Creato da: blue_gory_brier666 il 16/02/2005
when love and dark life collide

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Post n°262 pubblicato il 15 Dicembre 2005 da blue_gory_brier666
Foto di blue_gory_brier666

See her looking down at us
She's so much higher I cannot reach
Her beauty dazzles me with its power
I try to pull at something deeper inside
But my hands reach out into cold emptiness

I'm falling down, world depraved, world so strange
I'm falling down into a world so strange

She smells of daffodils
Beneath the surface a rotten stench
It spreads out all over her being
Beneath that ivory skin a thousand worms
Are feasting on all that is dead

The world outside seems so strange, I'm safe here
On my own I can face my fear

This body's bruised in many ways
Cause your eyes burnt holes in its structure
I want to break free from this prison
I want to change these conditions, tear off the label
That you stitched so tightly to my skin

I'm a person
Why won't you let me be a person
That's all that I am

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