Creato da Cartman72 il 10/08/2007

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« Paolo per sempre....Qualcuno potrebbe dire..... »

Una notte ancora per Phil

Post n°2454 pubblicato il 03 Giugno 2014 da Cartman72

Ormai ho inforcato questo filone revival e oggi torno indietro al 1985 quando Phil Collins, ormai ex Genesis, pubblica il terzo album da solista "No jacket required". Il primo singolo estratto dall'album è la bellissima "One more night" che porta il bravo Phil al primo posto in classifica dei singoli venduti per due settimane negli Stati Uniti e nella top ten nei paesi di mezzo mondo. Direi niente male.... Non che poi la carriera di Collins si sia fermata, anzi, ma forse qui ha raggounto una delle vette più alte. Voi che ne pensate? Buon ascolto e a domani!!

One more night (Phil Collins)

One more night, one more night 
I've been trying ooh so long to let you know 
Let you know how I feel 
And if I stumble if I fall, just help me back 
So I can make you see 

Please give me one more night, give me one more night 
One more night cos I can't wait forever 
Give me just one more night, oh just one more night 
Oh one more night cos I can't wait forever 

I've been sitting here so long 
Wasting time, just staring at the phone 
And I was wondering should I call you 
Then I thought maybe you're not alone 

Please give me one more night, give me just one more night 
Oh one more night, cos I can't wait forever 
Please give me one more night, ooh just one more night 
Oh one more night, cos I can't wait forever 
Give me one more night, give me just one more night 
Ooh one more night, cos I can't wait forever 

Like a river to the sea 
I will always be with you 
And if you sail away 
I will follow you 

Give me one more night, give me just one more night 
Oh one more night, cos I can't wait forever 
I know there'll never be a time you'll ever feel the same 
And I know it's only words 
But if you change your mind you know that I'll be here 
And maybe we both can learn 

Give me just one more night, give me just one more night 
Ooh one more night, cos I can't wait forever 
Give me just one more night, give me just one more night 
Ooh one more night, cos I can't wait forever

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