Brewing Of Gunpowder Green Tea Factory Tea

With the successive launch of Chinese Green Tea, people who like fresh and refreshing taste will inevitably buy some to taste. But do you know how to make a good cup of green tea? The brewing of green tea is very particular. It is not simply brewing with boiling water to make its fragrance fully exudes.

Simply put, because green tea has not been fermented to keep the tea itself fresh and tender, pay special attention to the three key points of water temperature, brewing method, and brewing time when brewing, otherwise it will easily cause the tea to be soaked and mature. Turbidity, no aroma.


  1. The water temperature should not be too high. The water temperature for brewing green tea is not easy to be too high, and 85°C is suitable. In actual operation, after the water is boiled, it is more suitable to open bubbles after cooling for three minutes.


  1. The brewing method varies from tea to tea. Green tea with high stretch and tenderness, such as Biluochun and Xinyang Maojian, etc., is suitable for brewing by the upper casting method, that is, hot water is poured into the cup first, and then the tea leaves; green tea with medium stretch and tenderness, such as Huangshan Mao Feng, Luan melon slices, etc., suitable for the mid-investment method, that is, inject 1/3 cup of water first, and then fill up with the water after the tea is poured; while the green tea with tighter tea leaves and lower tenderness is suitable for the down-cast method , That is, put an appropriate amount of tea first, and then inject water.


  1. Brewing time is 3 minutes. Generally, the amount of green tea is 3 grams, the ratio of tea to water is controlled at about 1:50, and the brewing time is 3 minutes. After drinking two-thirds of the tea soup, you need to fill it with water again, so that each tea can be brewed about 3 times.

According to the above method introduced by Zhenan Gunpowder Green Tea Factory, a cup of fresh and sweet green tea can be brewed perfectly. In addition to enjoying the freshness and refreshing brought by green tea, it is also a great pleasure to appreciate the turning and stretching of green tea in the water. Therefore, when brewing green tea, you can choose a transparent glass.

How To Brew Chinese Green Tea

Different Chinese Green Tea has different brewing teas, and different tea sets are required to brew different teas. These are all exquisite. I believe that old tea friends know this well, and many new tea friends will not. Clearly, the way we usually make tea is just one of them.


Tea drinking began in the Western Han Dynasty, and then the cooking methods of tea slowly developed. There are generally four ways to make tea in my country’s history, namely, brewing tea, sencha, ordering tea, and making tea. The specific introduction is as follows:

One, the method of making tea. In the history of our country, there was no way to make tea before the Tang Dynasty. To drink tea, you would just pick raw tea leaves and boil them directly. After the Tang Dynasty, they would boil dried tea leaves for drinking. Since the Ming Dynasty, the method of making tea was mainly popular among ethnic minorities.


Two, Gunpowder Green Tea Factory Sencha method. Sencha method is a more multi-process tea making method. First of all, you must prepare the utensils and water for sencha. The main procedures of the sencha method are preparation, water selection, fire, hot soup, broiled tea, milled tea, Luo tea, Sencha (toss tea, stir), drink tea. They are more cumbersome, and there are more details. The difference between the sencha method and the tea brewing method is that the tea leaves can be put in cold water or hot water when making tea. This is not particular, and it takes a longer time to boil; while the sencha method needs to be boiled in boiling water. When the tea is boiled, it takes as long as the tea is brewed.

Introduction To The Growth Of Chinese Green Tea

As for green tea, everyone knows that green tea refers to a drink made from the new leaves or buds of the tea tree, without fermenting, after finishing, shaping, and drying. Today, I’m going to introduce you to the production of Yuexicui. The main purpose of introducing you to this topic is that many friends are not clear enough about the production of Yuexicui. Although they all know green tea, they are I still don’t know what is going on, so interested friends can check out the introduction brought by Zhenan Gunpowder Green Tea Factory, I believe it will help you.
Yuexicui production situation

Chinese Green Tea trees generally grow in woodlands 500-800 meters above sea level, and the ecological environment of the tea garden is unique. Due to the ups and downs of the mountains, clouds and mists, long springs, mild climate, large temperature difference between day and night, the soil in the tea garden is rich in humus, is moistened by rain and dew all the year round, and is illuminated by slow light. , Formed the unique and excellent internal quality of Cuijian tea. At present, there are 131,000 mu of tea gardens in Yuexi County, and about 110,000 mu of tea gardens suitable for enterprises to harvest Cuijian tea. The county’s annual output of various types of dry tea is about 3,000 tons, the output value of tea is 340 million yuan, and the proportion of Cuijian tea is about 25%.

