Brewing Of Gunpowder Green Tea Factory Tea

With the successive launch of Chinese Green Tea, people who like fresh and refreshing taste will inevitably buy some to taste. But do you know how to make a good cup of green tea? The brewing of green tea is very particular. It is not simply brewing with boiling water to make its fragrance fully exudes.

Simply put, because green tea has not been fermented to keep the tea itself fresh and tender, pay special attention to the three key points of water temperature, brewing method, and brewing time when brewing, otherwise it will easily cause the tea to be soaked and mature. Turbidity, no aroma.


  1. The water temperature should not be too high. The water temperature for brewing green tea is not easy to be too high, and 85°C is suitable. In actual operation, after the water is boiled, it is more suitable to open bubbles after cooling for three minutes.


  1. The brewing method varies from tea to tea. Green tea with high stretch and tenderness, such as Biluochun and Xinyang Maojian, etc., is suitable for brewing by the upper casting method, that is, hot water is poured into the cup first, and then the tea leaves; green tea with medium stretch and tenderness, such as Huangshan Mao Feng, Luan melon slices, etc., suitable for the mid-investment method, that is, inject 1/3 cup of water first, and then fill up with the water after the tea is poured; while the green tea with tighter tea leaves and lower tenderness is suitable for the down-cast method , That is, put an appropriate amount of tea first, and then inject water.


  1. Brewing time is 3 minutes. Generally, the amount of green tea is 3 grams, the ratio of tea to water is controlled at about 1:50, and the brewing time is 3 minutes. After drinking two-thirds of the tea soup, you need to fill it with water again, so that each tea can be brewed about 3 times.

According to the above method introduced by Zhenan Gunpowder Green Tea Factory, a cup of fresh and sweet green tea can be brewed perfectly. In addition to enjoying the freshness and refreshing brought by green tea, it is also a great pleasure to appreciate the turning and stretching of green tea in the water. Therefore, when brewing green tea, you can choose a transparent glass.

Brewing Of Gunpowder Green Tea Factory Teaultima modifica: 2021-06-25T08:59:12+02:00da zhenantea