Incontro-scontro con ISLAM? Dialogo tra culture



Davide Piccardo is the editorial director of La Luce, an Italian online newspaper that covers news and events related to the Islamic community in Italy 1Piccardo is a well-known figure in the Italian Muslim community and has been a vocal advocate for Muslim rights and representation in Italy 2.

In May 2021, Facebook banned Piccardo from its platform for several weeks after he published an article about Hamas, which Facebook accused him of promoting terrorism 3La Luce criticized Facebook’s decision to censor Piccardo, calling it an attack on freedom of speech and a dangerous precedent 3.


Hamza Roberto Piccardo (Imperia7 ottobre 1952) è un attivistaeditoreislamista e traduttore italiano, responsabile di varie associazioni musulmane in Italia.


Incontro-scontro con ISLAM? Dialogo tra cultureultima modifica: 2023-10-13T15:57:05+02:00da gipo_milano