How To Choose The Water For Making Tea For Green Tea 3505

Anyone who knows Chinese Green Tea knows that to make good tea, you need to use good water to make good tea. Only good water can make good tea taste. Bad water can turn good tea into Lai tea. How does the taste and texture of tea in China have a direct relationship with water, and why? What are the factors that affect the taste of the water used when making tea? How many people really know these issues?


In fact, the water used to make tea is the most important factor in determining the taste and taste of tea. Good tea needs good water, and good water makes good tea. This is an unchanging principle. First, it is particularly good to use mountain spring water to make tea, followed by rivers. Lake water, once again is deep well water, and now most people use mineral water to make tea. The reason why it is said that the water used when making tea will affect the taste and taste of tea is because:

1, mountain spring water. Mountain spring water contains many kinds of minerals, the taste is particularly sweet, and the host quality is excellent and stable. It is especially good for making tea. The taste and taste of tea made with mountain spring water are excellent.


2, rivers and lakes. The water in rivers and lakes far away from pollution is oxidized, precipitated, diluted and softened and purified and used to make tea.


3. Deep well water. The deep well water has the protection of the water layer, and the deep well water is less polluted and the water quality is sweet. It is better to make tea.


4. Mineral water. Mineral water is processed groundwater, rich in minerals and trace elements, and has a sweet taste. It has a good taste when used to make tea and is very beneficial to human metabolism and health.


After reading the above introduction, everyone has the answer in mind. Of course, the best water for Green Tea 3505 is mountain spring water, then rivers and lakes, and then deep well water. It is a pity that these three types are in the current society. It’s harder to get, so I have to use mineral water to make tea.

Sincere Christmas Wishes – ZHENAN TEA

With the constant invasion of cold air, we are about to enter Christmas night in 2020. As Chinese people, words can best express people’s hearts. Then bring a series of Christmas greetings, and send you the most sincere Christmas wishes.


The arrival of Christmas will increase your happiness and reduce your sorrow! Friends who send this message will be happy; Friends you receive will bring happiness! Let’s cheer for Christmas!

White snowflakes, colorful Christmas trees and gorgeous fireworks set off colorful Christmas together. I can’t express my heart by writing my blessing in poetry or painting. I decided to bless you with a short message: Merry Christmas.

Christmas is festive, Christmas stockings are filled with good luck, Christmas trees are hung with good luck, Christmas bells are ringing with happiness, and Christmas messages sent by Santa Claus are filled with my most sincere greetings to you. I wish you a merry Christmas and happy every day!

Christmas is coming soon. I put all the happiness, good fortune, wealth, spirit and luck I have collected for a year into a beautiful box. On Christmas Day, let Santa bring them to you, wishing you a merry Christmas!

Christmas greetings! Solemnly declare: You are not allowed to discount this blessing without permission, such as not replying or sending it in groups. Once I find any violation, I will send my blessing without interruption until your mobile phone is cut off.

You are rice, you are clothes, you are my sweet little sweet; You are the sea, I am the fish, and you can swim around; You are a kite, I am a thread, and my thoughts for you will not change. Christmas is safe with you, and happiness is sweet forever.

Christmas is approaching. For the sake of the earth’s environment and resources, and to show our love for the President, please consciously reduce the purchase of traditional paper money greeting cards. You can fill in a congratulatory message on the RMB printed with the President and send it to me. Thank you!

Sunset is dyed with sunlight, night falls, white snow is inlaid with pine trees, laughter is inlaid with costumes, and the western ocean is used for China. It is said that it is fashionable, but it is no longer fashionable. Santa Claus has unveiled the imperial list and was once the top scholar in high school. I wish you all a merry Christmas!

I hope that in the future journey, all my friends will be in good health, all the best and all the wishes will come true. All dreams come true, all hopes come true and all wishes come true. May Christmas be happy.

I like the vitality of spring, the green shade of summer, the fruitful results of autumn and the snow in winter! I prefer to send my best wishes to the people I like at this time of year: Merry Christmas!

When human beings think, God laughs. When God laughs, Christmas comes. Gifts are received as soon as Christmas comes. Happiness is broadcast as soon as the gift is received. As soon as happiness is broadcast, blessings are sent. Merry Christmas!

The gentle wind brings a faint bell; Excited bells witness peaceful celebrations. Warm Christmas Eve, light the gorgeous Christmas tree, make a long wish, wish your friends a merry Christmas and a happy life.

There is such a strange phenomenon. It is estimated that 99% people will open this message without hesitation, including you, who can’t help but be tempted because the content of my message is: Merry Christmas!

Christmas has no worries, only happiness to find; Christmas has no sorrow, only happiness takes the lead; Christmas has no pain, only happiness; Christmas has no pressure, only easy transmission. May you feel good at Christmas.


The above news is organized and released by Shengzhou City Zhenan Tea & Co.,Ltd., welcome to visit our official website:, for more news.