2. Enter Maintenance Mode: Continue holding the keys until the printer enters “Maintenance Mode.”

Step 3: Perform Factory Reset

  1. Locate Reset Options: Use the printer’s navigation keys to find the “Reset” or “Factory Reset” option in the Maintenance Mode menu.
  2. Confirm Reset: Select the reset option and confirm your choice to reset the printer to its factory settings.

Step 4: Wait for Reset

  1. Wait for Process: The printer will undergo the reset process, deleting all stored data and restoring default settings.
  2. Follow On-screen Prompts: If prompted, confirm the reset action to proceed.

Step 5: Restart Printer

  1. Exit Maintenance Mode: Once the reset is complete, exit the Maintenance Mode by following the instructions on the screen or as per the manual.
  2. Power On Printer: Turn on the printer and wait for it to initialize with factory default settings.

Step 6: Test Printer Functionality

  1. Print Test Page: Send a test print to ensure the printer is operational after the factory reset.
  2. Check Settings: Verify that default settings are restored and the printer functions normally.

Step 7: Reconfigure Printer (if needed)

  1. Network Settings: If using WiFi, reconfigure the printer’s network settings as required.
  2. Driver Installation: Reinstall printer drivers on connected devices if necessary.

How to reset Brother printer to factory settings can resolve persistent issues or prepare it for a fresh start. Follow these steps carefully to reset your printer back to its factory default settings.

Fixing Brother Printer Offline Issue on Windows 10ultima modifica: 2024-01-10T09:00:05+01:00da mynewspost